What's Up Westside
August 30, 2024
Welcome to the weekly newsletter of West Seattle High School!
This newsletter is sent to families by email via SchoolMessenger and by text via TalkingPoints. You can manage your own communication preferences.
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- If you are viewing this newsletter on a desktop, use the Table of Contents to navigate to different sections.
- If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the WSHS community, please email communications@wshsptsa.org.
Go, Wildcats!
From the Desk of Principal Vance
Principal Vance Message
Almost there! We had a great welcome night for our incoming 9th grade students and families last night. Such positive energy. Our incredible staff is working hard to be prepared to welcome everyone back next Wednesday. I mentioned this last week, but want to keep our theme for the year front and center, BELONGING. The first few days of school will really be focused on this and getting everyone ready to excel for the entire school year. Together we are better. Let's have a fantastic school year. Go Wildcats!
Cell Phone Policy/Protocol
This is a hot topic. We are implementing a new school-wide cell phone policy/protocol. Phones Off, Learning On. There is plenty of research out there now to be confident in saying that unlimited cell phone use at school can have negative impacts on students' academic performance and social emotional health. In addition, OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction) just published guidance on this topic. OSPI CELL PHONE. Please help us by having a conversation with your student about these expectations. Also, please do not knowingly try to contact your student during class time. If an emergency, contact the main office. We are only asking students to disengage from their phones during class times. Passing periods, lunch, before and after school, students will have their phones.
We will be implementing a policy/protocol that involves students placing their phone into a hanging phone pocket at the beginning of each class. Each class will start without phones and may transition to use at some point, or not, depending on the learning activity that is happening on any given day. Here is the outline of our expectations.
- Each student will get a numbered pocket in each class.
- The number corresponds to a pocket in the phone holder.
- At the beginning of class, each student will put their phone in their respective pocket
- If you don’t have a phone, you will put a card in your phone holder
- Phones are to remain in the phone holder throughout class unless the teacher has turned their cell phone stop light to green.
- This includes when leaving the room for bathroom/water/etc.
Enrollment Update
We are currently almost 150 students over our projected enrollment. Over 1550 students right now. We do not currently have staff for that many students and we are experiencing significant overloads in classes. This should settle down a little bit once we see who actually shows up the first week. So, please be patient. This also means that we may need to make adjustments to schedules, after school starts. This can be disruptive for students and we will certainly try to minimize disruptions.
Parking Lot
As mentioned above, we are bursting at the seams. The impact will also be felt in our parking lot. We are asking, maybe even begging, students to come up with alternate ways to get to school and/or creating car pools(if your student can legally drive other students). In order to better manage the lot, we will be implementing a parking pass system. This will be free and will not guarantee any parking is available. It will allow us to better manage the lot and address issues with students making poor choices on how or where they are parking. More details will come out after school starts. This will likely not go into effect until at least the second week or school.
Lunch- Time and Open Campus
Our schedule is adjusting slightly from the past couple of years. We are mandated to reduce our lunch time to 30 minutes (actually 40 if you count the passing time to and from lunch). Although this will be an adjustment, we should still be able to maintain the robust programming of clubs during lunch time. We are still operating with an open campus for all grades. However, it is recommended that grade 9 students stay on campus. Students can eat lunch and then go outside on the field, participate in clubs and open gym. There will not be much time for students to actually go off campus, get food and return on time. So, please have a conversation with your student around their plans for lunch.
School Appropriate Messaging on Clothes
Substance use remains an ongoing concern with high school students at WSHS and around the country. We have noticed an uptick in the wearing of clothes with drug and alcohol symbols and advertising. We want to support a campus free of drugs and alcohol and free of messaging encouraging use. Please remind your students about district policies on school appropriate dress.
At A Glance
- September 3: Fall Sports Family Night (WSHS Gym, 7pm)
- September 4: First Day of School (See schedule below under Student Life)
- September 9: WSHS Booster Club Meeting (West Seattle Realty, 7pm)
- September 13: Yearbook Presale Ends ($55.00 via SchoolPay)
- September 17: Picture Day (Order online)
September 19: PTSA Presents: How to High School (WSHS Library, 6:30pm)
September 25: Community Meeting with School Board Director Gina Topp (West Seattle Library, 6pm)
Volunteer Opportunities
All school volunteers must complete an application and be approved to volunteer. Please do not sign up until you have confirmed your eligibility via the SPS Volunteer Portal.
Library Volunteers Needed
WSHS welcomes Amy Vattuone as our new Librarian! Ms. Vattuone has exciting plans for the Library and is seeking parent volunteers:
- Help distribute devices to students September 5, 6, and 9 . Sign up.
- Commit to weekly or biweekly shifts in the Library. Email Ms. Vattuone at acvattuone@seattleschools.org.
Picture Day Assistance Needed
Tuesday, September 17
The school is looking a few volunteers to make Picture Day go smoothly. Please contact Amy Huber at aahuber1@seattleschools.org.
