Waunakee High School Warrior Weekly
Week of Monday, October 9 - Friday, October 13, 2023
Los boletines se publican a través del sitio web de SMORE. El sitio web SMORE tiene una opción de "traducir" disponible, ubicada en la parte superior del programa. Si tiene preguntas o está confundido acerca de la información compartida en este boletín, comuníquese con nuestro intérprete del distrito al (608) 206-5730
The bulletins are published through the SMORE website. The SMORE website has a "translate" option available, located on the top of the program. If you have questions or are confused about the information shared in this newsletter, please contact our district interpreter at (608) 206-5730
National Merit Scholarship Program
Celebrating Academic Excellence!
We are thrilled to announce our 2024 National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists and Commended Students! The National Merit Scholarship Program recognizes and honors students for their exceptional academic achievements, extracurricular activities, skills, and future potential.
Join us in congratulating our outstanding Semifinalists: Nathaniel Bound (not pictured), Luke Chambers, Vincint Chou, Colin Grommon, Mina Khalil, Samuel Lane, Joshua Rifelj
We also applaud our accomplished Commended Students: Sean Hughes, Alexis Lingard, Alliah Lutes
To learn more about this prestigious recognition and our remarkable scholars, visit https://tinyurl.com/NationalMeritInfo2023.
We wish our Semifinalists the very best of luck in the next round later this year! Your dedication to excellence is an inspiration to us all.
Raise it to the Rooftop: A Grand Piano Fundraiser
The Waunakee Family Organization for Music and Theater Arts (FORMATA) is partnering with the Friends of Waunakee Performing Arts (FWPA) to host Raise It To The Rooftop: A Grand Piano Fundraiser.
Please join us!
When? Sunday, October 8 from 4:00-8:00 PM
Where? The Lone Girl, Waunakee
Enjoy a night of music with performances by music teachers and students including Ms. Sussanah Herrick and her band Finding North, Mr. Mike Steen and his band Whiskey Farm and the Waunakee High School Jazz Combo, Ice Cream Truck. Vibrant music and theatre programs through financial support, advocacy, volunteer opportunities and helping with the purchase of a Yamaha S6X concert Grand Piano for the Performing Arts Center.
The link below contains the items that will be part of the online auction. Proceeds will go to purchasing the new concert grand piano for the Performing Arts Center!
Auction items will be available for bidding starting at 8:00 am on Friday, October 6.
If you have any questions, please email Christina Metzger.
WHS 2023-2024 Building Goals
At Waunakee Community High School, we are committed to helping each student reach their full potential. To guide our efforts, our school improvement team meets annually during an activity we call our School Improvement Institute, or SII. During the summer of 2023, a team of teachers, administrators, and other school staff from Waunakee Community High School gathered together at SII to review data and create our School Improvement Plan for the 2023-2024 school year. Operating under the umbrella of our Waunakee Community School District’s strategic priorities, we developed two goals for continuous improvement for the 2023-2024 school year.
By spring 2025, all of the available data within the following indicators will be as high or higher than the 2019 (pre-pandemic) results:
% of ACT benchmark proficiency,
% of 9th grade students with 90% or greater attendance
% of 12th grade students with a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or higher
% of students involved in co-curriculars
% of students that earn a “C” or better in an Advanced Placement course.
% of students earning a “C” or better in Dual Enrollment courses.
% of students earning a “C” or better in Advanced Algebra.
% of students that have completed more than 25 service hours.
Students enrolled in Work Based Learning and earning Industry Recognized Credentials.
We will continue to develop and foster a positive and inclusive school climate so that the percentage of students who report a positive social and emotional well being is maintained or improved by June of 2024 as measured by the WCHS Student Climate Survey comparing yearly concurrent months.
We believe these two goals will help create an environment where all students can thrive academically and develop as independent learners. To achieve this, we value the support and involvement of parents. Please reach out to your child's teachers to learn more about how you can support learning at home. Please visit the district website for additional information and resources related to our school improvement efforts this year.
