Pinewood Newsletter
May 31st, 2024 - Pinewood Elementary School
Hello Families!
With just two days left of school, let's make the most of every moment! Whether it's wrapping up assignments, spending time with friends, or thanking our teachers, let's finish strong and create lasting memories. It's been a fantastic year, and your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. Enjoy these final days and look forward to a well-deserved summer break. Keep pushing, and let's end the school year on a high note!
Family Summer Kickoff - Don't miss our Annual Family Summer Kickoff hosted by PTC tonight (5/31) at 5:00! We look forward to seeing you there.
Buy a Yearbook! - It's not too late to order a yearbook! To order, go to treering.com/validate and enter our school code: 1015384250034723.
5/12-31/24 -- Yearbook shipped to school, parent/family pays shipping.
6/1/24 or later -- Yearbook shipped to home, parent/family pays shipping.
TK/K Enrollment - TK and Kindergarten enrollment is now open! Students are eligible to enroll in TK if they turn 5 between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025. Students are eligible to enroll in Kindergarten if they turn 5 on or before September 1, 2024. This process can be started online by clicking here, or by coming into the office to get an enrollment packet. Our online enrollment can also be found on our school website. We can't wait to meet all of our new students!
Come Join Our Team! - We currently have a 2 openings in our district! The first is for a Maintenance and Operations District Lead. If you know anyone that may be interested, they can apply at
https://www.edjoin.org/Home/DistrictJobPosting/1940137 The next position is for a District Health Assistant. Apply at https://www.edjoin.org/Home/JobPosting/1940568
- May 31st -- Family Summer Kickoff
- June 3rd -- Water Day
- June 4th -- Last Day of School!
- August 8th -- First Day of School
- August 14th -- Back to School Night
Parent Teacher Club
Power's Out? School's In!
Pinewood Elementary School
Email: jmckeand@ppesd.org
Location: 6181 Pine Street, Pollock Pines, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 644-2384