What's Up Westside
September 27, 2024
At A Glance
- September 30: Student Data Verification Form Due (Via The Source)
- October 1: FERPA Directory Information Opt Out Form Due
- October 1: First Tuesdays Parent Social (Larry's Tavern, 7pm)
- October 3: Homecoming and Coming Home Safe (WSHS Library, 6pm)
- October 7: WSHS Booster Club Meeting (West Seattle Realty, 7pm)
- October 10: Curriculum Night (WSHS Commons, 6:30–8pm)
October 11: NO SCHOOL, Professional Development Day
October 14–18: SAT (12th Graders)
October 15: CIEE Parent Information Meeting (WSHS Commons, 7pm)
October 21–25: PSAT (11th Graders)
October 22: Picture Retake Day
November 15: PTSA Fall Fundraiser (WSHS Commons, 5–7pm)
Wildcat Shoutouts
Congratulations to WSHS seniors Aria Erickson and Ryan Wade on being named National Merit Scholarship semifinalists! They join students around the country with the highest scores on the 2023 PSAT, and will have the opportunity to compete for a National Merit Scholarship next spring.
For WSHS Families
First Tuesdays Parent Social
Tuesday, October 1, Larry's Tavern (3405 California Ave SW), 7pm
Socialize with other WSHS parents while benefitting our students! Every first Tuesday of the month, Larry’s Tavern donates partial proceeds to the WSHS PTSA. Board members will be available starting at 7pm to greet you and answer your questions. Bingo starts at 7:30pm. All are welcome! You do not have to be a PTSA member.
Homecoming and Coming Home Safe
Thursday October 3, WSHS Library, 6pm
Join Westside HEY and WSHS PTSA for tips to prepare your family for a safe and fun Homecoming! Lynette Mitchell, MEd, will share communication strategies and how parents can effectively influence their teen's substance use choices. Afterwards, catch a presentation from the WSHS Sexual Violence Resource Group on talking with your teens about consent and dance night safety.
WSHS Booster Club Meeting
Monday, October 7, West Seattle Realty (2715 California Ave SW), 7pm
Parents, alumni, and passionate fans are all welcome to learn how you can support the West Seattle High School athletic program.
Curriculum Night
Thursday, October 10, 6:30–8pm
This is a chance for parents and guardians to go through your student’s class schedule. During each period, teachers will introduce their course and share classroom expectations.
CIEE Parent Information Meeting
Tuesday, October 15, WSHS Commons, 7pm
Is your student interested in the possibility of studying abroad this summer or at some point during high school? Please attend this presentation by the Council for International Educational Exchange (CIEE). There are generous scholarships for students who need them, including a free flight raffle for students who apply before November 1! For more information or questions, please contact volunteer site coordinator Meghan Schumacher at mkschumacher@seattleschools.org.
Start of School Forms Now Due
- Complete the Student Data Verification form by September 30. Update important student health information, emergency and family contact information, and much more. To access, log in to your Source account and select Student Data Verification form from the navigation menu.
- Apply for Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefits. Students approved for free and reduced-price meals may also be eligible to receive reduced fees for events, field trips, Running Start books, Associated Student Body (ASB) fees, pre-college exams (PSAT/SAT/ACT), college application fees, and yearbook fees. Apply online or submit the paper application.
Opt out of the release of directory information about your student by October 1. SPS may disclose appropriately designated “directory information,” unless you notify SPS in writing that you do not want the information released. If a parent/guardian would like to exclude a student’s information under FERPA, they must complete and submit the FERPA Opt Out form to their student’s school.
Student Life
School-Day SAT and PSAT
October 14–18, SAT (12th Grade, WSHS Library)
October 21–25, PSAT (11th Grade, WSHS Library)
West Seattle HS will offer a free school-day SAT for 12th graders and PSAT for 11th graders throughout the month of October. All 11th and 12th graders have been registered for their respective exams. Test sessions are assigned based on ELA class; please reference the schedule below. The exams have transitioned to a digital platform and students are required to use their SPS-issued device. Students must arrive on time; late arrivals will not be admitted to the exam.
