Counseling Corner
February Newsletter
Course Selection
Course Selection by Grade
- If you missed the parent counselor coffees, here are copies of the presentations for each grade level:
- For detailed course selection information, see the appropriate grade level Course Guide:
- Students must update their 'Academic Plan' in Aeries to request their courses by the following:
Current 9th Grade: February 9
Current 10th Grade: February 23
Current 11th Grade: March 3
- Counselors will be meeting with students individually according to the following schedule:
Current 9th Gr: February 13-23
Current 10th Gr: February 27-March 3
Current 11th Gr: March 7-14
- During these meetings, counselors will also discuss summer school information with students. Families of students needing summer school will be emailed more detailed information from the district in March and April. See the summer school flyer below for more information.
Everyone Celebrating School Counselors Week
9th Grade Counselor, Erin Charles
Public Service Announcement Video Contest
Attention all students! Beckman is having a Public Service Announcement Contest! You can work individually or in groups to create this public service announcement (PSA) video to be featured in one of the monthly CCR lessons presented by the counseling team. Creating a PSA video fosters student collaboration, enhances technical skills, and allows students to apply their knowledge in a creative way. Look at the cool prizes offered by the Beckman PTO! Create your video today!
College and Career
Fall 2023 ROP Registration Dates
The fall 2023 ROP class schedule will be available in early March. Students may receive emails and updates from ROP for the fall schedule by completing the Fall 2023 Interest List.
The registration schedule is as follows:
- Rising seniors: Monday, March 27 @ 4 PM
- Rising juniors: Wednesday, March 29 @ 4 PM
- Rising sophomores and freshmen: Friday, March 31 @ 4 PM
ROP provides Career Technical Education classes across many sectors including Automotive Technology, Nursing, Administration of Justice, Emergency Medical Responder/Technician, Fire Science, Culinary, Construction, Dental, and Pharmacy. ROP classes and internship classes are held after school across Orange County and are free for Beckman students. ROP classes count towards high school graduation credit and many are A-G UC/CSU approved classes. Internship classes are for students 16+. For more information about ROP, please visit Coastline ROP or contact Ms. McDonald at mmcdonald@tustin.k12.ca.us.
Local Scholarships for Seniors:
Tustin Area Woman’s Club Scholarships for Seniors
The Tustin Area Woman's Club will be awarding one or more $1,000 TAWC Scholarships this spring to a graduating senior at each of the Tustin Unified School District high schools who is planning to continue post-secondary education. To be eligible to apply, you must be a senior student currently enrolled in one of the high schools within the Tustin Unified School District and must plan to enroll in an accredited post-secondary institution.
Please review the following items pertinent to the scholarship application:
- Letter to the Applicant, - Student Profile , - Counselor Recommendation Form
Applications are due to their Beckman counselor by March 1, 2023.
P.E.O. Local Scholarship Opportunity
P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) local chapter is offering 2 $1,000 scholarships for local TUSD senior girls who plan on attending college next fall (either a 2 or 4 year institution). This is both a merit and a needs-based scholarship. There is not set a GPA requirement but candidates should be dedicated students who need some financial assistance. The deadline for receiving the application is April 5th. Submit the application below along with a current copy of your transcript and a one paragraph, signed letter of recommendation from a teacher or counselor at your high school with knowledge of you and your circumstances. This can be emailed to: sandytweedt@gmail.com This application is due by April 5, 2023. Application Form
2023 Tustin Area Council for the Fine Arts (TACFA) Scholarship Program
TACFA will award $1500 scholarships to six graduating seniors who will major or minor in a Visual or Performing Art at a college, university, or other professional training institute beginning in Fall 2023. $250 Scholarships are available for qualifying seniors planning to attend a community or junior college and enroll in fine art courses. High school seniors who reside in the Tustin Unified School District or attend one of TUSD’s high schools are eligible.
Students must submit an application, a letter of recommendation, and an online art portfolio or performance video highlighting the candidate’s expertise in their chosen field no later than March 10, 2023. Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA to qualify. Selected candidates will be interviewed by the TACFA Scholarship Committee in April via Zoom or in-person. The interview is informal and relaxed.
Students may access the application at https://www.tacfa.org/art-education-scholarships. All students must submit their application and link to online portfolio or performance video by email to TACFA at tacfascholarship@gmail.com no later than Friday, March 10, 2023. Letters of recommendation from a VPA teacher are due on March 17.
