What's Up Westside
January 24, 2025
Calendar At A Glance
- January 25: Saturday Study Hall (WSHS Library, 9am–12pm)
- January 27–28: Semester 1 Finals
- January 29: Semester 2 Begins
- January 30: Incoming Student Open House (WSHS Commons, 6–7:30pm)
- January 31: Senior Shout-Out Due
- February 1: Winter Formal (Seattle Design Center, 8–11pm, Tickets, Volunteer)
- February 7: Lunar New Year Celebration (WSHS Theater and Commons, 7–8:30pm, Volunteer)
- February 10: West Seattle Booster Club Meeting (West Seattle Realty, 7pm)
- February 17–21: NO SCHOOL, Mid Winter Break
- February 26: Screenagers: Under the Influence (WSHS Theater, 6pm)
Volunteer Opportunities
Chaperone the Winter Formal Dance
Saturday, February 1, Seattle Design Center, 8–11pm, Sign Up
Parents and guardians, the ASB needs volunteers to chaperone the Winter Formal dance. Choose from two short shifts.
Support the Lunar New Year Celebration
We need adult volunteers to help the student organizers set up and run the event. Please sign up to help if you can.
Sign Up Your Business for the WSHS Job Fair
Wednesday, March 26, 11:45am–2:30pm, Sign Up Now
Do you own or manage a local business or organization? Do you work for a great local company? You are invited to showcase your spring, summer and fall positions available to our high school students and soon-to-be graduates.
Help Plan the West Seattle 5K
Sunday, May 18
The West Seattle 5K Run/Walk is an annual fundraiser benefiting educational programming at West Seattle High School. We are currently forming a committee to help plan this year’s event with co-chairs Kelley O’Connor and Athena Frederick. Interested? Please email westseattle5k@westseattle5k.com.
For WSHS Families
Incoming Student Open House
Thursday, January 30, WSHS Commons, 6–7:30pm
Incoming students and their families are invited to meet our staff, visit with each of our academic departments, learn about clubs and sports, and tour the school.
Lunar New Year Celebration
Friday, February 7, WSHS Theater and Commons, 7–8:30pm
The WSHS Lunar New Year Celebration is just two weeks away! Join the AAPI Club & Chinese Program for an all-ages community celebration to welcome the Year of the Snake! Experience Lunar New Year traditions, enjoy delicious Asian food, and try your luck at fun challenges and trivia to win prizes. This year’s program will feature student performances of traditional music, bamboo and lion dancing, as well as a student panel sharing how this global holiday is celebrated in our WSHS school community. We’ve got big plans for this year’s event with fun new games, activities, and a festive photo booth to capture memories with family and friends, so be sure not to miss out!
Admission is free and open to all WSHS families thanks to a generous grant from the WSHS PTSA. We need adult volunteers to help the student organizers set up and run the event. Please sign up to help if you can.
West Seattle Booster Club Meeting
Monday, February 10, West Seattle Realty (2715 California Ave SW), 7pm
Parents, alumni, and passionate fans are all welcome to learn how you can support the WSHS athletic program.
Screenagers: Under the Influence
Wednesday February 26, WSHS Theater, 6pm
Westside HEY invites you to join our community in watching this film that examines the impact of our digital age on teens' decision-making in relation to substances such as vaping, drugs, and alcohol. Stay afterward to meet Seattle Public Schools prevention and intervention professionals. Popcorn and light refreshments provided. Please fill out this form if you intend on using the free childcare provided. Questions? Contact Amie DeWolf.
Student Life
Saturday Study Hall
Saturday, January 25, WSHS Library, 9am–12pm
Students, get ready for semester finals! Contact your teachers and get missing or late assignments, test corrections, and study guides then come to Saturday Study Hall. Tutors will be available for students who are currently facing academic challenges in core classes. Bring your laptop, missing work, and a desire to learn. Breakfast is provided! Questions? Email Amy Doll.
