2023-12-04 - RPS E-News
December 4, 2023 - BOE Meeting Summary
Sarah Bronstein - RHS Student
- Winter track started on November 27th
- Cross Country Team had an amazing season, ending up 7th in the regional competition
- RHS junior Luke Pash was 33rd in the nation and will compete in the national competition
- Girls and Boys Basketball team tryouts on the 20th and 22nd
- RHS Swim Team has their first meet on December 11th against Hackensack; the pie fundraiser pies were delivered
- Fishing club is active and caught carp and catfish
- Artbeat had their Fall Fusion Concert
- Marching Band Awards on November 30th; next year's drum major will be announced
- Downtown for the Holidays was on December 1st and featured the RHS bands and the ASL2 Club
- Poinsettias from the bands fundraiser were delivered on December 2nd
- Amadeus is coming, tickets are on sale now - show is next week, December 14th - 17th
- Project Interact has been busy with the coats collection, volunteering at Downtown Ridgewood and Winterfest, and made Thanksgiving cards for Ridgecrest Senior Living, and began collecting donations for the Basil Pizzuto International Travel Fund
- The Cambodia Club had a fundraiser at the Steel Wheel Tavern; proceeds went to the sister school in Cambodia and several students will be visiting Cambodia in March
- A cappella groups had their performances on November 20th, accompanied by Focal Point, the a cappella group from the University of Delaware
- Sharing the Arts Show Beauty and the Beast had an amazing turnout.
- Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate.
Presentation: The College Admissions Process
RHS Principal Jeffrey Nyhuis and Assistant Principal of Guidance, Instruction, and Curriculum David Bailey presented on the college admissions process, including college acceptance data and statistics of our RHS students. The presentation can be seen below, viewed on the meeting video, or on the RPS website.
- Annual planning is underway and the Audit process is also underway.
- The 2024-25 budget process meetings with schools and departments have started, and we have a busy schedule of meetings over the next several weeks.
- District goal committees are created with one member of my executive team leading each of the committees and progress has begun.
- State of the Schools Surveys are being created for staff and community portions of the survey. The staff survey was shared via the Mandatory Student Information Update at the beginning of the school year. We expect to report out on these surveys in the March-April timeframe.
- Aramark changes are coming relative to how services are managed and a new management team is being put into place.
- Superintendent Coffee is on December 14th at 7:00pm. The meeting details can always be found on the District website.
- I am in process of the principal observations. It is a joy to be in the schools.
- I wish everyone the best for the upcoming holidays.
Attendance at Conferences
Conference attendances were approved.
The BOE approved:
- Receipt of Suspensions and Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Reports
- Approval of the School Bus Evacuation Drill Report for the 2023-2024 School Year
- Approval of the Submission of the Statement of Assurance for the Annual Health and Safety Evaluation of School Buildings Checklist for the 2023-2024 School Year
- The Board approved the Field Trips listed on Attachment B of the agenda.
- The Board approved Community School Courses for Spring 2023 on Attachment C of the agenda.
The Board approved the Human Resources items on the agenda, including the addendum. A complete list of appointments, changes of assignments, resignations, retirements, and leaves of absence can be found in the Human Resources section of the agenda.
A complete list of approvals can be found in the Finance section of the agenda.
- Willard Home and School Association - $24,121.90 gift in kind of a Sound System for the Willard Elementary School Auditorium.
- Ridgewood High School Girls Lacrosse 10-98 - $1,500 to pay for some of the annual HUDL video editing expenses.
- Ridgewood Women's Soccer Booster Assn - $1,096.26 to pay for the D&M bus to Rutgers University on August 28, 2023.
- Ridgewood High School Student Activity Account - $1,300.35 to pay for three overnight chaperones for the ALPS Club Harriman Trip.
Reading of the Resolution of Censure
Board President Michael Lembo read the Resolution of Censure. The Resolution is posted to the RPS website
Approval of Bills
The Board approved the payment of bills as listed in the agenda.
- Congratulations to the ten students accepted into the All-Bergen High School Band.
- RHS Band Winter Concert is on December 6th at 7:30pm at the Campus Center.
- On December 14th is the 8th grade parent meeting at RHS.
- 17 students received Maroon Awards at RHS, being honored by their teachers for making the high school a better place.
- SEPAG has three events this month: on December 6th there is a 9:30am information meeting and a 7:30pm parent social, and on December 11th there is a sensory-friendly dinner (see flyers below for details).
- Downtown for the Holidays featured our bands and ASL2 students who accompanied the carolers, signing the lyrics.
- Jamboree fundraiser is on Tuesday, December 5th at World Flats.
- Tomorrow is the Bergen City School Boards meeting.
- Wishing everyone the best during the holiday season.
Discussion Items
The censure item resolution and how to handle agenda updates was discussed.
Acceptance of Minutes
The Board approved the minutes.
Upcoming Board of Education Meetings
December 18, 2023 - 7:00pm, Ed Center 3rd Floor
January 8, 2024 - (Reorganization Meeting) - 7:00pm, Ed Center 3rd Floor
District Events
Superintendent Coffee
Join us on Thursday, December 14th via Zoom
Open to everyone!
Community Events
Join the Ridgewood Health Department and Lukin Center for Psychotherapy Tuesday, December 12th at 7 PM for a presentation on Maintain Mindfulness. Heather Flaherty, LSW, from the Lukin Center for Psychotherapy will be speaking about mindfulness, what it is, and how it can positively support one’s mental health both in our daily lives and during times of heightened stress - like the upcoming holiday season! There will be Q+A to follow, so join in with questions! Use this link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkcuyuqT8qE9ONrkn8ujmAw4t_MQ0WreFx. Call 201-670-5500 ext. 2312 for more information.