Burns Park Family Newsletter
August 18th, 2024
From the Principal
Hello Burns Park Penguins,
As we leave the leisure of long summer days and gear up for this school year, here are a few updates for the start of school.
If you have documents or paperwork to turn in for your child's enrollment please send to Mrs. Konarske via email: konarsken@aaps.k12.mi.us or visit in the main office August 19-20, and 22-23 from 9:00-4:00.
Class Placements will be sent Thursday afternoon via email. Please note Burns Park does not take teacher requests. However, we do consider the personal information that you share throughout the year when finalizing class lists. Please give it two weeks before you reach out if you have concerns.
Burns Park will provide students with the essential supplies they need for school. We encourage all students to bring a LABELED backpack, LABELED water bottle, and LABELED lunch box (if needed). We also have these available in the office for any student that needs one. *Once you meet your child's teacher there may be some optional class wishlist items, but the essentials are covered.
Lastly, the Burns Park Parent Handbook located below is a very valuable resource. Make sure to take a look at it, it has most of the answers you could be looking for.
In partnership,
Principal Bullock
Mark Your Calendar
Popsicles on the Playground
Thank you to the parents who have reached out to let us know that you will be unable to attend this event. No worries at all! We will look forward to seeing everyone on Monday August 26th at 8:30 (for breakfast), 8:40 (for arrival) & 8:45 (start of school).
Bus Routes
Bus Routes/# and Times can all be found here.
Space Available Busing Request application open October 1, 2024.
Bell Schedule
Our bell schedule is 8:45 AM - 3:48 PM. (PLEASE know that timely arrival is important for students and teachers. We thank you in advance for getting your child to school on time each and every day.)
School Meals
School meals are free for all students for the 2024-2025 school year. Students must receive an item from each food category in order for your student’s account not to be charged. A la carte items will be charged to your student’s account. The district has asked that every family complete this Child Nutrition & Education Benefits Application.
New Penguins
Stephanie Neidlinger:
Hello! My name is Stephanie Neidlinger and I am excited to be the new Occupational Therapist
(OT) at Burns Park. I graduated from Western Michigan University with my Master’s degree in
Occupational Therapy. I have been working as a school-based OT in Ann Arbor Public Schools
since 2017.
In my free time, I enjoy reading, going for walks, traveling, and spending time with my family
and friends.
I am excited to be a part of the Burns Park community and I look forward to meeting all of you!
Jessica Austin
I am Jessica Austin, School Social Worker and I am super excited to be a part of the Burns Park Community. I officially began my journey with Ann Arbor Public Schools in Fall 2023 as a Social Worker at Allen Elementary. Following the Covid-19 pandemic I served as a Teaching Assistant/ Building Sub from 2021 to 2023 at various schools across the district including Pittsfield Elementary, Skyline High School, and High Point School. This year I will be joining you part-time, as well as continuing to serve the Allen Elementary Students and Families for the 2024-2025 school year. Although summer is my favorite season of all, I joyously look forward to welcoming your students back as we embark on a “Pengunificient” new year together.
Justin Hammis
Hello Burns Park Families, my name is Mr. Hammis. I am very excited to start teaching band
class at Burns Park Elementary School with your 5 th grade students. Your students will have a
creative and enjoyable experience in band class this upcoming school year. We will learn the
history of composers, instrumental techniques, reading music notes, expression, instruments,
and the appreciation of music. I graduated with a bachelor of music degree from the University
of Michigan in 2003 and a master of music degree from Central Michigan University in 2011. I
am beginning my 22nd year of teaching music and my third year of teaching in AAPS this
upcoming school year. This will be a special year for my students and me. I have taught
instrumental music throughout my career and really enjoy teaching the students the
instruments. They have such enthusiasm for band class. I love Ann Arbor, and I am an ardent
alum of UM. It’s nice to get to know parents and community members, so feel free to say hi. I
look forward to seeing you soon!
Natalie Konarske- Secretary to the Principal
My name is Natalie Konarske (the kids are welcome to call me Mrs. K, or Mrs. Natalie) and I am so excited to join the Burns Park Community as a permanent staff member. Many of you may remember me from last year, filling in all over the building, including as the temporary secretary at the end of last year. I have two school-aged boys joining Burns Park this year as well, in 5th and 3rd grade. I've spent the last two decades working in the airline industry, and have been working as a substitute teacher for the past two years. I love to sing, travel, all things Disney, cats, chickens, and squirrels. I also enjoy doing puzzles and painting with my husband.
The weekly Burns Park Family Newsletter will continue to be sent on Sunday of each week. If you have a question, comment, or concern, please feel free to email Mrs. Bullock at jonesl@aaps.k12.mi.us or contact us in the main office at 734-994-1919. Phone messages will be checked daily. Please check your email daily, particularly during the first week of school, when much important information will be communicated.