Mini Bobcat Bulletin
Oct. 18, 2023
Bobcat of the Month
Brooks Feasel
Daniel Earl
Archer Brown
Elaine Ovitt
Zeb Braymer
Avery Darlow
Hazel Olson
Harper Frawley
Aiden Wickham
Beau Nobles
Ayla Henderson
Cael Crabb
Emerielyn Ruiz
McKayla Horn
The students celebrated by decorating rocks to place outside!
1st/2nd Combo Art with Mrs. Forsythe
Thank You St. Regis Travel Center!
Thank you to the St Regis Travel Center for their donation of Lego Stem Kits for our Lego Club! They are enjoying the new additions!
MAST Testing 10/24
This is a reminder that our 3rd through 8th grade students will be participating in the first window of MAST testing on Tuesday, Oct. 24th. This is our state reported testing. The testing with this new format will be split into five test windows that occur throughout the school year instead of completing the large test all at one time as it has been done in the past. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Quinlan, Mrs. Kuhl, or Ms. Nagy.
Respiratory Virus Season Has Arrived
-Keep your kids home if they are not feeling well and do not send them back until they have been fever free without medication for 24 hours and other symptoms have been resolved or significantly improved.
-Teach your kids to:
-Wash hands often throughout the day; especially before eating
- Avoid touching their eyes, mouth and nose
-Cover their cough with their elbow to minimize the spread of germs to others