News From the Eagle's Nest
October 2023
Important Dates to Remember
10/4 Picture Day
10/9-10/14 National School Lunch Week
10/12 End of First Nine Weeks
10/16 Student Holiday/Teacher Work Day
10/19 Report Cards posted to FOCUS
10/23-10/27 Book Fair
10/25 Domino's Spirit 4:00-8:00pm
10/26 Read and Treat Family Night 5:30-7:00pm
11/10 No School/Holiday for All
Hello Jupiter Families,
I am happy to announce that parents/legal guardians are welcome to eat lunch with their child on Fridays. Due to limited seating, only parents or legal guardians are allowed to be on campus for lunch and we are requesting that you notify your child’s teacher of your intent to join your child for lunch. Please note the following:
- Parents/Guardians will need to report to the front office with photo ID and receive a visitor badge, which must be worn at all times.
- Once signed in, you will be escorted to the courtyard where your child will join you for lunch during their scheduled lunch time.
- Students will be expected to rejoin their class at the end of their lunch time. At this time parents/guardian will need to say goodbye and return to the front office to sign out.
If you have any questions regarding our lunch with your child procedures, please do not hesitate to contact me at 321-952-5990 or email at
In partnership,
Sherie Troisi,
Eagle Art
Students in 6th grade are working on sketches of their Dragon Eye Value drawings.
Coach's Corner
National Walk to School Day!
Join me for National Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 4th. I will be at the corner of Jupiter and Garvey starting at 7:15am and at 7:30am (SHARP!), I will begin my walk to school. Following the sidewalk route, everyone should arrive at Jupiter around 7:50am.
Coach Mecum
Jupiter P.E. Teacher
Level up for National School Lunch week Oct. 9th thru Oct. 13th. Find a sticker under your tray during lunch and win a prize!
Scholastic Book Fair
Mark your calendars! The Scholastic Book Fair will be returning to Jupiter Elementary on October 23-27, 2023. In addition, we will be open during our annual Read & Treat Family Night, on Thursday, October 26, from 5:30-7:00pm. Come see us in the Media Center!
We accept cash, credit cards and eWallet. New this year: Students interested in shopping the book fair during their media activity time must have a signed permission slip returned to their teacher prior to the book fair. Please watch for permission slips coming home soon!
Book Fair eWallet
More Bookjoy, less hassle – with eWallet!
Say goodbye to giving your kids crumpled bills and loose change… and hello to eWallet, a super-convenient, secure digital payment account, for the Scholastic Book fair. Setting up an eWallet for your child empowers them to choose their own books and effortlessly check out during the BEST WEEK EVER at Jupiter Elementary! And any leftover funds can be saved for future fairs. Now that’s win-win!
How it Works:
Create Account - Add Funds – Share with Family & Friends - Shop
You can set up your eWallet by visiting:
Imagine Learning Library
Students under the ESOL Program, now have access to the online program Imagine Learning, a digital library on their Launchpad.
The Health Department is looking for school nurses for Jupiter Elementary and Sunrise Elementary. If you are interested in applying please visit - Location: Viera.
We have two parent groups at Jupiter. Our School Advisory Committee (SAC) is comprised of community members, parents, staff and administration. This committee reviews our school improvement goals and other important issues such as school safety and security. We also have a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). This committee supports our fund raising efforts and organizes amazing family fun events. Both of these committees meet monthly and all families are welcome to attend. Meeting dates are published on our school website and Facebook page. If you are interested in joining either group, please contact your child’s teacher or call the front office for more information.
SpeakOut & FortifyFL
SpeakOut 800.423.TIPS
SpeakOut Hotline is designed to help you anonymously report any threatening behavior or situation that endangers you, your friends, family, community, or your school campus. Reporting isn't "snitching,” reporting is when you need to keep yourself or someone you know safe from threats, harmful behaviors, or dangerous situations.
By guaranteeing a caller's anonymity, SpeakOut allows the caller to give information without the fear of retribution.
FortifyFL (App)
FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and schools’ officials.
2023-24 Updated Student Policies
We have many ways of keeping you informed and up to date on school events. Jupiter enjoys showing the community the great events at our school and we post important
announcements on our Jupiter Elementary School Facebook Page and our school website located at . Please also note Brevard Public Schools website is always current with important information for parents and students as well.
It is important that we have your most current contact information on file in order to receive important messages and updates and have an email address on file as well to receive
important updates. We continually send important messages and updates using a variety of media such as emails, texts and voicemails. If you have opted out of receiving calls, emails and/or text messages in the past and wish to be added back in, please call the front office at 321-952-5990.
ILLNESS AT SCHOOL: Your child will be sent to the clinic to be assessed by clinic staff or office staff if he/she is not feeling well. We always do our best to make students comfortable and at ease, especially when they are sick. You may be requested to come pick up your child from school and it is very important for someone to be available during the school day to come if we call you to take the child home. We ask you to consider these circumstances now and make alternate plans in the event you are not available. Anyone picking up your child from school must be listed as an approved pick-up on the student registration form and health card.
*Please ensure we always have your most current contact information.
Any child not picked up on time will be sent to the Jupiter After School Program. There will be a onetime $25.00 registration fee in addition to the $25.00 Drop-In charge.
Active Learners