Mills Elementary School
November 18, 2024
A Note From The Principal
Dear Families,
Mills-Giving Thanksgiving Luncheon is this Thursday, Nov 21!
We are thrilled to announce that the annual MillsGiving Thanksgiving Luncheon will take place this Thursday, November 21! We anticipate a large turnout and are excited to welcome our families to campus for a special Thanksgiving meal with their child(ren).
To help us ensure the event runs smoothly for everyone, please take note of the following:
- Arrive on time and check in with our front office team. All visitors need to have/bring ID.
- There is plenty of street parking. Please do not block homeowners' driveways.
- Your child's lunchtime may be slightly adjusted to accommodate the large number of visitors on campus. Please review this schedule below and be on time to enter the lunchroom with your child for lunch.
- Once your child's lunchtime is over, please exit the cafeteria/campus to make room for the next wave of visitors/families waiting to eat with their child(ren). All visitors will exit through the bus lane doors.
- Online ticket meal purchases have closed, but families are welcome to bring outside food to enjoy. The cafe will not be accepting cash purchases of meals the day of for lunch.
Learn More About the Birthday Book Club
A note from our librarian, Sarah Rasmussen:
Celebrate your child's birthday with the Birthday Book Club! For $15 your child can pick a new book, one that has never been checked out before, and have their name memorialized on a special Mill's Library sticker carefully placed inside the front cover. On that sticker, parents can send their Mountain Lion a sweet message for their special day. If given permission, your child's photo will be displayed on our Birthday Book Club Board right outside the library so your child will see their picture when they come to school, go to lunch, and leave for the day. It will bring a smile to their face every time. It does not necessarily need to be for a birthday either. Honor a staff member or someone in your family. Click HERE to purchase.
A Note from the Counselors: Tree of Kindness & Gratitude Leaves
The campus' Social Emotional Learning (SEL) word of the month is Gratitude. In the spirit of appreciation, all our Mills students will be making a leaf in class to add to our Tree of Kindness - expressing their gratitude for the people in their lives and the things they have. Our Tree of Kindness will be displayed outside the cafeteria and will be in full bloom by next Thursday when we host Mills-Giving!
4th & 5th Grade Canned Food Drive w/ Warhol Inspired Art
Celebrate the Season of Giving with Mills 4th and 5th Grade Art Students
Mills 4th and 5th grade art students are sponsoring a Food Drive to support the Central Texas Food Bank this November. As part of the effort, 4th and 5th grade students have created Andy Warhol-inspired Campbell's Soup Cans with a gratitude twist. These creative works will be on display in the hallways throughout the school as a reminder of the spirit of giving.
Please bring your non-perishable food items directly to Mrs. Tipton's art room by November 21, when they will be delivered to the food bank.
Central Texas Food Bank's Most Needed Items:
- Peanut Butter
- Canned Chicken or Tuna
- Canned Fruit (No Added Sugar)
- Dry Pinto Beans
- Brown Rice
- Dry Pasta
- Non-fat Dry Milk Powder
- 100% Whole Grain Cereal
- Tomato Sauce
- Canned Tomatoes
- Canned Entrees
Thank you for helping make a difference!
Do You Know How to Access Your AISD Parent Portal?
Families of Austin ISD students can enter the portal to access their student's grades, attendance, bus routes, lunch information, and to access ENROLL AUSTIN yearly registration/application process.
Frontline (Parent) Self Serve-
Update student information, view report cards, and set attendance notifications, etc.
How do you access Self-Serve?
Families must first log into the AISD Portal ( and then select the Parent Self-Serve tile on the dashboard.
Priority Registration for SY 25-26
Enroll Austin Priority Registration opens on November 6, 2024. Families will be able to register for their SY 2025-2026 neighborhood school or to submit an application to another school, including admissions-based programs (i.e. Magnet). Be sure and choose the 2025-2026 school year when registering.
If you have questions or need support, please contact Kristi Thomason at
Dates to Remember
11/19- 2nd Grade Field Trip
11/21- Mills-Giving Thanksgiving Luncheon for Families
11/25-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/2- December Campus Advisory Council Meeting via Google Meets
12/3- Human Sexuality & Responsibility (HSR) Virtual Family Info Session, 3:30pm
12/4- Principal Coffee Spotlight: Inclusive Schools Week 8am, Library
12/17- Gifted & Talented Student Showcase
12/18- 4th & 5th Grade Spelling Bee
12/19- Mills Frosty Family Fun Run & Holiday Sing-a-long, 4:30pm
12/30-1/3- Austin ISD Winter Break
Ready to Volunteer on Campus?
Welcome to Austin ISD's new volunteer management platform! All Mills Elementary Volunteers must complete the application through the link above.
Thank you for your interest in supporting our students and schools.
Volunteer Opportunities at Mills! Contact the front office to learn more: 512-841-2400 or email or
Teacher Work Room
Front Office
Roaring Readers (help students with literacy)
Spanish Program Volunteer
Archived Family Newsletters
November 11-
November 4-
October 21-
October 7-
September 30-
September 23-
September 16-
September 9-
September 3-
August 26-
August 19-