Harmony Happenings
September 9 2024
Thoughts from Dr. Cohen
Dr. Cohen is out this week but will have a new Thought to share next week.
After school clubs
There is still time to sign up for our fall afterschool programs.
Soccer Stars
Started last Monday and will meet each Monday. They will take students at any time during the season.
Creative Dance Kids
The Knight School
Chess on Thursday. This was a huge hit last year.
Kiss and Go lane
Please adhere to the parking signs when entering the kiss and go lane on the East side of the building. You will see that there is a no left hand turn sign, yet many cars continue to make that left.
Friendly reminder
Please remember the main entrance is not a drop off spot.
Kindergarten and 1st grades enter through door 12 starting at 7:35 am (unless they are eating breakfast, in which case a staff member will walk them to class).
2-5th grades line up on the playground no later than 7:40am as teachers will be out around 7:42 to escort students to class (2-5th can eat in the cafeteria starting at 7:20 and then return to the playground).
6-8th grades - line up on the west side of the building near where the buses drop off. Breakfast is provided on a cart out near the mobiles.
PTO Corner
In order to operate as a school, we need to do some fundraising to support our student's, teachers, and classrooms. Your PTO works really hard to secure, practical, easy to do and fun fundraisers. The color run is one of those. If you are able, please have your student participate. Here is what we have coming up in the near future.
PTO meeting this Tuesday the 10th at 5:00 in the media center.
Panda Express Spirit Night (who wants to not have to cook)
Harmony Ridge Colror Run for FUNd's
From you Student Council
Student Council - Happy Labor Day Weekend to all! Hopefully you received a September 2024 activity calendar in your child’s Thursday folder! If not, please be on the lookout for one on Tuesday or use the link below! We are also excited to announce the winner of our StuCo presidential election held this past week: Braden! Check out his campaign video here!
Congratulations to all who ran! Each of them will be taking on other leadership roles within StuCo and the Student Ambassador Program!
The weeks ahead
September 9 - Track practice 2:30-4:30
Soccer Stars - 2:45-4:00 meet in the front of the building. Pick up on the east side in kiss and go lane
September 10 -Track practice 2:30-4:30
Girls Track City Qualifying 5:00
POMS 2:45-4:00
PTO meeting 5:00 in the media center
September 11 - Track practice 2:30-4:30
Student Council - 2:45-3:15
Boys Track City Qualifying 5:00pm
September 12 - Track practice 2:30-4:30
Chess Club 2:30 Media center
September 13 - Track practice 2:30-4:30
September 14 - Track City Championships
September 16 - Soccer stars 2:30
September 17 -POMs in theater room 2:45
September 18 - Girls Soccer/Boys Volleyball begins 2:30
Student Council meeting 2:45-3:15
September 19 -Girls Soccer/Boys Volleyball 2:30
Chess club 2:30 Media Center
September 20 -Girls Soccer/Boys Volleyball 2:30
Before/After Care
Harmony has a new before/aftercare partner. If you need to sign up, here is the link to innovation learning.