Irvington Weekly Newsletter
March 7, 2025
We've got a busy week next week: on Friday, we have Career Day in the morning, our Black history celebration at 1:30, and a Tumble and Groove performance at 3:30. Career Day is for students only, but if you have flexibility, we'd love to see you in the afternoon!
PTA Meeting on Monday, March 10
The next PTA General Meeting is Monday, March 10, 5:30-7:30pm. At this meeting, we’ll hear an update from Mr. G. about the district budget for the 2025-2026 school year, have several updates from our PTA committees, and be discussing and voting on the Harriet Tubman Middle School PTSA donation proposal.
Free dinner and childcare are provided. Dinner (for both children and adults) runs from 5:30-6:00, with the meeting beginning at 6pm in the school library. Childcare runs the whole time, so feel free to bring your child(ren). Enter the building through the front doors of the school. Either ring the buzzer or text the phone number taped to the front door to be let in. Interested in joining the PTA? You can do so here, or with the paper form at the meeting, where scholarships are available. See you there!
Green Team Meeting
Join the Green Team for the next meeting on Thursday, March 13t,after school on the small playground. The Irvington Green Team works to raise awareness about the environment and promote sustainable practices in our school. We encourage recycling, saving energy, and reducing waste. Our team leads projects to lower the school's carbon footprint and teaches others about the importance of protecting the environment.
Irvington Auction Coming Soon!
The Irvington Auction is next month, and we need your help! The school auction, our biggest fundraiser of the year, is April 26 and we need your help to make it happen!
Donate: From event tickets to vacation rentals, gift cards to fun outings, auction items help us raise money to support all students at Irvington. If you have ideas or items to donate to this year’s auction, email procurements@irvingtonschool.com.
Host a party: Each year, Irvington families host parties to help raise money for the school. These can be just for kids, just for adults, or fun for the whole family. Flashlight tag anyone? How about a progressive cocktail party? Cooking class? Scavenger hunt? The sky’s the limit! Email parties@irvingtonschool.com to get started.
Sponsor: Know (or own) a business that would love to support our school community? Auction sponsors get plenty of attention and celebration in return. Check out our sponsorship packages at URL or contact sponsor@irvingtonschool.com.
Come have fun: Save the date for April 26 at Steeplejack Brewing! Tickets go on sale Friday, March 14. We hope to see you there!
Black History Celebration on March 14 <REPEAT>
Please join us for our Black history celebration in the gym on Friday, March 14, 1:30-2:30pm. Our theme is Black music/musicians, and we will have performances from a local group (which includes an Irvington parent!) and Ghanaian drumming from our students. Afterward, you're welcome to tour the building to see all the great work our students have in the hallways!
Movie Night Tonight! <REPEAT>
The next movie night is TONIGHT (Friday, March 7), and we’ll be showing the original How to Train Your Dragon. See all the details below:
Where: School Cafeteria
When: Friday, March 7. Doors open and disco party at 6:15pm, movie begins at 6:30pm. Use the cafeteria doors behind the school for entry/exit.
Who: Irvington students and their families. Children MUST be accompanied by an adult.
Food and Drink: Free popcorn provided! Please bring your own water bottles filled with water only. Picnic dinners are ok, too. Thank you in advance for cleaning up after yourselves.
Seating: Bring a blanket or camp chair to sit on. Cafeteria tables are also available.
Disco: Enjoy some fun lights, music and dancing before the show and during a short intermission.
PTA Budget Committee <REPEAT>
The PTA Budget Committee is forming to discuss and plan the PTA budget for the 2025-26 school year over a series of meetings this winter and spring. The first meeting will be held Friday, March 14, from 12:00-1:30pm in-person and virtually. All voices are welcome! Interested in joining or have questions? Please email ptatres@irvingtonschool.com.
Garden Work Party Next Saturday <REPEAT>
Help prepare the school garden for spring! We will be moving soil, pruning, weeding, and mulching. Come anytime from 12-3pm on Saturday, March 8, and bring work gloves and tools if you have them. Questions? garden@irvingtonschool.com
Upcoming Events
Friday, March 7: Movie night, 6:15pm
Saturday, March 8: Garden work party, 12-3pm
Monday, March 10: Popcorn Monday, 2:30pm
Monday, March 10: PTA meeting, dinner at 5:30pm and meeting at 6pm
Thursday, March 13: Green Team meeting, 2:40pm on the small playground
Friday, March 14: Career day, 8:25-9:35am
Friday, March 14: PTA budget committee meeting, 12:00-1:30pm
Friday, March 14: Black history celebration, 1:30-2:30pm (and after school!)
Monday, March 17: Neurodiversity caregivers coffee chat, 8-9am
Tuesday, March 18: Queer caregivers dinner, 5:30-7:00pm
Tuesday, March 18: McMenamin's restaurant fundraiser night, 5-10pm
Wednesday, March 19: Early release day (students release at 11:50am)
Friday, March 21: Spirit day (careers!)
Saturday, March 22: First day of spring break!
See it all at a glance here: https://www.irvingtonschool.com/