Semester Finals Schedule
Monday and Tuesday, January 27–28
Please note that we will have a special schedule for semester finals:
Requesting Mid-Year Transcripts
Seniors, if you have heard from colleges requesting your mid-year transcripts, please read below for next steps.
- Common App Applications: If you completed the college application through the Common App, we will send your updated transcript after February 24 and no further action is required. If the college is requesting your transcript sooner, please inform them that transcripts won't be available until after February 24.
- Naviance/Non-Common App Applications: Please submit a request for a mid-year report following the instructions below. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.
- Log in to your Naviance account.
- Navigate to the "Colleges" tab.
- Select "Manage Transcripts."
- Click the large + sign to request a mid year transcript.
Good luck on your applications!
Winter Formal: City Never Sleeps
Saturday, February 1, Seattle Design Center, 8–11pm, Tickets
Tickets are now on sale via SchoolPay and in person: $30 per person; $25 with activity sticker. Prices go up on January 26: $35 per person or $30 with activity sticker. Limit one guest per student; Guest forms are due January 29. Full details on school website.
The ASB needs adult volunteers to chaperone the Winter Formal dance. Please sign up to choose from two short shifts.
PTSA Presents
Thank you to the amazing speakers at our public school funding event on Thursday night: Mary Fertakis, Oliver Miska, and Amy Vattuone. We learned about how our state funding model is failing our students and what our community can do to bring about changes. Look out for a recording of the event on our website in the next few days, check out the advocacy opportunities below, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for action items throughout this legislative session.
Billion Dollar Bake Sale Advocacy Day
Thursday, January 30, Tivoli Fountain, Olympia, 10am Rally, Register Now
Communities from across Washington will converge on Olympia to hold the ultimate Billion Dollar Bake Sale as part of an Advocacy Day. More information and resources.
WSPTA Focus on Advocacy Week
February 10–14, Subscribe to WSPTA action alerts
During this week, WSPTA will send out action alerts, focused on Top 5 issues, to members who have signed up to help by sending emails to legislators. Your voice matters!
WSPTA Student Scholarship
Application Due Thursday, February 13, Apply Now
Washington State PTA offers four $2,500 scholarships to graduating seniors from Washington state public high schools with an active PTA, who will be starting college (either two-year or four-year) in the fall. More information here.
WSPTA Focus On Advocacy Day 2025
Monday, February 17, Register Now
Join us for Focus Day at the State Capitol in Olympia. Come advocate to close the funding gaps and ensure financial stability for schools and other vital issues that impact students around the state! All WSPTA members are welcome. Bring your children to join in the fun! We need your stories, we need your voice, we need you!
Counseling Corner
Seniors: Scholarship Opportunities Begin Here
Thousands of scholarships are available to seniors and go unclaimed every year! Here are a few available opportunities for Seattle Public Schools students.
Seattle Gap Year Fair
Tuesday, February 11, Roosevelt HS, 6–8:30pm, Register Now
Connect with gap year program providers, counselors, alumni, and college admissions representatives to learn about taking a gap year, including applying for gap year scholarships.
Seattle Promise Scholarship
Application Due Friday, February 14, Apply Now
The Seattle Promise scholarship provides up to two years or 90 credits of tuition at one of the three Seattle Colleges. All SPS graduates from the Class of 2025 are eligible for Seattle Promise, regardless of GPA, income, or country of birth.
Book an Appointment with Your School Counselor
The WSHS Counseling Office prioritizes student meetings. Students can book an appointment with their assigned school counselor through the Counseling Center website. Parents/caregivers who would like to speak with a counselor should please email wshscounseling@seattleschools.org. Counselor assignments are as follows:
- Erica Nguyen: Last Names A–Et
- Kinsey Hedeen: Last Names Ev–Marg
- Mallory Neuman: Last Names Mari–Pig
- Christine Nutters: Last Names Pin–Z
Athletic Announcements
Good luck to WSHS Cheer at the State Cheerleading Championships! They are performing on Friday, January 24, at 8pm, at Battle Ground High School.
