Mustang Parent Newsletter
November 2022
A Note from the Principal
Happy November!
Our annual PTO Turkey Bingo Fundraiser is back in the building on Thursday evening, November 3rd. Please see the information below in the flyer. We hope to see you all there for lots of fun! There is still time if you would like to donate a frozen turkey ~ please call the office at 696-2212.
In honor of our local veterans, we will be having a Veteran's Hero Parade on Wednesday, November 9th at 2:30 pm (see flyer below for details). In case of rain, we will ask Veterans to come inside the halls of the school so students can thank them for their service. This is a reminder there is No School on Thursday, November 10th, Friday, November 11th, Friday, November 18th, and Thursday, and Friday, November 24, & 25 for Thanksgiving break. The last day of school for 2022 is Wednesday, December 21st.
As the cold weather moves in, we would like to remind you to have our Mustang students bundled up with warm winter wear. *If you would like instant winter weather and school updates, you can sign up for the Manvel Mustang Parents REMIND app if you haven't already. You can find the directions to sign up at the bottom of this newsletter or on our website. If you are a family in need of winter clothing, please reach out to me or our school office.
Lastly, as we enter into the month of November, we want to GIVE THANKS for the opportunity to work with our families and students at MPS. We are grateful for the support and feedback that you give us to help make MPS a place that guides students to a happy, successful, and safe education! As always, we value your feedback about how things are going and we are always open to your input and ideas on how to make Manvel School better. This school belongs to all of us, and you are a special part of our success! Please reach out to Dr. Wheeler or me ~ we are happy to visit.
We are grateful for you. Have a healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!
Mrs. Hiltner, Principal
Save the Dates for November
November ~ Character Traits: Accepting & Empathetic
Thursday, November 3rd ~ Picture Retake Day (starting at 9:00 am)
Thursday, November 3rd ~ Turkey Bingo! 5-7:30 pm (see flyer below)
Friday, November 4th ~ Report Cards sent home
Tuesday, November 8th ~ Sumo Bot Wars at 2:15 pm in the gym
Wednesday, November 9th ~ Student Council meeting @ 7:30 am
Wednesday, November 9th ~ Veteran's Day Parade 2:30 pm (inside if the weather doesn't cooperate)
Thursday, November 10th ~ No School (P/T Comp Day)
Friday, November 11th ~ No School (Veteran's Day)
Monday, November 14th ~ School Board Meeting @ 5:00 pm
Friday, November 18th ~ Staff PD Day (no school for students)
Thursday, November 24th ~ No School ~Thanksgiving
Friday, November 25th ~ No School
For the November Mustang of the Month, we will be looking for students who are 'Accepting' and 'Empathetic'
Thanks to the Manvel Fire Department for their support and FUN during Fire Prevention Week! Congratulations to the winners of the coloring, poster and essay contest!
Welcome to our new school counselor, Mrs. Weston, who will be at MPS one day per week!
Sensory Room at MPS
We are very proud of both our sensory room and sensory hallway at MPS. It helps many students each day with sensory needs, which in turn allows them to be successful learners!
SPD is a condition where sensory stimuli aren't interpreted properly by the brain and nervous system. Children with this condition tend to be either over-sensitive or under-responsive to stimuli. The signs of SPD can vary greatly.
Below are some pictures of our Sensory Room at MPS. If you think your child may have SPD, please visit with your child's teacher, or call the office to request a brochure on SPD.
If you haven't joined our school-wide REMIND app, please do ~ you will get automatic text messages with weather-related delays and school announcements via text message from Mrs. Hiltner & Dr. Wheeler
About Us
Email: melissa.hiltner@manvelk8.com
Website: http://www.manvel.k12.nd.us/pages/Manvel_Elementary_School
Location: Manvel Public School, Oldham Avenue, Manvel, ND, United States
Phone: 701-696-2212
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/manvelmustangs/