Seniors: Complete your Financial Aid Application by March 2, 2023
This Special Alert from the California Student Aid Commission is pleased to share a public service announcement from the Golden State Warriors encouraging senior students to complete their financial aid applications before the priority March 2, 2023 deadline. This video was produced in collaboration with the California Department of Education (CDE). View the video here: Golden State Warriors "All In for FAFSA/CA Dream Act" PSA - YouTube
There are upcoming financial aid workshops for seniors to receive help with completing a financial aid form for college (FAFSA and CA Dream Act) on March 1 during 5th period in the Career Center. Students may register by using this link: Seniors: Financial Aid Wednesday Workshop (google.com). Students may also drop in on Fridays during lunch in the Career Center for help with financial aid applications. For questions, please contact Ms. McDonald at mmcdonald@tustin.k12.ca.us.
Seniors: Community College Application Workshops
Community College workshops are available in the BHS Career Center for seniors. This is an opportunity for seniors to meet with a representative from a community college, learn more about programs and coursework, and apply to the college. When applying, Students should know their social security number if applicable and bring their laptop.
Santiago Canyon College will be in the Career Center on Fridays at lunch. Students may drop in during lunch to meet with the representative. There will be an Application Workshop on Friday, February 24 at lunch in the Career Center.
Irvine Valley College will have an Application Workshop on Thursday, February 16 at lunch in the Career Center and in March TBD.
Summer Enrichment Opportunities
A list may be viewed HERE or on the BHS website under Counseling.
Social/Emotional Well-being
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
We encourage people to build and maintain healthy relationships. Please click on this link to learn more about education, engagement, and empowerment as we highlight the issues teens face related to healthy relationships.
10 Ways to Have a Healthy Relationship
Healthy relationships take practice! Here are some tips for building not only health relationships, but also friendships with peers, family, and coworkers. Unhealthy, abusive or violent relationships can have severe consequences and short and long term negative effects on a developing teen. Youth who are victims of teen dating violence are more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety, engage in unhealthy behaviors like using tobacco, drugs and alcohol, antisocial behaviors like lying, theft, bullying or hitting; and consider suicide.
It’s never too early to get the conversation about healthy relationships started. Having open lines of communication around dating rules can help to make sure teens are on the same page. It is important that teens know adults are there for them. Many teens worry that adults won’t believe them or understand. It’s important to meet them with understanding and patience.
- COMMUNICATE – Be willing to have open and honest dialogue and freely communicate emotions, problems, desires, expectations.
- PROBLEM SOLVE – Find solutions to problems where both people feel happy and satisfied. Compromise so each person is happy.
- SHARE POWER – Take mutual responsibility and have equal influence on the relationship. Make decisions together.
- USE NON-THREATENING BEHAVIOR – Talk and act so that expressing feelings is comfortable. Create a safe environment.
- TRUST AND SUPPORT EACH OTHER – Support each other’s goals in life. Respect each other’s feelings and opinions.
- BE HONEST AND ACCOUNTABLE – Accept responsibility for oneself. Admit being wrong. Communicate openly and truthfully.
- ENCOURAGE PERSONAL GROWTH – Encourage individual growth and freedom. Support each other’s goals in life.
- NEGOTIATE AND BE FAIR – End with a compromise with which both people are happy and satisfied.
- BE SELF-CONFIDENT – Respect each other’s personal identity. Support each other’s self-worth.
- GIVE AND EXPECT RESPECT – Listen without expressing judgment. Value the opinions of others. Have a balance of giving and receiving.
Grade Level Information
Senior Scene
February is the shortest month of the year but it’s also a busy month for seniors. Here are some tips to stay focused!
- Plan your virtual college visit. If you’re one of the lucky ones who knows now where you will be going next fall, congratulations! Many don’t. Now is the time to schedule any last-minute visits to the schools on your lists. Here are some helpful virtual college websites:
- Keep in touch with your school counselor. Make sure you’re on track for graduation. Keep them in the loop on your college plans to solidify your choice.
- If you haven't already done so, complete your FAFSA/CA Dream Act. It is due no later than March 2nd, 2023. If you need help completing the FAFSA/CA Dream Act applications check out the California Student Aid Commission https://www.csac.ca.gov/cash-college.
- Stay on top of your scholarship applications. Set a goal to complete 2-3 scholarships a week. It’s tedious, we know, but the rewards are fantastic.
