Aviator Updates
SY24 CWFDES Family Issue #11
B WEEK: November 6-10
Hello Aviator Families,
SMCPS schools and offices are closed this Friday, November 10 in observance of Veterans Day. Students and staff are invited to join us in our Red, White, and Blue Spirit Day in honor of Veterans on Wednesday, November 8.
One way to show your appreciation for our veterans is by attending the Annual Veterans Day Parade in Leonardtown. The Commissioners of Leonardtown and the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County invite the public to salute America’s Veterans at the Annual Veterans Day Parade on Saturday, November 11, 2023 in Leonardtown! The parade starts at St. Mary’s Ryken at 10AM & proceeds through Town and is immediately followed by a Memorial Ceremony in Leonardtown Square.
Katie Kortokrax, Principal
Zach Adams, Assistant Principal
- November 6: Duke's Annual Read-a-Thon Begins! Let's get reading :)
- November 6-10: National School Psychology Week
- November 7: Standards-Based Report Cards Available on HAC & MFLAC Parent Chat Event
- November 8: Military Appreciation Breakfast & Red, White and Blue Spirit Day
- November 10: Veterans Day, No School
- November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break, No School
We're thrilled to announce that our Annual Read-A-Thon is underway! We're counting on you and your student(s) to make it a success. If you haven't already, please take a moment to activate your child’s personal reader page by clicking here. It only takes a minute or two, and your support will greatly assist us in meeting our reading and fundraising goals.
At Duke Elementary, we value literacy because the ability to read and write well opens endless possibilities for our students. Our school goal this year is to read 115,000 minutes between Monday, November 6 and Monday, November 20. We are counting on you to encourage your students to read (or listen to you read) 30 minutes a night during this window. If you'd like to share a picture(s) of your student(s) reading, we'd love to feature it on our Duke Morning News. Submit your pictures here.
Upcoming Events: Military Family Life Counselor Event
Veterans Day
A special thank you to all of our Veterans of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Marines for the many sacrifices to protect our freedoms. We appreciate you and your family for your dedication and service. Wishing you a peaceful Veterans Day!
MP1 SBRC & Narrative Distribution
Marking Period 1 Standards-Based Report Cards will be available on the Home Access Center [HAC] on Tuesday, November 7.
- LINK: Directions for Accessing Report Cards from Home Access Center
- LINK: Elementary Standards Based Reporting
If you have questions or need your login information, please contact Stephanie Magill (samagill@smcps.org).
Teachers will email narrative reports directly to parents/guardians on Tuesday, November 7.
Blueprint Town Halls
In implementing the requirements and reform initiatives associated with the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, St. Mary’s County Public Schools is inviting stakeholders to learn about each pillar of the Blueprint, its requirements, and current status. As part of the Town Hall sessions, stakeholders will be able to ask questions of staff and provide input in responding to the opportunities and challenges associated with the implementation of the Blueprint.
Pillar 1: Early Childhood Education - Tue, November 7, 2023
Pillar 4: Resources for Student Success - Tue, December 5, 2023
Pillar 3: College and Career Readiness - Thur, February 8, 2024
Pillar 2: High Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders - Tue, March 12, 2024
All sessions will be held at 6 PM at the Dr. J. A . Forrest Career and Technology Center, and will be livestreamed at www.smcps.org/streaming.
Duke Elementary - Where Children SOAR!
Congratulations to Our PRIMARY Fridge of Fame Students!
National School Psychologist Week
The week of November 6-10 is National School Psychology Week!
We have an outstanding School Psychologist ~ Dr. Lisa Longworth! Dr. Longworth provides resources and problem-solving to support students and staff! A School Psychologist supports children to grow in areas such as social skills, empathy, and compassion for others, as well as problem-solving, goal setting, and academic skills.
Happy School Psychology Week, Dr. Longworth!
Fall in MD Means Fluctuating Temperatures
A Message from SMCPS Supporting Services:
It is fall in Maryland and temperatures can fluctuate from 35 degrees in the morning to afternoons reaching 80 degrees. With the wide fluctuations in temperature, it can be difficult to be comfortable in inside spaces. The key to comfort during this seasonal transition is layered clothing. Be sure to wear multiple layers to provide warmth in the morning and as the sun rises higher in the sky you can shed layers to adjust to the warmer temperatures. When in doubt wear a shirt, cardigan, and jacket to provide warmth. Please monitor the daily forecast.
News from Our PTA
Cafeteria Info (& Menu Changes)
Click here for the Menu. Due to supply chain issues, menu changes occur. We recognize that the decision to bring lunch from home or purchase lunch from school is often dependent on the menu.
- Lunchable - Turkey and Cheese only
Last Week's Episodes of the Duke Morning News
Attendance Matters!
Routines and structure reduce stress and anxiety. Attending school daily is a healthy routine that supports healthy habits and reduces stress for our students. It’s when students have inconsistent attendance that their level of stress and anxiety about school increases. Routines require structure, so in order to help students attend daily it will be helpful to provide structure at home for their mornings and evenings. Try to make small changes at home such as a consistent “lights out, electronics off” time Sunday - Thursday night. Many times it’s helpful for the parent or guardian to model the routine for the student or agree to work on creating healthy routines together.
Helpful Resources & Info Worth Repeating
ATTN 3rd Grade Families: NNAT3 Assessment
NNAT3 testing for grade 3 students will occur during the month of November. Please read this NNAT3 Parent Letter for more information.
Action Item: Submit Your Impact Aid Form (& help your child earn extra recess)!
Congratulations to Mrs. Slack's and Mrs. Cocimano's classes for having the highest percentage of completed Impact Aid forms and earning some kickball fun with guest players Mrs. Kortokrax, Mr. Adams and Mr. Spears.
We are "kicking off" one more chance at extra recess this week as our final deadline approaches. Please log in to HAC and fill out the Impact Aid and emergency update forms by November 14th. Good luck!
SMCPS is encouraging all parents/guardians to please take the time to access and complete the Impact Aid Survey Form online, located in the Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. The form can now be accessed in Spanish by clicking on the Globe in the top right-hand corner once the form has been started. The deadline for the online submission of Impact Aid Program Survey forms is November 14, 2023.
Online Emergency Forms
Online Emergency Information Update Forms are now available through your student’s Home Access Center (HAC).
It is vital that all information is updated in eSchool.
The deadline for the online submission of Emergency Information Update forms is October 31, 2023. Select the link for the Blank Emergency Form.
Thank you for completing this important action item as soon as possible. Effective communication is critical to the success of St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS)! If you have HAC questions, please email Ms. Stephanie Magill at samagill@smcps.org.
St. Mary's County Drive-Thru Flu Vaccine
Captain Walter Francis Duke Elementary
We welcome your questions and inquiries. Please call 240-309-4658, refer to the SMCPS Back to School website, or our CWFDES website for additional information.
Katie Kortokrax, Principal
Zach Adams, Assistant Principal
Email: klkortokrax@smcps.org
Website: https://cwfdes.smcps.org/
Location: 23595 Hayden Farm Lane, Leonardtown, MD 20650
Phone: (240) 309-4658