Counselor and Social Worker Corner
Elm Creek Elementary
A message from your school counselor and social worker
Ms. Granger and Ms. Campbell would like to welcome you. We look forward to an awesome year working with you!
¡Hola exploradores!
La Sra. Granger y la Sra. Campbell quisieran darle la bienvenida. ¡Esperamos tener un año increíble trabajando con usted!
Please check out our Newsletter every month for information about events, articles to read, resources and motivational quotes for the school year!
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- Small Group Counseling
- Individual Counseling
- Guidance Lessons
Student Skill Goals:
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Intrapersonal Relationships
- Post - Secondary Planning and Career Readiness
- Personal Health and Safety
How to see School Counselor & Social Worker:
- Teacher Referral
- Parent Referral
- Self-Referral
- Administrator Request
Why Character Strong Curriculum?
Curricula and trainings are focused on fostering the Whole Child with vertically-aligned lessons that teach SEL and character, side-by-side.
SEL Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible Decision-Making
Character Development: Patience, Kindness, Honesty, Respect, Selflessness, Forgiveness, Commitment, Humility
San Antonio Food Bank
National Suicide Prevention Line
Assistance League
Operation School Bell® is a program of the Assistance League® of San Antonio. It is designed to assist families in providing suitable clothing for their elementary school children.
Veronica Granger
Email: vgranger@swisd.net
Location: 11535 Pearsall Rd, Atascosa, TX 78002
Phone: 210-622-4430
Kwashia Campbell
Email: kcampbell8486@swisd.net
Location: 11535 Pearsall Road, Atascosa, TX, USA
Phone: 210-622-4430