Rome City Elementary School
Roman News August 2022
From the Principal's Desk...
Whether you are returning to Rome City or whether you are new to Rome City, I welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. We are super excited to get back into the swing of things and hopefully get back to as much normalcy as we can.
Most of us already know each other, but for those who are new to the community, I truly welcome you! This is my tenth year at Rome City Elementary as the school principal. I can not believe I have been a part of this awesome community for so many years.
We are a small school, we often tend to think of ourselves as the "hidden gem" of East Noble. Our staff is small and we have a family style atmosphere.
We have new staff joining us this year. We love having new staff and teaching them new traditions. At this time, we would like to welcome the following new staff members to Rome City.
Alissa Risedorph - Music
Katelyn Walker - Instructional Assistant
Kelsey Mapes - Resource teacher
Denae Hensler - Fifth Grade
Megan Books - Second Grade
Casondra Rowe - Fourth Grade
As we have new teachers, we have several new students. We welcome all students and families to the area. One of our greatest assets is the small, close community. We are looking forward to all of the new faces and seeing everyone back as the new year begins!
Any time you want to meet with me or just simply contact me for various things, feel free to call, email or stop by the office.
Looking forward to a healthy, fun, new school year!
Heather Green
Parent Action Committee (PAC)
We would like to invite you to get involved here at school! Please join us each month to help organize and plan things for the students and community.
All meetings are held on Thursdays at 8:30 a.m.
First meeting will be Thursday, August 18th at 8:30 am
More dates to follow...
Water bottles are encouraged! We do have water fountains this year, but we still encourage water bottles.
Thursday, August 4th
Wednesday, August 10th
Wednesday, August 17th
Monday Collaboration
Tuesday - Friday, school starts at 8:00AM.
If there is a two or three hour delay on a Monday, school will start at 10:00/11:00AM.
If you have any questions about start times on delay days, please call our office.
Morning/Afternoon Procedures
During School hours (8:00-2:45), parents may pick up their child in the main office through Jefferson Street entrance.
All bus riders and walkers will enter and exit the main Jefferson Street entrance each day.
Students will enter each morning in grade-level lines. Teachers will escort their students to their classrooms.
Contact Information
Attendance Calls & Messages for Students
If your child is sick or will not be at school, a phone call MUST be made to the school to report the absence by 10:00am. Phone calls will be made to make contact if we do not hear from you. Doctor’s notes are encouraged.
Also, please be sure all messages for students are called into the office by 1:30. This is to ensure all messages are given to students before they leave school every day. We will do our very best to make sure students receive these messages.
Thank you!
Rome City Elementary School
Location: 400 Jefferson Street, Rome City, IN, USA
Phone: 260-854-3241