With our dedicated staff and engaged families working together, we know we can make great progress to support each student's growth and success this school year!
WCSD District Goals
WCS Metas Del Distrito
Homecoming Week Festivities
Kickin' off Homecoming Week
The following is a great way for our students to get involved and show their school spirit. Join us on Sunday, October 8th for:
WINDOW DECORATING from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM at the high school.
DODGEBALL GAME from 5:00-7:00 PM in the high school small gym
Dress-up Days (Oct. 9-13)
Tuesday: Dress like your TWIN
Wednesday: Find your best 80's/NEON to wear
Thursday: Wear your FAVORITE JERSEY
Homecoming Parade
OCT 11: Community/Educator Offerings
Sara Nilles, Co-Founder of Work2BeWell speaks to thousands of students and educators around the country sharing effective strategies to encourage connection, wellness, and success. We are excited to have her join us in Waunakee as we recognize World Mental Health Day. Work2BeWell (W2BW) is a mental health and wellness program focused on providing mental health resources and education for teens, parents, and educators. Their goal is to promote teens wellness across the country, and work to normalize the conversation about mental health and reduce the stigma that surrounds it. Leave with a plethora of resources to add to your wellness toolbox. Sara will offer two Lunch & Learn sessions during the following times: 11:55-12:25 PM and 1:30-2:00 PM
OCT. 12: Assembly Speaker
For more than 24 years, Harriet Turk has been inspiring teens and adults around the globe. Harriet leads participants on a take charge, get real and go for it journey. Belief, character development, balanced living, and resilience are key aspects of success. This dynamic leadership program combines humor with a though-provoking message to inspire and energize participants toward their goals. Get ready to be inspired! Harriet will present two sessions for the students and staff: 8:25-9:15 AM and 9:30-10:20 AM. Classes will be released to the PAC by Mr. Borowski's announcement.
Freshmen HOCO Barn Dinner
All Freshmen are cordially invited to the Freshmen HOCO Barn Dinner on Saturday, October 14, 2023 from 5:00 pm-8:00 pm at The Barn, 6538 Schumacher Rd, Waunakee.
A bus will be available to take you from the dinner to the Homecoming Dance. Please note, a ticket to the Homecoming Dinner does not include entry to the Homecoming Dance. A separate ticket is required for entry into the Homecoming Dance. The bus will make several trips to the high school, starting at 7:45pm. Students should not be picked up at The Barn. All students will ride the bus to the high school for pick up (whether or not they are going to the dance).
TICKETS will be available for purchase during both LUNCHES on September 28-29 and again on October 5-6. Cost: $20 per student either Cash or Venmo (@Erin-Larson-83, please include student(s) first and last name)
PARENTS: Please use this link to volunteer and/or donate! Signup Genius.
If your freshman is interested in coming to the dinner but doing so would be a financial hardship, we are collecting donations to be able to include everyone. In confidence, please contact Rose Nadler or Jessica Moehn at the high school.
All information will also be posted on the CLASS OF 2027 Facebook Page. If you have additional
questions, feel free to reach at freshmanhocodinner@gmail.com.
October 14: Dance starts at 8:00 PM; Concludes at 11:00 PM
All students in Grades 9-12 may purchase a Homecoming Dance ticket(s) through GoFan. The deadline to order is 11:59 AM on October 12. The promo code is your student ID number. Any student bringing a guest from a different school, must turn in a completed guest form. Guest forms can also be picked up from the front office. All forms must be submitted on or before October 6th.
From the Library Media Technology Center (LMTC)
Peer Tutors
Our Peer Tutors are now open and available before school and during school. For more information, please visit our website to learn how to best access and use them for assistance.
Our teachers and library lessons will include further discussion throughout the year about the advent of new AI tools like ChatGPT. As a reminder, our updated student handbook policy regarding academic honesty and plagiarism addresses this specifically to help guide you as you write and study. Academic Honesty: “Use of generative AI programs such as ChatGPT by students on graded assignments is prohibited, except with the express permission of the teacher, in which case the use of AI must be cited by the student. Unauthorized use of AI on graded assignments by the student will be treated as an academic honesty violation.”