Class of 2025 Important Dates
- October 2: Cap and Gown Meeting (During Advisory)
- November 20: Senior Quotes Due (Details and Link Here)
- January 10, 2025: Senior Portrait and Baby Photo Due (Details and Link Here)
- January 31, 2025: Senior Shoutout Due (Details and Link Here)
- February 14, 2025: Seattle Promise Scholarship Application Due (Details Here)
- June 17, 2025: Graduation Ceremony (Memorial Stadium, 5pm)
Homecoming Dance
Guest forms are available inside the Historical Entrance.
World Language Credit Testing
Students who are proficient in another language may be able to earn high school credit! Seattle Public Schools offers World Language Credit Testing in many languages on the following dates:
- October 19, 2024
- November 16, 2024
- January 18, 2025
- February 15, 2025
Find out more information about World Language Credit Testing, including languages offered and eligibility criteria.
PTSA Presents
Join the PTSA!
The WSHS PTSA advocates for our students, supports school staff, and builds community. It takes members like you to do this well! Become a member of the WSHS PTSA today. The WSHS PTSA offers membership scholarships to those who are unable to afford our membership fees; please email membership@wshsptsa.org. Be a part of making WSHS the school community you want!
Call for PTSA Mini-Grant Proposals
Applications Due Friday, November 1, Apply Now
WSHS PTSA is pleased to fund mini-grants to support teaching and learning at WSHS. Grants are available to teachers, student groups, and school volunteers. Grants can be used to purchase equipment, supplies or other tangible goods. We prioritize projects that have a lasting impact, improve equity, benefit a greater number of students, and receive no funding from SPS.
Save the Date for Our Fall Fundraiser
Friday, November 15, WSHS Commons, 5–7pm
This annual event is an evening to celebrate with each other as well as raise money to fund staff and student needs. Join us to feast on appetizers prepared by students in the culinary program, enjoy an assortment of top-notch mocktails, bid and win at the auction, and raise your paddles for our school. We are now accepting event sponsorships and donations for the auction. Please email Fred Northup at fred@frednorthup.com with any questions.
Staying Connected
The WSHS PTSA aims to be your most reliable source of up-to-date information. Please bookmark our website and like and follow us on social media.
- WSHS PTSA Website: https://wshsptsa.org/
- WSHS PTSA Facebook Page: facebook.com/westseattlehsptsa
- WSHS PTSA Instagram Page: instagram.com/westseattlehsptsa
- Email questions to: president@wshsptsa.org
Counseling Corner
College Visits and Other Events
College representatives, military recruiters, and others will be visiting WSHS during the lunch hour to talk to students about options after high school.
- October 7: Reed College Portland (Commons)
- October 8: UW Seattle (Library)
- October 10: Voter Registration Women's Group (Commons )
- October 16: Cornish College of the Arts (Commons)
- October 21: US Army/US Army Reserve (Commons)
- October 24: Oregon State (Career Center)
- October 29: University of Portland (Library)
- November 6: San Diego State University (Library)
- November 6: California Polytechnic State University (Library)
Questions? Contact your school counselor.
UNCF College and Career Fair
Sunday, October 6, Garfield High School, 11am–3pm, Register Now
UNCF is hosting the annual “Stepping Toward Success” College and Career Fair with more than 40 regional schools, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), and community and corporate tables. This event is FREE and open to the community. Music, food, prizes, and more!