Assembly Bill 469
Here is news about recently passed legislation and we are requesting your assistance with completing the requirements of the new regulations. Last year, AB 469 was passed. The legislation requires all California seniors to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), to “opt-out” prior to the end of their senior year, or to complete an application for the California Dream Act (CADAA). Included with this correspondence, you will find instructions on how you can complete your senior’s FAFSA form. You will also find a copy of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the FAFSA, and a copy of the Tustin Unified School District FAFSA opt-out form.
Please review these documents and begin to determine how you would like to proceed with this requirement for your senior. Students will be expected to submit proof of their FAFSA submission or a signed opt-out form. If you have chosen to opt out please return the form to the counseling department.
Federal Student Aid: Filling out the FAFSA Form
FAQs about the FAFSA and CADAA (English)
California Student Aid Commission: CA Dream Act
This year’s Parent “Coffee with the Counselors” slides are available for you to view at your convenience if you were not able to attend. So, even though this is a short month, there is plenty for you to do. Good luck!
Junior Junction
Juniors have one more summer to finalize their postsecondary plans, get involved, or try something new. Check out the ideas below to keep your student active this summer.
- Finalize their postsecondary plans
- Research and apply for scholarships
- Get active, try something new -- take a recreation class!
- City of Irvine Recreation Classes
- City of Tustin Recreation Classes
- City of Santa Ana Recreation Classes
- Apply for a part-time job
- Check out the job board in the career center
- If you get hired, please email (scan or take a picture) or drop off your B1-1 form (work permit application) to Ms. McDonald in the career center and you will receive form B1-4 (official work permit) in 1-2 days.
- Research and apply for summer programs
- Take a community college summer course
Sophomore Stop
Career Exploration is key!
During registration, sophomores will complete a lesson to continue the career exploration process. Career exploration is an important process that every student should undertake in order to make informed decisions about their future. As a sophomore student, you may be at the point where you are starting to think about what you want to do after graduation. One way to approach this is to consider some new and emerging careers that may be a good fit for your skills and interests.
One new career path that has gained significant attention in recent years is that of a data scientist. As technology continues to advance, the amount of data that is available to companies and organizations is growing at an unprecedented rate. Data scientists help to make sense of this data by analyzing it and using it to make informed decisions. They use a combination of statistics, programming, and machine learning to extract insights from large data sets. If you have a strong background in math and computer science, and enjoy problem-solving, data science may be an exciting new career to consider.
Another emerging career is that of a sustainability specialist. As concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability continue to grow, more and more companies are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and operate in a more sustainable manner. A sustainability specialist helps organizations to develop and implement strategies for reducing their environmental impact. This can include everything from reducing waste to sourcing sustainable materials. If you are passionate about environmental issues and enjoy working with people and organizations to create change, this could be an exciting career path to explore.
In the field of healthcare, one emerging career is that of a medical scribe. A medical scribe is a trained professional who assists doctors and nurses by recording medical information in real-time during patient encounters. This can free up healthcare providers to focus on providing care to their patients, while also ensuring that accurate and complete records are kept. Medical scribes need to have strong communication and organizational skills, as well as a solid understanding of medical terminology. If you are interested in healthcare and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment, this could be a new career to consider.
Finally, if you are interested in the creative arts, you may want to consider a career in experiential design. Experiential design is the process of creating immersive, interactive experiences for people. This can include everything from museum exhibits to brand activations. Experiential designers need to have a strong creative vision, as well as technical skills in areas such as graphic design and programming. If you enjoy working on projects that engage people in new and exciting ways, this could be an exciting career path to explore.
In conclusion, as a sophomore student, there are many new and emerging career paths that you may want to explore. Whether you are interested in technology, environmental sustainability, healthcare, or the creative arts, there are exciting new careers that may be a good fit for your skills and interests. By taking the time to research and explore these different career paths, you can make an informed decision about your future and set yourself up for success in a rapidly changing job market.
Freshman Forum
Getting Ready for 10th Grade! Freshman will meet one-on-one with their 10th grade counselors February 13th - February 23rd to verify their 10th grade course requests. During this meeting they will also get a lesson from our College and Career Center Specialist, Ms. McDonald, about ROP classes available in the community.
If you missed it, the 2023 Spring Freshman Counselor Coffee Connection presentation can be found here. Please feel free to post any questions on this padlet wall. We also encourage you to fill out the parent survey
As we move forward in quarter 3, here are some tips for Freshman:
- Plan to visit a college or two during spring break
- Have your parent attend Spring "Report Card Night" on March 30th (Time TBD)
- Look into summer internships, work, summer programs and community service, community college class to strengthen your academic resume
- Create an academic portfolio file with recent report cards, honors and co-curricular involvement