W.A. Johnson Family Newsletter
September, 2023
February, 2024
Translating: Did You Know?
You can translate this newsletter to any language! You can also change the size of the text and use a high contrast mode!
- If you are reading this on a computer, the feature is on the top right by the heading.
- If you are reading this on a phone, the feature is the round icon in the bottom right corner.
Important Dates to Remember
February, 2024
- February 8: PTA Meeting @3:45
- February 13: McTeacher Night (Route 83 & Foster Ave)
- February 14: 4th Grade Field Trip 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- February 16: Parent Teacher Conferences
- February 19: No School
- February 26-29: Spirit Week
- February 29: Star Student Celebrations in Classrooms
- February 29: Trimester 2 Celebrations
5Essentials Survey
Each year, District 2 administers the Illinois 5Essentials Survey to provide an opportunity for teachers, students, and parents across the District to have a role in improving their schools.
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey provides a comprehensive assessment of school organizational culture with actionable reports to help drive school improvement on five "essential" indicators of success:
Between Tuesday, January 30, and Friday, March 29, parents will be asked to take the 15-minute research-based 5Essentials survey to help identify strengths and weaknesses in their school’s climate and learning conditions.
Parents that participate can be entered in a raffle to win a seasonal Family Pool Pass for this summer. Please let your child’s teacher know if you take the survey.
Attendance Incentive
Attendance Incentive Starting 2/5/24
Please help your child earn an "Attendance Ticket" by having them come to school ready and on time.
McTeacher's Night
Join us
Tuesday, February 13th
McTeacher's Night.
4:00 - 7:00 pm
630 N. Route 83, Bensenville
Kids Heart Challenge
Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts – especially other kids’! Through fun activities we’ll discover ways to take care of our hearts and brains while practicing kindness, gratitude and learning ways to de-stress. Plus, we have the chance to earn PE equipment for our school!
Valentine's Day Celebrations
Students will celebrate Valentine's Day in their classrooms on Wednesday, February 14th. Students may bring in Valentine Cards to pass out to their classmates. Please remember that edible treats are not permitted. Below is a list on non-food options if you choose to send something in addition to the Valentine cards.
If you child will not be participating in the Valentine's Day celebration, please let your child's teacher know so we can find an alternate setting for them during the celebration.
Here are non-food Valentine’s ideas for your Valentine’s cards:
- Bouncy balls
- bookmarks
- crayons
- erasers
- fake mustaches
- foam airplanes
- keychains
- glow sticks
- hand clappers
- lip whistles or mustache lip whistles
- mini books
- mini mazes
- pencils
- parachute guys
- fidgets
- rub-on tattoos
- stickers
- sticky hands
- yo-yos
February Spirit Week
Please join us on February 26 - February 29 for Spirit Week!
eLearning Days
District 2 now calls eLearning Days when closing schools due to extreme weather or other emergencies. eLearning Days will begin an hour later than normal school days to provide teachers planning time to adjust their instruction for eLearning.
On eLearning Days, Johnson students will log into their Chromebooks and go to their Google Classrooms through their Classlink page, and join eLearning from the Google Meets link(s) posted there. Attendance will be taken, and students will then be engaged in live instruction for the entire five-hour school day.
An eLearning Day counts as a regular school day, and does not require the District to use a built-in emergency day at the end of the school year. Parents will then be notified no later than 6 AM if the District is closing its schools and holding an eLearning Day. (No announcement means it will be a normal school day.)
Teachers will be available to support students with the content being presented for learning during live instruction or through email. Assistance with any technology issues may be addressed by contacting members of the District’s technology team. The Johnson School Technology Support Specialist is Mr. Joe West who can be reached at 630-766-2605 extension 3120.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Dear Parents/Guardians,
All parents are strongly encouraged to attend Parent/Teacher Conferences. Parents can sign up online for Fall Conferences using their computer or mobile device by simply following the instructions listed below.
To schedule your preferred time for a Parent/Teacher Conference:
Click on the grade level folder
Choose the name of your child’s teacher
Select the desired date and time for your conference by clicking on “Sign Up”
Submit the requested information
Parent teacher conferences are February 16, 2024
The deadline to sign up online is February 14, 2024.
Please notify the office if you require a Spanish or Polish translator for the conference. If you have any additional questions, contact the office at 630.766.2605.
Internet At Home
Get free service and equipment through Internet Essentials from Comcast
Stay connected with FREE high-speed Internet!
For a limited time, you may be eligible to receive Internet service and equipment at no cost with the Federal Government's Emergency Broadband Benefit. Keep you and your family connected for work, remote learning and everything else you need to do online.
Outdoor Recess
However, once maintenance crews are able to clear paved areas of safety hazards like snow and ice, students will typically return to outdoor recess so long as the temperature is 15 or above. So parents should make sure they send their students with a warm coat, scarf, gloves, and boots in the winter months.
Social Emotional Learning Newsletter
Safe 2 Help
Safe2Help Illinois is a 24/7 program where students can use a free app, text/phone, and website (Safe2HelpIllinois.com) to share information on school safety issues in a confidential environment.
Click on the images below to get more information.
Students made a pledge to put their "Best Foot Forward" by being respectable, responsible, and safe this year!
PTA - Parent Teacher Association
- Membership Dues: Click here to pay Johnson PTA membership dues online
- Our February PTA meeting is on February 8th @ 3:45pm
PTA Board Members:
Victoria Myhre, President
Diana Sanchez, Vice President
Nicki Zengilani, Secretary
Christina Palacios, Treasurer
PTA email: johnsonjaguarspta@gmail.com
Google Voice phone: (773) 234-8284
Special Bonus: For every 2023-24 $10 membership, the PTA will give each member $10 in scholastic dollars to use at the Book Fair!
Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online system that will provide parents access to their students’ schedules, attendance, assignments and grades.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Each month, the district will post the breakfast and lunch menus for elementary and middle school.
Please use the link below to view the menus.