2024-2025 School Year Kick Off
2024–2025 School Year
At a Glance
- August 26: Start date for Fall Sports; Register via Final Forms
August 27 and September 3: New Student (grades 10–12) Q&A Sessions (see links below to sign up)
August 29: New Wildcat Welcome (incoming grade 9), 6–7:30pm WSHS Courtyard
September 4: First Day of School 8:50am start time for Grade 9 (see below for details)
From Principal Vance's Desk
Welcome back to our returning students and families and welcome to our new students and families. We strive to provide up-to-date information on what is happening at WSHS. Our team at WSHS has been working hard to prepare for the arrival of our students and for continuing to build and sustain a community in which each and every student BELONGS. Here are a few items to help you and your family prepare for the start.
- Admin Team: We have rearranged our admin team responsibilities slightly. Here is the new breakdown of our Assistant Principal case loads:
- Megan Claus: All Grade 9 students
- Ron Knight: Students grades 10–12 last names A–Kn
- Nancy Carroll: Students grades 10–12 last names Ko–Z
- Schedule: This is going to be a bit of a change from the past two years. SPS has required schools to reduce lunch time and, as a result, we have rebuilt our schedule. The biggest changes are the reduction of the lunch time and the addition of "homeroom" time at the end of 3rd period every day. We will be sharing more details of how we will use that time to support student success. For now, you can see the new bell schedule on our website HERE.
- One lunch, but shorter: We are continuing with our one lunch for the 24–25 school year. However, it is going to be shorter than it has been. We want to remind students of this and to do some planning on what this will look like, so you can eat lunch and still be on time to class. We are still planning on having club meetings and academic support available during lunch.
- Lunch, part 2: There is some media attention about safety measures at schools and possible closed campus for lunch. WSHS will have an open campus for lunch. However, it is highly recommended that 9th grade students stay on campus. We do not have the staffing or space to adequately enforce a closed campus. We also believe that all students are capable of managing themselves as responsible and respectful members of our community. The shortened lunch is going to make it more difficult to actually go off campus, so please have a conversation with your student about lunch planning.
- Wednesday and Homeroom/Advisory: Our schedule will expand the amount of time we have for Homeroom/Advisory. In addition to the extended time on Wednesdays, there will be an additional 15 minutes on Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri. Programming for that time will include academic support, social/emotional learning (SEL) and community building.
- Enrollment and Space: Our school continues to grow in enrollment. Last year we were around 1350 students. As of this morning, our enrollment is 1540; this will lead to several challenges. Prepare yourself for crowded classrooms, crowded hallways and crowded parking lots. We will all need some patience as the school year starts and we settle into how to best manage and navigate the space. We were allocated staffing for 1404 students, and we will not get any additional staff before October, if at all.
- Parking: As mentioned above, parking will continue to be an issue for our students as the result of both increased enrollment and a decrease in space due to the portables. We will be instituting a parking permit process this year. All students who are planning on parking on campus will need to turn in an application for a permit(no cost). The goal is to make sure we can better identify and manage issues that pop up. I highly encourage all students to consider whether they really need to drive to campus. If so, please set up car pools and/or limit the times you need to drive to school. We will be enforcing "no parking" zones in the lot.
- School Supplies: Given the variety of courses students can take at WSHS, there is not a specific supply list. There are some general supplies listed HERE. Individual classes will provide more specifics, as needed.
This school year's theme is BELONGING. We will be focused on building systems and interventions and activities that allow everyone in our community to be engaged and feel a sense of BELONGING. There are three big pillars wrapped around this theme. They are Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), and Restorative Practices. Over the school year, I can share resources and more information about each of these areas and what we are focusing on in each one.
We cannot do any of this alone. The start of the school year is an anxious time for students and parents. We will do everything we can to make that transition from summer to school as smooth as possible. Continue to reach out with any questions and we will keep putting out information to help prepare for Sept. 4 and beyond.
Go Wildcats!
Principal Vance
New Wildcat Welcome, August 29, 6–7:30pm
First Day of School, September 4
8:15-8:50am 9th Graders arrive, breakfast available in the cafeteria.
8:50am-12:10pm Link Crew Orientation. Start in the main gym.
12:10-12:40pm 9th Grade LUNCH
12:45-1:15pm Closing assembly. In the Theatre
Building CLOSED to 10th-12th Grade students until 12:40 pm
(except Link Leaders, ASB, and New 10th–12th grade)
11:35am-12:40pm Orientation for new 10th–12th grade students in the Library
12:45-1:15pm 10th–12th grade lunch
AFTERNOON (for all grades 9–12)
Class lists are posted around the school for students to find their Period 1 class for schedule and locker distribution, welcome back information, etc. Then 15-minute classes to touch base and take attendance.
1:20-2:00pm Period 1 (Handout schedules, lockers, video welcome)
2:05-2:20pm Period 2
2:25-2:40pm Period 3
2:45-3:00pm Period 4
3:05-3:20pm Period 5
3:25-3:40pm Period 6
In Other News
Students will not get their official schedules until the first day of school, regardless of anything a student may find online and think is their schedule prior to that. We are still balancing and adjusting classes, so every schedule is still subject to change. Counselors are not acting upon any request for a change to a schedule prior to the start of school. We will share the official schedule change request process in next week's What's Up Westside edition.
