Falcon Flyer
Important Events & Dates from F.AVE
May 18, 2020
Ms. Newton's Notes
Happy Monday F.AVE Families,
This is the last week of school and what a school year this has been for all of us! We will do our final newsletter next week and will include a special segment for our fifth graders.
Mr. Brooks would like for you to participate in singing the 5th grade class song that has been selected. We would've done this if we were in school, and we want you to have this experience virtually and keep it for years to come. To participate in the 5th grade End of Year song please join Mr. Brooks' 5th Grade Google Classroom (Itgvg3y) for further instructions. We would love to have as many 5th graders as possible to participate!
May 29, 2020 -Student End of Year Grab and Go Pick Up
F.AVE will be open to families Friday, May 29, 2020 from 11:00-5:00 PM to retrieve student items left in lockers and classrooms and if you would like to return books and technology. Technology return is not required to be turned in at this time if you would like to use during summer break. We will post dates in July for required return details. In order to keep us all as safe as possible, please follow this schedule:
Friday, March 29, 2020
3rd grade-Last Names A-M 11:00-11:30
3rd grade-Last Names N-Z 11:30-12:00
4th grade-Last Names A-M 12:30-1:00
4th grade-Last Names N-Z 1:00-1:30
5th grade-Last Names A-M 2:00-2:30
5th grade-Last Names N-Z 2:30-3:00
4:00-5:00 If the above times do not work for you.
In an effort to maximize safety efforts:
- Do not come to school if you are ill or have reason to believe you have been exposed to any contagious illness, including COVID-19. If there is something you need from school, but are unable to come, please email your teacher or call the school at 404.371.6680 and we will make arrangements for you.
- Everyone must maintain a distance of 6 feet from others at all times and follow the procedures designed to facilitate social distancing.
- Please enter the school through either the horseshoe driveway or the entrance to the cafeteria through the courtyard. The front door will not be used for entry into the school.
Check out information below in our PTO section for how to order supplies for next school year!
F.AVE End of Year Parade Celebration
We are asking our families to gather in cars and follow a route around F.AVE so that we have an opportunity to see each other before summer begins. All of our staff will be outside of the building awaiting your arrival. We are asking that everyone arrive in a car to ensure social distancing and remain in your car. If you can not come in a car, then please remain on the opposite side of the street. We will wave to you from afar. We want to ensure everyone's safety by maintaining social distancing during our time together. Details are as follows:
Tuesday June 2nd
2:00-2:30 3rd Grade
2:20-2:50 4th Grade
2:40-3:10 5th Grade
Route-Staging happens on 4th Avenue behind F.AVE facing Oakview
Please remain in the line behind the car in front of you. Exercise patience!
Right turn on Oakview to be greeted by 3rd Grade Teachers
Right turn on 5th Avenue to be greeted by 4th Grade Teachers
Right turn into the horseshoe driveway to be greeted by 5th Grade Teachers
All other admin, teachers and support staff will be somewhere in between and assisting 5th grade teachers
5th Grade Families: We ask you to pause your cars to receive your 5th grader’s Moving On Certificate from their teachers or teacher representative
Every day F.AVE Falcons Rise UP to be:
Risk Takers who
Inquire about global issues.
Striving to be open minded.
Excellent and
Unique in every way. F.AVE students are
Powerful young minds who lead the way!
Have a fantastic week!
Orchestra Program at Talley and Fifth Avenue Elementary Schools
The extra-curricular orchestra program is open to all rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders who wish to learn to play the violin, viola, cello, or bass. The program offers Beginning classes that meet two mornings before school each week. Intermediate classes are offered after school for students who have had one year or more group instructions or private lessons. All orchestra classes will start in September. For more information, please email the Program Coordinator, Nia Schooler at nia.schooler@decaturstrings.com.
Weekly News Show
Included in this week's news show:
- Ask Your Principal
- IB Song
- Falcon Chant
- What Are Students Up To? - Virtual Field Day!
- MyOn Book Recommendations
- Jokes of the Week
- Birthdays for this week! (Includes Summer Birthdays for the rest of May & July)
CSD News
Dear CSD parents/guardians of students with disabilities under IDEA,
The IDEA Parent Survey will be open from January 15, 2020 – May 31, 2020. The IDEA Parent Survey helps the state to determine parents’ perception of the success of parent engagement between the local school and themselves. The information is gathered as a component of the State Performance Plan, Indicator 8: Percent of parents with a student receiving special education services who report that schools facilitated parent involvement as a means of improving results for children with disabilities. The data collected is reported in the Annual Performance Report and on the system profile about each system. Each state is required to conduct a parent survey collection process to measure parent/family needs and perceptions.
Georgia’s parent survey is available to all families of students with disabilities. The survey will be administered through an online link and can be found on the websites listed below.
Direct link to the parent survey: www.gadoe.org/Parent-Survey
Websites: GaDOE http://www.gadoe.org/ci_exceptional.aspx or
Ga Parent Mentor Partnership www.parentmentors.org or
Parent to Parent of Georgia www.p2pga.org
For Technical Assistance please contact:
Problems with the online survey: Submit a dticket@doe.k12.ga.us or call 800-869-1011.
Questions about the Parent Survey: Contact Anne Ladd at aladd@doe.k12.ga.us or Sharon Jones at sjones@doe.k12.ga.us.
Families want to answer the survey by phone: Contact the Special Education Help Desk at 404-657-9968.
Questions about Parent Survey Dashboard data: Contact Linda Castellanos at lcastellanos@doe.k12.ga.us.
PTO News
School’s Out for Summer (almost!)
Before officially signing off for summertime, why not get ahead of the game for next year and place your order for school supplies?
Click here for turn-key and germ-free shopping for 1st Day School Supplies. It’s easy, you’ll be ready for school (whenever we return) AND support the PTO.
Order deadline is June 15. We wish you all a safe, happy and healthy summer!
Interested in Volunteering?
Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. Please complete this form or email ptovolunteer@favepto.org to let us know you're interested in helping out.
Important UPDATE for Passive Fundraising
It’s super easy to earn money for our school when you shop at some of your favorite spots, like Publix, Amazon and Kroger (see below for full details). But, our school name has been updated to "The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO". To ensure funds are being directed to F.Ave, please log into your respective shopping accounts and look for our updated school name.
How you can support the F.AVE PTO with very little effort:
AmazonSmile - Go to smile.amazon.com and, using your existing Amazon account, select The Academy at 5th Avenue PTO as your charitable organization.
Publix - No more keychain! Follow these easy instructions.
Box Tops - Box Tops have gone digital!! Download the App, Box Tops for Education. Enter your information, select our school, scan receipts and done! If you still have hard copy box tops, we are still collecting them in the box in front of the Media Center. There is a box labeled Box Tops for Education.
- Kroger - Register your Kroger Plus Card online and click on "enroll."
DEF News
Follow DEF on Facebook (@DecaturEducationFoundation), Instagram (DecaturEducationFoundation) and Twitter (DEF_DecaturGA) for ongoing updates on how you can plug in and help our community. Together (while apart), we make a difference for our students, our schools and our community.
About Us
Karen Newton
Assistant Principal
Lynn Hanson
Administrative Assistant
Malik James
Administrative Assistant
Jessica Wentworth
Email: fave@csdecatur.net
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/FAVE
Location: 101 5th Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: (404) 371-6680
Happy Monday F.AVE Families!