For WSHS Families
Fall Sports Family Night
Is your student playing a fall sport at WSHS? Parents/guardians are required to attend this pre-season meeting. You will receive important information about the upcoming sports season, including district and school policies and expectations for athletes, as well as team specific information. Questions? Contact Athletic Director Corey Sorenson at cjsorenson@seattleschools.org.
WSHS Booster Club Meeting
Monday, September 9, West Seattle Realty (2715 California Ave SW), 7pm
Parents, alumni, and passionate fans are all welcome to learn how you can support the West Seattle High School athletic program.
2024–2025 Yearbook Pre-Sale
Through Friday, September 13, $55.00 via SchoolPay
Purchase your yearbook in advance as availability is limited! The 2024–2025 Kimtah Yearbook will be on sale for three weeks. Purchase online via SchoolPay or bring $55 in cash, check (payable to WSHS), debit card or credit card to the Fiscal Office during lunch or before and after school. Questions? Email Maria Penner, Fiscal Specialist, mpenner@seattleschools.org.
WSHS Picture Day
Tuesday, September 17, Order online
Students will have their picture taken during their Language Arts class. Questions? Call the Main Office at 206-252-8800.
PTSA Presents: "How to High School"
Thursday, September 19, WSHS Library, 6:30-8:30pm
High School comes with a whole new vocabulary and list of concerns. Navigating the first few months can be challenging for both parents and students as they adjust to a new normal. While this panel of students, administrators, support staff, and parents will address the basics, this is not solely an opportunity for 9th grade families. It's amazing how much things change year to year and what gets missed! Everyone will learn a thing or two about how to make the most of your time as a student at WSHS. All are welcome! You do not have to be a PTSA member to participate.
Community Meeting with School Board Director Gina Topp
Join School Board Director Gina Topp (District 6) at a community meeting to listen to your input about Seattle Public Schools.
Attendance 101
WSHS is grateful to Erin Dolan, our Attendance Specialist!
- Please communicate to the school if your student will be absent/late. You may email westseattlehs.attendance@seattleschools.org, phone 206-252-8804, or send in a note. Include student name and/or ID number, date(s) of absence, and reason. Students under 18 cannot be excused without parent/guardian permission.
- Please give as much notice as possible for planned absences. In the case of an extended absence or outside events (college tours, athletic events, scholarship interviews, etc.), students may pick up a pre-planned absence form to submit for administrative review. Proof of participation will be requested for outside events
- When needed, a dismissal pass will be created for the student to present to their teacher. Students can pick up a dismissal pass from the attendance office prior to the start of the class they will be leaving from. Students can leave directly from class to their appointments or parent/guardian designated meeting area.
- If a student arrives back on campus from an appointment earlier or later than expected, please stop by the attendance office to let the attendance specialist know you have arrived.
- If you are not certain if attendance is accurate for your student, please have your student reach out to their teacher to review their attendance. If both the student and teacher agree that the attendance record should be amended, the teacher will email the attendance specialist to make the change.
- Pay attention to attendance! Please read more for helpful tips to make attendance a priority at home.
Student Life
New Transfer Student Orientation
Tuesday, September 3, WSHS Library, 12–1pm, RSVP
Counselors will be hosting an orientation for new transfer students in grades 10–12. Learn about WSHS, including the bell schedule and how to get involved, and take a tour of the school with current ASB students.
First Day of School is Wednesday, September 4
9th Grade Schedule
- 8:15–8:50am 9th Graders arrive, breakfast available in the cafeteria.
- 8:50am–12:10pm Link Crew Orientation in the Main Gym.
- 12:10–12:40pm 9th Grade Lunch
- 12:45–1:15pm Closing assembly in the Theatre
10th–12th Grade Schedule
Building CLOSED to returning 10th-12th Grade students until 12:40 pm
(Exception for Link Leaders, ASB, and New 10th–12th graders)
- 11:35am–12:40pm Orientation for new 10th–12th grade students in the Library
- 12:45–1:15pm 10th–12th grade Lunch
Afternoon Schedule (for all grades 9–12)
Students can find their Period 1 class on Class Lists posted around the school.
- 1:20–2:00pm Period 1 (Receive class schedules and locker assignments)
- 2:05–2:20pm Period 2
- 2:25–2:40pm Period 3
- 2:45–3:00pm Period 4
- 3:05–3:20pm Period 5
- 3:25–3:40pm Period 6
Jazz Ensemble Auditions
September 9–13
Students can try out for one of our jazz ensembles during the first full week of school. Information and sign ups will be posted in the music room on the first day of school.
WSHS Drama Meeting
Thursday, September 12, WSHS Theater, 4–5pm
Students can learn how to get involved in the WSHS drama program. Be a part of our fall play: "Ophelia."
PTSA Presents
Join the PTSA!
The WSHS PTSA advocates for our students, supports school staff, and builds community. It takes members like you to do this well! Become a member of the WSHS PTSA today. The WSHS PTSA offers membership scholarships to those who are unable to afford our membership fees; please email membership@wshsptsa.org. Be a part of making WSHS the school community you want!
