Longhorn Roundup
AUGUST 2023- Parkway West Activities newsletter
Parkway West Activities office 314-415-7535
Gina Groceman, Activities office assistant ggroceman@parkwayschools.net
Red & Blue Night 2023
West Activities hosted its annual Red & Blue night on Friday, August 18th, which showcased fall sports programs, performance groups, and highlighted school spirit. We loved welcoming our community on campus as we celebrated all that is West! Many West High groups and clubs participated by selling food, souvenirs, and West spirit attire. The WPO (West Parent Organization) sponsored the event and had a table helping with the purchasing of athletic season passes through HomeTown ticketing. The WPO’s continued support is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Red & Blue has always provided an important opportunity for our athletes and the rest of the Longhorn community to support all of our athletic programs. We are proud of our dedicated athletes, coaches, and parents and look forward to an exciting year of success and championships.
The purpose of the high school sports experience is often only defined by the outcome of the contest. At the beginning of the season many coaches sit with their team to set goals. Most often these goals are only skill and performance based with absolutely no discussion or time spent on the students' growth as human beings. They include reaching certain physical benchmarks within an aspect of a sport; winning a conference title; or getting to and ultimately winning a State championship. Goals are important because they give us direction, they give us a destination. They also can get in the way of our PURPOSE.
When we don't clearly define and understand our purpose, our highest goal, WINNING, becomes our purpose and we will do anything to achieve it.
Parkway West Activities believes it is our RESPONSIBILITY to understand the difference between a GOAL and a PURPOSE. In education/character based athletics, OUR Coaches and Directors PURPOSE is the human growth and development of every student on their team.
Athletics Season Passes on Sale now!
Parkway West Activities Office
Email: jtaggart@parkwayschools.net
Website: https://www.parkwayschools.net/Domain/35
Location: 14653 Clayton Road, Ballwin, MO, USA
Phone: 314-415-7535
Twitter: @Pwestathletics
West Activities & Athletics Important dates for 2023-24 school year
Fall sports dead period Saturday 7/29-Sunday 8/6
Fall sports begin Monday 8/7
Fall sports parent meeting Monday 8/14 6:00pm Cafeteria
Homecoming week Monday 10/2-Saturday 10/7
National Signing day- Wednesday, November 8th
Winter sports (Boys & Girls basketball, Girls wrestling) begin Monday 10/30
Winter sports (Boys wrestling and Girls swim & dive)
Winter Sports parent meeting Monday 11/6 6:00pm Cafeteria
Spring Sports begin Monday 2/26
Spring sports Parent meeting Monday 3/4 6:00pm Cafeteria
Prom Saturday 4/27 Doubletree by Hilton-Chesterfield
Homecoming 2023 West Side Favorites: Our Town Our Teams October 2nd-7th 2023
Homecoming Dance Ticket sales
There are a few changes this year:
1. Tickets will be sold through student's Infinite Campus Parent Portal
2. The Guest Dance form has been updated and needs to be completed and turned into the school bookstore
3. If the guest is a student from another high school, the guest needs to obtain a signature from their schools principal before the form can be turned into the bookstore
4. The student's WHS Grade Level principal will need to sign the Guest Dance form to give permission for those guests that do not attend high school
5. Students will have to purchase their own ticket before they can purchase a guest ticket (even if they submit a completed guest form).
Students that have fees or fines will be unable to purchase tickets until they resolve those fees / fines.
Tickets will be on sale through 2:30 PM on Thursday, October 5th.
In an ongoing effort to simplify the pre-participation process for our students, parents, and coaches, our office is utilizing an automated paperless document collection source called Privit.
The good news is that your account will only need to be updated with changes from year to year, not recreated. After parents/students have completed their Privit profile and uploaded their physical, students will still need to monitor their clearance status in PRIVIT in order to be granted access to practice.
Returning Users:
Some families have already created a Privit profile for the past (2022-2023) school year. If that is the case you will need to log back in to your Privit profile to update your information for the 2023-2024 school year, upload (or restore from archives) a valid physical (Dated after July 1, 2022) and join the appropriate athletic team(s). Important Note: ****If your physical is dated July 1, 2022 or later, it will be good for the entire 23-24 school year. If your Physical is dated before July 1, 2022 you will need to upload a new physical (dated after July 1, 2022) for the upcoming school year. ONLY PAGE 5 OF THE PHYSICAL PACKET NEEDS TO BE UPLOADED TO PRIVIT. ALL OTHER PAGES STAY WITH YOUR MEDICAL PROVIDER****
New Users:
If you are new to Privit you will need to log on to Privit and create your profile. In Privit, you will create the parent account, add your student(s) to the account, complete all sections, upload the annual physical signed by an appropriate medical provider clearing the athlete for participation, and finally join appropriate teams. ***To access more detailed information and specific instructions regarding Privit, go to https://www.parkwayschools.net/Page/9872 and navigate to resourcessection. There you will find a link titled, “Privit Information”.
West High Sports seasons & offerings
Sports listed by season, along with the Head Coach
Fall Sports:
Football- Jeff Duncan
Softball- Andrew Jett
Girls Tennis-Katelyn Arenos
Boys Swim & Dive- Coleen Sumner
Boys Cross Country- Kevin John
Girls Cross Country- Charlie Cutelli
Boys Soccer- Tom Herpel
Girls Field Hockey- Dawn Callahan
Girls Volleyball- Susan Anderson
Winter Sports:
Boys Basketball- John Wright
Girls Basketball- Brett Katz
Boys & Girls Wrestling- Zeke Allison
GIrls Swim & Dive- Coleen Sumner
Spring Sports:
Baseball- Andrew Jett
Boys golf- Greg Schade
Girls Lacrosse- Emily Lovercheck
Girls soccer- Annie Wayland
Boys tennis- Katelyn Arenos
Boys & Girls Track- Kevin John, Kristin Witt, Chris Lorenz
Boys Volleyball- Susan Anderson
Boys & Girls Water polo- Charlie Cutelli
Parkway West Sports Schedules
Non-School sponsored sports INFORMATION STATION
School sponsored sports and activities at Parkway West High School are athletics and activities that follow the by-laws established by member schools of the Missouri State High School Activities Association. The Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) is a voluntary, nonprofit, educational association of secondary schools established for the purpose of working collaboratively to develop and adopt standards of supervision and administration to regulate the diverse interscholastic activities and contests which are delegated by the member schools to the jurisdiction of the Association
Parkway West activities recognizes that we have students that participate in non-school sponsored activities. This section will help provide information for non-school sponsored sports if information is submitted to our office. This section is for information purposes only.