HF Board Notes 12/17/2024
A summary of D233 Board of Education meeting happenings
Meeting Date: December 17, 2024
4 Class of 2024 alumni earn International Baccalaureate Diplomas
The Board of Education recognized four Class of 2024 alumni who earned International Baccalaureate Diplomas including (front center) Madison Leathers, Evelyn Malvestuto, Kevin Gibek, and Undra Pillows (not pictured as he was completing semester exams at Yale University.)
Superintendent Dr. Scott Wakeley shared points of pride including:
IL State Scholars: 46 HF students were designated as 2025-26 State Scholars by the Illinois State Scholars Program. Based on ACT or SAT test scores, the sixth semester class size, unweighted class rank and GPA, the program publicly and personally identifies graduating high school seniors who possess superior academic potential. To be named an Illinois State Scholar is an outstanding accomplishment that will be a highlight of the recipient’s academic record.
7 Students Selected to IMEA All-State Conference: We're excited to share that seven of our Viking music students were selected by audition to participate in the Illinois Music Education Association All-State Music Conference from January 29-February 1, 2025 in Peoria, Illinois! Membership in these ensembles and music programs are reserved for the highest-achieving music students in the state.
IB Behavioral Science Research Trip: Earlier this month, IB students visited Mindworks in downtown Chicago. Mindworks is operated by the Roman Family Center for Decision Research at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and is home to the center's PIMCO Decision Research Laboratories. Mindworks is a working laboratory and interactive discovery center that welcomes students to participate in and learn about behavioral science research. While at Mindworks, students explored how research scientists investigate decision-making.
Vice President Nathan Legardy wished students, families, staff, board and colleagues happy holidays. As he reflects at this time of year he knows that a lot of good is happening in this building. He encourages individuals to relax, breath and enjoy. He attended a Black Educators conference in Atlanta where he attended a breakout session on strategies to help black boys excel in math. They talked about what teachers, students and parents can do to support learning. He encourages more outreach and articulation with our partner districts.
Board Member Steve Anderson thanked staff as the semester comes to a close. He spoke with business students on Friday about finance. In those classes he asked about the new cell phone policy and feedback is that teachers like the policy and students might not be as happy about it. He also encouraged individuals to get involved with common-sense gun laws to protect students across the country.
Board Member Pam Jackson shared a reminder about the importance of school safety and reflected on the tragic occurrence in Madison, Wisconsin, this week. She served as HF's delegate to the Illinois Association of School Board Resolutions at the Triple I conference. She attended the ribbon cutting and looks forward to opportunities for more tours of the culinary and design spaces.
Principal Dr. Clinton Alexander shared that we are finishing the first semester strong. He is thankful for student and staff efforts as we ride into finals. Looking toward second semester, a major push will be ACT preparation and growth as juniors prepare for the exam.
Chief School Business Official Dr. Lawrence Cook shared that the District received its annual financial report. He is excited to report that the district's estimated financial profile score is 3.9 out of 4 which reflects strong financial health. This score is based on five weighted categories, and the district earned a perfect 4 in all categories except for the long-term debt margin. In this category, it received a 3 due to its current debt capacity of 56%. 75% or greater debt capacity is required to earn a score of 4. As a result, the district’s financial profile designation is Recognition, which is the highest designation awarded by ISBE.
Director of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Jen Hester highlighted finals week preparation with teachers creating study guides and review lessons to prepare students. She thanked teachers and students for their efforts. Students have access to a full range of tutoring services during the week and weekend throughout the semester. Tutoring sessions have been full. During the Winter concert series last week and this weekend, students and teachers did a beautiful job including Mrs. Whitlock, Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Engrav, Mr. Sifner, Mr. Love and Ms. Helsel-Wilk.
Director of Communications and Community Engagement Carla Erdey shared that the ribbon cutting for the Culinary and Design Labs was held tonight in collaboration with the Southland Chamber of Commerce. Great connections were made between Director of Career Pathways and Workforce Development Michelle Meadows and potential business partners at the event.