If students need to make a change to the schedule they receive on the first day, a QR code will be made available to complete an official schedule change request online. Counselors will be in the Library on the first day of school prioritizing new students and students without a schedule.
We will be hosting in-person orientation sessions at the school on August 27 and September 3 starting at 12pm. Students will learn basics of WSHS as well as have a chance to see the building. If you’d like to attend one of these sessions, please RSVP here:
These orientations will provide an opportunity for students and parents to meet counselors, discuss classes and ask any questions you may have about WSHS. Counselors are unable to meet individually with students and parents outside of these times so please plan to attend if you'd like to meet with a counselor in person.
The presentation portion will run 12–12:30pm and there will be an opportunity for tours and Q&A with counselors from 12:30–1pm.
Counselors will be located in Room 131, to the left as soon as you walk into the historical entrance to the building. Historical entrance is located on the north side of the school, directly across from Hiawatha Park. We look forward to meeting you!
Note: these sessions are intended for students new to WSHS in grades 10–12. Rising freshmen should plan to attend our ice cream social on Thursday, August 29, at 6pm. Our WSHS Link Crew leaders will also provide a separate freshman orientation on the first day of school.
- All grade 9 students will participate in an orientation on the first day of school, September 4. More details will come out next week. Incoming 9th grade students will start school at the regular school time of 8:50am on September 4. and will participate in a half-day orientation prior to the remaining students grades 10–12 arriving.
There's a lot going on at WSHS and we want you to be a part of it!
Here are the ways to stay connected:
- Talking Points Messages: you are automatically enrolled and will receive text messages sent by the school and district. Translations are available in over 100 languages!
- What's Up Westside: bi-monthly newsletter automatically delivered through the Talking Points App.
- School Website: westseattlehs.seattleschools.org
- ASB Instagram Posts: @wshasb
- Music Program: wshsmusic.org
- Drama Club: sites.google.com/westsidedrama.com/wshsdrama/home
Update Your Contact Information
Make sure we have your most up-to-date contact information. During the month of September, parents and guardians can update family contact information on the Student Verification Form in the Source. After September, families should contact their student’s school to update contact information. Visit ps.seattleschools.org to log in to the Source.
Manage your Messages
Want phone calls for some messages, but only email or text messages for others? You can manage your communication preferences online.
- Visit go.schoolmessenger.com
- Log in with the email on file at your child’s school
- After you log in, select ‘Preferences’ in the menu and update how we connect best with you!
September 17 is picture day! The school is looking a few volunteers to make it go smoothly. If you are interested in volunteering contact Amy Huber at: aahuber1@seattleschools.org
Counseling Center
The start of a new year is always stressful as we sort out schedules. Please be patient and remember there are four counselors for roughly 1500 students.
Counselor Caseloads:
Last Names A–Et, Erica Nguyen etnguyen@seattleschools.org
Last Names Ev–Mad, Kinsey Hedeen krhedeen@seattleschools.org
Last Names Mah–Pet Mallory Neuman mlneuman@seattleschools.org
Last Names Ph–Z, Christine Nutters canutters@seattleschools.org
PTSA Presents
The WSHS PTSA advocates for our students, supports school staff, and builds community. It takes members like you to do this well! Become a member of the PTSA at https://www.wshsptsa.org. You’ll have a direct impact on PTSA planning, action, and advocacy; you’ll be in the know with what’s happening in school; and you’ll receive exclusive membership discounts. The WSHS PTSA offers membership scholarships to those who are unable to afford our membership fees. Be a part of making WSHS the school community you want!
The WSHS PTSA aims to be your most reliable source of up-to-date information. Please bookmark our website and like and follow us on social media.
- WSHS PTSA Website: https://www.wshsptsa.org
- WSHS PTSA Facebook Page: facebook.com/westseattlehsptsa
- WSHS PTSA Instagram Page: instagram.com/westseattlehsptsa
- Email questions to: communications@wshsptsa.org
Athletic Announcements
Fall Sports Start Up
For all the details visit: https://westseattlehs.seattleschools.org/student-life/athletics/fall-sports/
Current physicals need to be updated on FinalForms
WSHS Sports Schedules: https://www.metroleaguewa.org/school/?schoolid=85
Something we should know?
If you would like to share something with the West Seattle High School community, please contact communications@wshsptsa.org.
Find past issues of the newsletter here:
Westside Pride
Please remind your students to conduct themselves in a way that makes our whole school community proud! When students are off campus - at Safeway, PCC, or in Hiawatha Park during lunch and afterschool - they represent WSHS.
Attendance Office Info
Attendance Office
Room 122F
Erin Dolan
Attendance Specialist
West Seattle High School
Email: wshsptsacommunications1@gmail.com
Website: westseattlehs.seattleschools.org
Location: 3000 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98116, USA
Phone: 206-252-8800