SPMS Winter Update
Embrace, Expose, Empower
In Honor of Dr. King
Quarter 3 - Important dates to remember
January 18 - Beginning of Quarter 3/Semester 2
January 24 - Chromebook and Yondr Pouch Check
January 27 - Semester 1/Quarter 2 Awards Program @ Burke HS Auditorium; 1:45 PM
January 27 - Report Cards Sent Home with Students (CCSD will email grades to parents)
January 30 - Students Return Report Cards with Parent Signatures
January 30 - SPMS Academic Recovery Meetings Begin
February 3 - Early Release (Student Dismissal @ 1:30 PM)
February 4 - March 11 - Saturday Academy Session 3; 9 AM - Noon
February 17 - Early Release (Student Dismissal @ 1:30 PM)
February 20 - President's Day (Schools Closed)
February 23 - Progress Reports Sent Home with Students (CCSD will email grades to parents)
February 27 - Chromebook and Yondr Pouch Check
March 10 - Early Release (Student Dismissal @ 1:30 PM)
March 24 - Teacher Workday; No School for Students
March 30 - Report Cards Sent Home with Students (CCSD will email grades to parents)
March 31 - Students Return Report Cards with Parent Signatures
GDD Represents!
Meet Mr. Hammack
New Experiences
SPMS Perform with BHS Bulldog Band!
Breast Cancer Awareness
New Semester - Focused on Goals
Please click on this link for the Town Hall Highlights.
About us
Email: spmattendance@charleston.k12.sc.us
Website: https://www.ccsdschools.com/simmonspinckney
Location: 244 President Street Charleston, SC 29403
Phone: 843-724-7789
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simmonspinckneyms/
Principal Spann
Here at SPMS, this statement is our call to action as we serve the middle school scholars of the Charleston Peninsula.
"We recognize that there are barriers between our ideals and our current outcomes. We create systems and structures that remove obstacles and create pathways for each student to thrive. We seek to be a safe and nurturing environment that embraces each individual's uniqueness and brilliance. We empower each student to perform at high levels with challenging work to build the strength of the school community. We believe in the promise of each student!"
Stephanie Spann, Principal