Book an Appointment with Your Counselor
You can book a 30-minute appointment with your counselor! Meetings are held via Microsoft Teams. Counselor caseloads this year are as follows;
- Last Names A–Et, Book an appointment with Erica Nguyen
- Last Names Ev–Mad, Book an appointment with Kinsey Hedeen
- Last Names Mah–Pet, Book an appointment with Mallory Neuman
- Last Names Ph–Z, Book an appointment with Christine Nutters
Athletic Announcements
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
- September 27: Girls Swim vs. Nathan Hale (Southwest Pool, 4pm)
- September 27: Football vs. Lincoln (SWAC, 4:30pm)
- September 27: Ultimate vs. Franklin (Franklin HS, 7:15pm)
- September 28: Bellevue High Cross Country Invitational (Lake Sammamish State Park, 9am)
- September 28: Volleyball vs. Eastside Catholic (WSHS, 2pm)
- October 1: Golf vs. Garfield (Jefferson Park, 3pm)
- October 1: Girls Soccer vs. Eastside Catholic (Eastside Catholic Sch, 4pm)
- October 1: Volleyball vs. Bishop Blanchet (WSHS, 7pm)
- October 2: Cross Country Meet (Lower Woodland Park, Boys 3:40pm, Girls 4:10pm)
- October 3: Golf vs. Chief Sealth (West Seattle Golf, 3pm)
- October 3: Girls Soccer vs. Garfield (Garfield HS, 4pm)
- October 3: Volleyball vs. Holy Names (Holy Names, 7pm)
- October 5: Football vs. Franklin (Memorial Stadium, 2pm)
Seattle Public Schools News
Vaccination Clinics
Stay up to date with vaccines including boosters at vaccination clinics for children and adults. Find a Vaccination Clinic date and location that is convenient for you and your family. These are regional clinics open to all in the SPS community. School-based health centers also offer free vaccinations for students including COVID-19, flu, and required childhood vaccines.
Join the BEX and BTA Capital Programs Oversight Committee
Applications Due Friday, October 4, 5pm, Apply Now
SPS is accepting applications for a vacancy on the Capital Programs Oversight Committee, which oversees the planning and implementation of the Building Excellence (BEX) and Buildings, Technology, and Academics (BTA) capital levies programs. The open seat is for a partial term ending on August 30, 2027. SPS is looking for individuals with experience in capital programs, including expertise in areas such as planning, budgeting, cost estimating, project controls, and the organization and management of public agency capital programs.
Join the School Levy Voter Pamphlet Statement Committees
Applications due Monday, October 7, 5pm, Apply Now
The School Board is planning to place two levies on the ballot in February 2025. As required by state law, the district must appoint committees to prepare written statements in support of and in opposition to each levy. These statements will appear in the King County voters’ pamphlet. If you are interested in serving on a committee advocating for approval or rejection of either levy, please submit an online application.
Become a School Crossing Guard
Visit the transportation webpage for more information.
Help students feel safe and welcome when arriving to school with this part-time position. We have many schools that could use additional support to help students who walk to school safely cross dangerous roads and intersections. Questions? Please contact SPS Field Staff Supervisor Yvonne Carpenter at ylcarpenter@seattleschools.org or 206-252-0907.
Community Connections
Equity and Inclusion Virtual Speaker Series
Wednesday, October 9, 5–6:15pm, Sign Up for This Event
Dr. Gholdy Muhammad offers a unique, culturally, and historically responsive approach to cultivating genius and joy in education. Dr. Gholnecsar (Gholdy) Muhammad is an Associate Professor of Literacy, Language, and Culture at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
The Great Washington ShakeOut Drill
Thursday, October 17
Washington state will be practicing earthquake preparedness! Families, schools, businesses, or organizations can register to participate in the drill. For more information, visit the Shake Out website.
OneWorld Now After-School Program
October 21, 2024–June 13, 2025, Registration due October 6
The OneWorld Now After-School Program combines world language learning and leadership development. The program is open to students in grades 8–12. Tuition is priced on a sliding scale to allow as many students as possible to participate.
STEM Expo at UW
Sunday, November 3, UW Campus, 8:30am–2pm, FREE, Register Now
This event aims to help high school students explore STEM majors and careers. This free admission fair will exhibit UW STEM departments, student organizations, and research. It will also include informational sessions to help attendees navigate college decision-making and opportunities to explore STEM careers with STEM professionals.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.