Staff Appreciation Committee Needs Your Help
Attention Parents and Guardians
For over 18 years, the HS Staff Appreciation Committee has been providing a light meal for the teachers and staff on the night of conferences. Access the October 2023 HS Staff Conference Meal SignUp to indicate your offering or to volunteer to set-up or clean-up. Any help is appreciated! All donations should be dropped off to the HS main office by 2 PM on Monday, October 16, 2023 (no deliveries the week before please; if you need help getting your donation to school, reach out to one of the coordinators).
If you would prefer to make a cash donation and have one of the coordinators do the shopping, please reach out to one of us (below) and we will provide the information needed.
Thank you,
Staff Appreciation Co-Coordinators
Shawna Schalk shawnaschalk@gmail.comMelissa Meinholz tmzmein@yahoo.com
HOSA Hosts Fall Social
HOSA Future Health Professionals Club is hosting a fall social on October 12th at Kilkenny Park starting at 6:00 PM. There will be a fun fall movie projected on a large screen, apple cider, fall treats and pumpkins to carve! There might even be a quick pickleball tournament. All are welcome!
Bridging Brighter Smiles offers Dental Care at School
Meet us at the Net!
Senior Attendance Reminders
Attendance Notes for Seniors, Parents & Guardians
According to Board of Education policy, you must be in attendance for 90% of the time if you want to walk at graduation. That means missing no more than 45 PERIODS of instruction per semester. Each school day is made of 5 periods: 1st, Contact Time/HomeRoom, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Parent Request excused absences do count within the 45 absences.
The good news is that there is a way to make certain absences exempt from counting against your student.
- Medical appointment? Bring in a doctor's note.
- College visit? Bring in documentation of your trip. (An email with date of visit or a picture of your student on campus. But not just a school brochure.)
- Funeral? Have a parent call.
- Family Vacation? Bring in a handwritten note from a parent. (Parent/Guardian must be traveling with the student(s)!)
Please call attendance 608.849.2110 or email your student's assistant principal with any additional questions. Thanks for your help!
Post Prom Planning Committee
Attention Junior Parents/Guardians
If you are interested in helping to plan/organize Post Prom this school year (April 13th, 2024), we will be meeting on Tuesday, October 17 at 6:30 PM in the Waunakee Village Center.
If you are interested in helping out, but are unable to make the meeting, please email stevenhernandez@waunakee.k12.wi.us so that he can pass your name onto the Post Prom Planning Committee.
Post Prom is organized by parents/guardians and offers a wonderful opportunity for our students following Prom.
Thank you for your help and support in advance.
WCSD and Lamers Bus Update
The Waunakee Community School District works in partnership with Lamers Bus Company to provide transportation to and from school for our families. All 4K-12 students that live within the transportation boundaries have access to school bus transportation.
This week, we are experiencing several bus route delays due to the ongoing bus driver shortage. Many communities and school districts across the country are in the same situation. Lamers and the school district are working closely together on a multi-faceted strategy to respond to the bus driver shortage, as well as navigating the challenges with alternate routes, delayed routes, schedules, etc. Our main goal is the safety of our students, as well as minimizing the impact on our students and families. We will always communicate with the school buildings and those families that may be impacted by the bus delays. We expect that bus driver availability will improve next week.
Urgent NEED for School Bus Drivers
Do you enjoy working with kids? Would you like a flexible schedule and better work-life balance? Does great pay with extra earning opportunities appeal to you? The Waunakee Community School District and Lamers Bus Company are in urgent need of new school bus drivers.
Even if you can’t drive, you can still help!
The school district is offering a $500 referral bonus and a $500 new hire bonus for all new school bus drivers (Contingent upon 90 days of service). Lamers is also offering an opportunity to earn up to $2,400 in additional incentive payments. Please note, if these positions are not filled, transportation service for the district will be impacted.
