What's Up Westside
May 17, 2024
For WSHS Families
Join Us at the West Seattle 5K
THIS Sunday, May 19, Alki Beach, Register Now!
Sunday is the day we've been waiting for! It's not too late to join the West Seattle community event of the year that raises funds to support WSHS student success.
You can still register to run/walk or volunteer to help make the West Seattle 5k a success. Sign up to volunteer!
Pride Month Kickoff Celebration
Thursday, May 30, 6-7pm, WSHS Library
Join the WSHS PTSA and GSA for a student-led kickoff of the Pride Month celebration! This event is open to everyone.
- Hear from Sam Cristol, SPS LGBTQ+ Support Project Program Coordinator
- Enjoy colorful snacks
- Create arts and crafts that will decorate the school
- Enjoy our vibrant WSHS Community -
WSHS Drama Production
WWE - The Musical
June 4th, 5th, 6th
7pm WSHS Theater
WSHS Music Concerts
All Concerts 7pm, WSHS Theater
Save the dates for our music department's end of year concerts!
- Monday, June 10: Jazz Ensembles I and II
- Wednesday, June 12: Concert Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, and Choir
- Thursday, June 13: Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Percussion Ensemble
Yearbook Waitlist
The order deadline for 2023–2024 yearbooks has passed. If you missed the deadline and want a yearbook, please add your name to our waitlist. Ms. Ferda will let you know if there are any extras left over.
Student Life
Student Talent Show
Thursday, May 30, 6pm, Enter Now!
Dazzle your classmates with your skills at the annual Student Talent Show.
Students must complete the entry form by TODAY, Friday, May 17. No audition required.
Theme: 24k Gold
Date: June 7th, 2024
Time: 8-11 pm with no entry after 9:30
Location: Fremont Foundry (154 N 35th St, Seattle, WA 98103)
Price: $35 per ticket- with Activity Sticker $40 per ticket- without Activity Sticker
Note Important Dates for Graduating Seniors
- Thursday, May 23: Senior Awards Night at 6pm in the Theater
- Monday, June 3: Senior Checkout sheets released
- Friday, June 7: Prom, 8–11pm at The Foundry
- Friday, June 14: Seniors last day in classes; Senior Checkout sheets due
- Monday, June 17: Senior Breakfast and graduation practice
- Tuesday, June 18: Graduation at 8pm at Memorial Stadium
- Thursday, June 20: Diplomas available for pickup in the Main Office
PTSA Presents
Come to the Final PTSA Membership Meeting
Thursday, May 30, 5:30–6pm, WSHS Library
Join us for the WSHS PTSA's last and most important meeting of the year!
This is the time your voice matters most. PTSA members will be voting on next year's PTSA priorities, officers, and budget. Come be a part of the solution, and stay for our Pride Month Kickoff Celebration immediately following!
Join the 2024–2025 PTSA Board
There is no better way to know what's going on, meet other parents, and support student success than by serving on the WSHS PTSA board!
Commit to two hours each month for our kids.
We are seeking a membership chair, legislative chair, ASB representatives, and staff representatives for next year's board. Email president@wshsptsa.org to find out more.
Counseling Center
Visit the Counseling Center Website for resources related to academics, college and career, and mental health and wellness.
Running Start Updates:
Counselors will be in the Commons every day during lunch 5/20- 5/31 to sign EVF’s and assist students in Running Start registration. The deadline for Running Start registration is May 31st, and counselors will not sign EVF’s after that date.
For Seniors:
Please turn in your community service hours if you haven’t already. As a reminder, 60 hours are required for graduation. You can find the service learning forms under “Counseling Forms” at this link: https://westseattlehs.seattleschools.org/resources/counseling-center/
Also, if you play a sport and are waiving PE for graduation, please turn in your PE waiver. You will not be allowed to purchase prom tickets without PE waiver submission. Waivers can be found under “Counseling Forms” at this link: https://westseattlehs.seattleschools.org/resources/counseling-center/
Book an Appointment with Your Counselor
- Erica Nguyen (Last Names A–Fe)
- Kinsey Hedeen (Last Names Fi–Marg)
- Mallory Neuman (Last Names Mari–Pig)
- Christine Nutters (Last Names Pin–Z)
Find Counseling Forms
Athletic Announcements
Wildcats are still competing - we wish all of you the best as you represent WSHS at State!
Seattle Public Schools News
Well-Resourced Elementary Schools Community Meetings
You are invited to join Seattle Public Schools for an upcoming community meeting. During these meetings, senior leaders will share information about the proposed plan for creating a system of well-resourced schools that serve students in kindergarten through 5th grade.
May and June Community Meetings Dates
- Saturday, May 25, 10:30 a.m. – noon, Garfield High School, 400 23rd Ave.
- Tuesday, May 28, 6 – 7:30 p.m., Roosevelt High School, 1410 NE 66th St.
- Saturday, June 1, 10:30 a.m. – noon, Chief Sealth International High School, 2600 SW Thistle
- Tuesday, June 4, 6 – 7:30 p.m., Zoom meeting
Capital Levy Report to the Community
Capital levies are the main source of funding for school construction and building improvements, as well as technology. This report provides an update on how Seattle Public Schools is delivering on the building construction and improvement projects promised in BEX V and BTA V as of December 2023.
SPS Student Device Return
All SPS devices (laptops, chargers, and Wi-Fi hotspots) need to be returned at the end of the school year. A fine will be applied to the student account if the device or accessory is not returned. Learn More.
Music During Summer Break
Stay connected to music instruction over the summer with the Seattle All-City Band! The band brings together students from schools throughout the greater Seattle area to entertain in upwards of 20 parades and community celebrations each summer. Learn More!
Apply for School Year Skills Center
The Seattle Skills Center application for the 2024–25 school year is now open. Find a wide range of courses designed to prepare students for college, career and life!
Community Connections
Discover Washington: Youth Heritage Project
Due Friday, May 17, Apply Now
The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation invites high school students to participate in a four-day, hands-on interactive field-school at Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve, July 16–19. Students will explore the nation’s oldest historical reserve to learn about maritime heritage and the impact of climate change on the preservation of historic and cultural resources. There will be opportunities to engage in hands-on activities to help conservation efforts, visit historic sites throughout the Reserve, learn about co-management of cultural resources, and to better understand this historic area.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.