First Tuesdays Parent Social
Tuesday, October 1, Larry's Tavern (3405 California Ave SW), 7pm
Socialize with other WSHS parents while benefitting our students! Every first Tuesday of the month, Larry’s Tavern donates partial proceeds to the WSHS PTSA. Board members will be available 7–8pm to greet you and answer your questions. Bingo starts at 8pm. All are welcome! You do not have to be a PTSA member to attend.
Staying Connected
The WSHS PTSA aims to be your most reliable source of up-to-date information. Please bookmark our website and like and follow us on social media.
- WSHS PTSA Website: https://wshsptsa.org/
- WSHS PTSA Facebook Page: facebook.com/westseattlehsptsa
- WSHS PTSA Instagram Page: instagram.com/westseattlehsptsa
- Email questions to: president@wshsptsa.org
Counseling Corner
Your School Counselors are hard at work and are excited to welcome a new class of Wildcats for the 2024–2025 school year!
Book an Appointment with Your Counselor
You can book a 30-minute appointment with your counselor! Meetings are held via Microsoft Teams. Counselor caseloads this year are as follows;
- Last Names A–Et, Book an appointment with Erica Nguyen
- Last Names Ev–Mad, Book an appointment with Kinsey Hedeen
- Last Names Mah–Pet, Book an appointment with Mallory Neuman
- Last Names Ph–Z, Book an appointment with Christine Nutters
Student Schedules:
Please note that class schedules will not be finalized until the first day of school. Any courses that students might view on the Source up to that point are subject to change. Students will receive their class schedules during 1st period. A QR code will be provided for students who need to request a schedule change. Schedules will only be changed for the following reasons:
- Course is at the wrong level (ex: student needs Algebra 1 instead of Geometry)
- Duplicate courses (ex: ceramics scheduled twice)
- Course already taken (in previous years or in summer school)
- Student is missing a course
Athletic Announcements
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
- August 31: Football Scrimmage (Stadium HS, 11am)
- September 5: Golf vs. Eastside Catholic (West Seattle Golf Course, 3:30pm)
- September 5: Football vs. Bainbridge (SWAC, 7pm)
New Voluntary Athletic Fees for High School Sports
SPS is introducing a new voluntary fee for high school sports to help cover growing costs like transportation and officials. The fee is $200 per student per sport, with a maximum of $400 per year for students who participate in more than one sport. Pay online via SchoolPay; the item is named “24–25 Sports Fee.” This fee is optional. A student can still participate in sports even if a family chooses not to pay.
WSHS Duffel Bags on Sale
Orders Close Friday, September 13, $75 from WS Booster Club
Pre-order your customized WSHS duffel bag now! Before placing your order, please remember to include your student's last name in the "Order notes" section.
Seattle Public Schools News
2024–2025 School Year Calendar
The 2024-25 School Year Calendar was approved by SPS and SEA. All schools have a 75-minute early release on Wednesdays, except the first day of school.
Start of School Forms
SPS has created a back-to-school webpage for essential resources.
- Complete the Student Data Verification form September 4-30. Update important student health information, emergency and family contact information, and much more. To access, log in to your Source account and select Student Data Verification form from the navigation menu.
Opt out of the release of directory information about your student. SPS may disclose appropriately designated “directory information,” unless you notify SPS in writing that you do not want the information released. If a parent/guardian would like to exclude a student’s information under FERPA, they must complete and submit the FERPA form to their student’s school by October 1.
Apply for Child Nutrition Eligibility and Education Benefits. Students approved for free and reduced-price meals may also be eligible to receive reduced fees for events, field trips, Running Start books, Associated Student Body (ASB) fees, pre-college exams (PSAT/SAT/ACT), college application fees, and yearbook fees. Apply online or submit the paper application.
Health Information for the Start of School
Ensure a healthy start to the school year by reviewing the district’s health services reminders for the start of school. If your student has a life-threatening health condition (e.g., Diabetes, Asthma), they must have medication and healthcare orders on file by the first day or they will be sent home.
If you received a letter from Health Services about vaccines your student needs for school, please make sure they receive the immunization. Read more about immunizations required for students.
School Meal Changes
SPS has launched MySchoolBucks, an online platform that will allow families to pay for school meals. With MySchoolBucks, parents and guardians can securely manage meal payments, set up automatic replenishments, and track their student’s cafeteria purchases. Any funds remaining on a student's meal account from the 2023–2024 School Year will be automatically transferred over to the new system.
Additionally, SPS is introducing MealViewer, an online platform that provides families with access to school menus and nutritional information.
School Board Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 18, JSCEE, 4:15pm
The Seattle School Board welcomes members of the public to the Regular meetings of the Board. Meeting agendas and relevant materials are posted at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting. This meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV .
ITAC Membership Application
Application Due September 22, Apply Now
SPS is seeking members for the Information Technology Advisory Committee. The committee will advise on the strategic alignment, planning, prioritization and implementation of current and future information and education technology projects.
Community Connections
Alki Beach Pride
Saturday, August 31, 12–8pm
An all day street festival and beach party celebrating diversity and centering equality. More information.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.