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
- January 24: Wrestling Tournament (Chief Sealth HS, 3:45pm)
- January 24: Boys Swim vs. Bishop Blanchet (Southwest Pool, 4pm)
- January 24: Gymnastics Meet (WSHS, 7pm)
- January 24: Girls Basketball vs. Holy Names (Holy Names HS, 7:30pm)
- January 24: Boys Basketball vs. O'Dea (O'Dea HS, 7:30pm)
- January 25: Girls Basketball vs. Kentlake (WSHS, 4pm)
- January 25: Boys Basketball vs. Edmonds-Woodway (WSHS, 8:30pm)
- January 27: Girls Basketball vs. Lincoln (Lincoln HS, 7:30pm)
- January 27: Boys Basketball vs. Roosevelt (WSHS, 7:30pm)
- January 29: Bowling Metro Championships (Bowlero Tukwila, 4pm, Tickets)
- January 29: Wrestling vs. Lincoln (Lincoln HS, 6:30pm)
- January 29: Wrestling vs. Lakeside (Lincoln HS, 7:30pm)
- January 29: Girls Basketball vs. Roosevelt (WSHS, 7:30pm)
- January 31: Boys Swim vs. Garfield (Medgar Evers Pool, 4pm)
- January 31: Wrestling vs. Chief Sealth ( Chief Sealth HS, 6pm)
- January 31: Gymnastics Meet (WSHS, 7pm)
Softball Skills Clinic
Sunday, February 9, SWAC Upper Field, Beginners 8:30–10 am, Advanced 10:15–11:45am
The WSHS Varsity Softball team is hosting a one-day softball skills clinic for girls ages 7–13, for only $25. Each session will cover the skills in the infield, outfield, and hitting. No pitching and catching instruction will be provided. Players, please bring your own softball equipment. Register Now!
Seattle Public Schools News
Voter-Approved Education Levies Support Seattle Students
Every three years, Seattle Public Schools asks voters to consider renewing two levies that support our students, staff, and schools. While SPS receives funding, based on enrollment, from state and federal sources, the district also relies on local levies to fund our schools. Levies help bridge the gap between what we need for students, staff, and schools and what we receive from the state.
The February 2025 levies replace current local funding sources and help SPS fund day-to-day operations for our schools and help make sure students have safe and healthy school buildings, including access to technology to meet today’s learning needs. The money collected from local, voter approved levies stays in our district to support our students. These levies will not resolve the district’s budget shortfall; they renew current funding to maintain essential school operations, provide special education services, support classroom technology, enhance school safety, and fund the renovation and repair of school facilities.
Visit the SPS website for more information.
Community Connections
Youth Civic Engagement Program
Application Due Sunday, February 2
Seattle Office of Civil Right's Youth Civic Engagement Program equips Seattle high school students with skills to drive powerful change in their communities through policy and advocacy experiences. In this program, you will learn about local government and the legislative process, receive mentorship, and write an advocacy letter about an issue you care about. You will also meet elected representatives, gain leadership and critical advocacy skills alongside your peers, boost your resume, and have fun!
UW Youth & Teen Programs
Registration Deadline Thursday, February 20
During the spring quarter, you can enroll in after-school courses, with topics ranging from STEAM and computer-aided design to architecture and writing. Visit the Winter & Spring 2025 Courses page to see the list of programs.
Serve as a Youth Board Member of the West Seattle YMCA
Application Due Saturday, March 1, Apply Now
High school students can apply for two youth board slots, which begin September 2025. Youth Board Members attend our local YMCA Board Meetings, learn about the Y's programs and bring a youth voice to the work.
Join the West Seattle Community Orchestras
WSCO provides community musicians of all ages and abilities with opportunities for performance and growth. WSCO currently serves about 260 musicians, including approximately 90 students. WSCO's large ensembles include the Symphony Orchestra, Concert Orchestra, Debut Orchestra, and Wind Symphony and small classes include Student Beginning Strings, Adult Beginning Strings, and Adult Beginning Band.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.