Patrick Henry Post
January 8th, 2021
Welcoming the New Year
When Bad Things Happen, How Educators Can Respond
Responding to Tragedy: A Resource for Parents and Educators
COVID-19 Parental Resource Toolkit from the CDC
COVID-19 Parental Resource Toolkit from the AACP
Teaching Black Lives Matter in the Classroom
Teaching about Race, Racism, and Police Violence
Caring for Students in the Wake of Trauma
Resources for Teachers in the Wake of the Attack on the US Capitol
Focus on Student Learning and Engagemement
Reading Engagement
Read Alouds
2nd Grade Greetings
Teska's Task Card Tuesday
Penguin Story Time
Silly Storytime
PreK Survey Results
1st Grade Greetings
Virtual Connections
Ms. Hammock's Read Aloud
Deep Concentration
Guided Reading and Small Group Instruction
Special Guest Teacher
HomeWorks! Initiatives
Attendance Phone Calls
1st and 2nd Grade Attendance Incentive
A Treat for Teachers
One teacher sent the following testimonial after receiving this gift: "Another teacher and I took advantage of your pedicure offer during the break and we are so thankful for you! It helped us start our break right and get into relaxation mode, as well as increased our bonding by giving us something to do outside of work together. Beautiful Nails was a wonderful establishment, and the people were very kind. We will be back!"