Culinary teachers Jontil Grubs, LaTasha Scott, Khayla Kelley, Christina Clark and their students prepared delicious appetizers for the guests and answered questions about the new learning spaces. Guests toured the Design Labs, Residential Kitchen and Commercial Kitchen. The new spaces open the door to students earning Industry Credentials and Dual Credit before high school graduation, preparing them to enter the workforce directly after graduation or continue their education at a two- or four-year college.
District extends 3.4% levy and abates equivalent $1.43M to taxing body
The Board of Education took action on financial items to extend a 3.4% tax levy and abate an equivalent $1.43 million back to the taxing body. The abatement is the result of participation in the Property Tax Abatement program. This practice has been followed by the district since the 2022-2023 school year, bringing the total to nearly $30 million given back to taxpayers over the past several years.
At the November Board meeting, Chief School Business Official Dr. Lawrence Cook explained that the maximum increase the district could levy is 3.4% over the amount extended last year.
He recommended that the district levy the cap for the following reasons:
While the CPI is trending downward, the cost of goods and services remains high, with a 3.4% increase last year, following a 6.5% increase two years ago, and a 7.0% increase three years ago.
The district has entered into a competitive contract agreement with its largest organization.
The adoption of a budget that spans two fiscal years.
Working Cash
The district approved a special tax levy for working cash. The district levies a minimal amount in its working cash fund. When needed, the working cash fund can be used to transfer funds to the education, transportation, or operations funds.
The Board adopted a loss factor resolution. For at least eight years, the district has collected roughly 94% of its tax levy due to delinquent payments, appeals, and other adjustments. This is the primary reason for the recommended 6% loss factor. It's important to note that any adjustment will not exceed the capped levy amount.
Reduction of Certain Fund Levies
The Board adopted a resolution for the reduction of certain fund levies. If reassessments or economic decline lead to a reduction in the total taxable base, the total amount for the district to levy decreases. When this occurs, the district requests the county to reduce its levy in the education fund, which is the largest fund in the budget.
Truth in Taxation Law
By law, the district must certify that its proposed levy does not exceed the prior year's extension by more than 5%. The Board approved this at the meeting.
Auditor Services Contract Renewal Approved
Three years ago, the district entered into a contract with Lauterbach & Amen for auditing services at rates of $16,000 for FY22, $16,500 for FY23, and $17,000 for FY24. Tonight, the Board approved extending the contract with the auditor for FY2025: $17,500, FY2026: $18,000 and FY2027: $20,000.
Chief School Business Official Dr. Lawrence Cook contacted 17 other school districts, and their cost for auditing services ranged from $23,000 to $59,100, with an average rate of $37,700. Therefore, he strongly believes that the proposed rate offered by Lauterbach & Amen is of great value for the auditing services that the district receives.
Graduation Requirement Policy Amended
The Board of Education amended Policy 6:300 to include updated language and to change the units of credits required for graduation in the discipline of Social Science from 3.5 units of credit to 3.0 units of credit starting with the graduating class of 2026.
The State requires 2 units of credit in social science. This change keeps HF's requirements above the state requirement while meeting the mandated needs. The district previously approved a semester-long course to meet the State requirement for consumer economics. Students who choose can still take a year-long economics course.
This change is being made to create space in students' schedules for anticipated new state requirements including two years of World Language. It also provides space in students' schedules to complete Career Pathways and provides student choice in the courses they take.
Personnel Committee Report
In Other Action, the Board Approved:
- Regular Board Meeting Minutes, November 19, 2024
- Expenditures, $1,453,626.52, Imprest Fund, $14,267.04, November, 2024, Payroll, $3,073,773.18
- Personnel Retirement/Resignation/Employment Contracts: Extra Responsibility Contracts - Activity Assignments, $1,917.00, Athletic Assignments, $10,417.38, Sixth Assignments, $71,367.54, Auxiliary Contracts, $3,000.00
Upcoming Board Meeting Dates
The District 233 School Board meets at 7:00 p.m. in the school's Viking Room - unless otherwise indicated. Upcoming meeting dates:
- January 21, 2025
- February 18, 2025
- March 18, 2025
- April 15, 2025
- May 20, 2025
- June 17, 2025