August 2022

Calendar of Events
- August 25 (3:00 - 6:00 PM) - Back to School Orientation and Ice Cream Social
- August 29 - First Day of School
- September 2 - College Colors Spirit Day
- September 5 - Labor Day Holiday - No School for Staff and Students
- September 8 - Fall Pictures
- September 8 (5:30 PM) - Curriculum Night for Kindergarten and 1st Grade Parents
- September 9 (3:00 - 5:00)- Back to School Dance for 3rd - 5th Grade
- September 12 (5:30 PM) - Curriculum Night for 4th and 5th Grade Parents
- September 14 - Beginning of Grade 3 Test (BOG3)
- September 15 - Curriculum Night for 2nd and 3rd Grade Parents
- September 23 - Early Release for Students
2022 Transportation Reminders
Bus Reminders
Before we begin the school year, please review these bus safety reminders with your child.
Board promptly. Be at your stop on time. DO NOT delay the bus. Drivers can’t wait for students. Buses can arrive 10-15 minutes before/after the scheduled time.
Store belongings properly. Keep aisles free from books, book bags, hands, and feet. Do not put any objects outside the bus windows, including hands, feet, etc.
Be respectful and courteous. Use an inside voice, no loud talking or inappropriate language/gestures to your schoolmates, driver, or passing motorist. No food, drink, or gum.
Stay in your assigned seat. Only at your stop should you get up from your seat. Students are not allowed to switch seats during the operation of the bus or at any time without driver's permission.
All school rules apply on the bus and at the bus stop.
Carpool Reminders
Carpool students may not be dropped off before 7:40 a.m.
There is no supervision to ensure students' safety until 7:40 a.m. All morning staff begin their duty stations promptly at 7:40 a.m.
Morning Process:
Carpool students will be unloaded in the front main entrance breezeway at the front of the school each morning starting at 7:40 a.m. Students must be prepared to exit the passenger side of the car with all their school belongings ready for the day. Each day's preparation will ensure that we have a safe and efficient carpool.
Afternoon Process:
Each Creekside family will be given a carpool number for you to place on your vehicle's dashboard or hang from the mirror each day during carpool.
If you arrive before 2:30 p.m., you need to stop when you see the Spirit Rock.
At 2:30, you can proceed to the first column at our front entrance.
It is important that students ALWAYS wait for an adult to assist with loading. Safety ALWAYS comes first!
When all carpool riders are loaded in your vehicle, please turn on your hazard lights; this will notify our staff that this round is ready to exit the carpool.
All carpool vehicles must EXIT from the Old Airport Road EXIT.
Daycare Van Reminders
Back to School Orientation and Ice Cream Social
Join us on August 25 for our Back to School Orientation and Ice Cream Social!
This is an opportunity for you to meet your teacher, drop off school supplies, find out your bus information, and more! As an added bonus, you can enjoy a sweet treat from us when you visit the cafeteria.
For Kindergarten - 3rd Grade, this is a "floating" event from 3:00 - 6:00 PM. Stop by any time!
4th grade and 5th grade teachers will be reaching out to their families to schedule appointments.
First Day of School
The First Day of School is Monday, August 29, 2022! We are very excited to welcome our Creekside Families back. We have missed you very much!
This year, parents who wish to do so may walk their child(ren) to class on the First Day of School. After the first day, parents will not be able to walk their child(ren) to class. Students arriving by carpool will need to exit in the carpool lane like usual. In order to get our day started on time, parents will be asked to leave when the announcement is made shortly after the 8:00 AM bell.
School Nutrition
Last year, all CCS students received lunch AND breakfast at no cost.
All CES students will continue to receive breakfast at no cost this year. For CES students to be eligible for free/reduced lunch this year, families must complete a Free/Reduced Meals application.
This application is currently available on family.titank12.com
If you have not previously created an account you will need to do so. Once you have logged in, you will be able to complete the application by clicking on "Meal Application" on the left and then on the "New Application" button that will be on the right.
If you have any questions, please reach out to CCS School Nutrition at 514-6360 or visit the CCS School Nutrition Website at https://www.cravenk12.org/Domain/218
Calendar Links
Parent and Student Handbook
The new and updated Parent and Student Handbook is now available on the Creekside Elementary School website. You can also access it by clicking on the Parent and Student Handbook icon to the left.
We have many several updates to the handbook. Please be sure to review the handbook so that you are aware of these changes.
Help Us Grow - HUG Volunteers
We are excited to welcome volunteers back into the building!! We hope that YOU will be inspired to volunteer this year at Creekside. All volunteers (including field trip chaperones) must complete the Craven County Schools HUG volunteer process. This includes filling out an application online and completing a background check. Once you become an approved volunteer, you will be added to the master volunteer list. To access the website, click on the Volunteer Opportunities icon.
Wondering what you can do as a volunteer? Here are some ideas!
Front office support
Classroom support (in school and from home!)
Library support
Special Events
Lunchroom Volunteers
and more!
Get involved today!
Creekside Elementary School
Email: Angie.Franks@cravenk12.org Kimberly.Scott@cravenk12.org
Website: https://www.cravenk12.org/CES
Location: 2790 Landscape Drive, New Bern, NC, USA
Phone: (252) 514-4360
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CreeksideCrocodiles