Interested in applying? Please call Lamers at (608) 850-5253 and ask to speak with Jeremy or Tom.
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.
Class of 2024 Seniors/Parents/Guardians
Jostens met with all Seniors on Thursday, October 5th to explain and pass out ordering information for Graduation Cap/Gown & Announcement products, and measure seniors for cap/gowns (height chart adjusted to add 2” with shoes on). To place your graduation order, please click on the link below. The deadline to order is OCT. 31st, 2023, to avoid a late fee.
Cap/Gown/Announcement packages are available to fill all your needs, or you may order an individual cap/gown/tassel unit. Unopened Cap & Gown units may be returned if you do not participate in 2024 Ceremony. Click Here to Order Waunakee Community High School Graduation Supplies QUESTIONS? 608-526-2100 or EMAIL: keiler.countryman@jostens.com
Project Graduation Needs Committee Members
Project Graduation is organized by the parents and guardians of the graduating SENIORS. This event was established to offer seniors a safe place to celebrate for FREE and we hope to continue providing it. However, without the help of parents and guardians, our 2024 event may be canceled. Currently, there is no committee and no committee chair.
If you are willing to help plan/organize Project Graduation, email waunagradparty@gmail.com to express interest . There will be a planning meeting on Wednesday, October 18th at 6 PM in the high school teacher's lounge. Thank you for your help and support in advance.
Designing a Class Ring
Class of 2027 Freshmen/Parents/Guardians
The Jostens representatives dropped off packets in the main office regarding the Waunakee Community HS class ring program. Please click on the link below to design your ring on the RING DESIGNER. Design & order your ring between October 5th and October 19th to receive $20 off your ring using promo code RING20. (Tradewinds, P11, P12, P30, P31 not included). A ring sizer is included in the packet. Rings will ship home in approximately 4-6 weeks with payment programs available.
Click Here to Access Waunakee Community High School's Online Ring Builder
QUESTIONS? 608-526-2100 or EMAIL: keiler.countryman@jostens.com
From the School to Career Coordinator
Calling all local #WaunakeeWAY businesses!
Are you looking to connect with the future workforce and make a positive impact on young minds? Join us at Waunakee Community High School for our exciting program, "Waunakee Career Lunch Wednesdays!"
How to get involved? Just click on the link below to access more program details and sign up for an available date. Let's inspire the next generation of professionals together!
Link to Program Details and Sign-Up
https://waunakee.co1.qualtrics.com/.../SV_9MLK94i2AKRd4F0. Your participation can make a difference in shaping the future. We look forward to having you with us at Waunakee Community High School!
Organized by National Honor Society / Sponsored by American Legion
Supporting our Families
Webinar for Dane County Parents, Guardians, and Students
Supports for Students at Edgewood College
Tuesday, October 24, 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Learn about the differences in applying, qualifying, creating and using support after high school graduation. Common accommodations, alternatives to full-time courseload with on-campus living, and suggestions for developing self-advocacy will also be shared. This information also applies to other post secondary settings. Students with a physical or mental diagnosis, English Language Learner need, 504 or IEP plan, or a temporary health condition such as a concussion may qualify for support.
The webinar will be led by Patrick Godar, Director of Disability and Accessibility Services at Edgewood College, pgodar@edgewood.edu. Note: after the Webinar a recording will be available at EC DAS
Attention Seniors
Attention Seniors: The high school counselors are offering college application help sessions each week through October. We are here to help you achieve your postsecondary goals, whether that be with application assistance, transcripts requests, and/or other supplemental items. Sign up in FlexiSched under Mr. Landis.
Free Application Workshop for Seniors
Madison College Free Application Workshop
Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Seniors, if you are planning to attend Madison College, you're encouraged to attend this application workshop! Application fees are waived for students who apply during this great opportunity. Please stop in for a pass or register in FlexiSched under Mr. Landis. If you have any questions please stop by the Counseling Office.
Hello Freshmen!
The school counselors will be continuing to hold Meet and Greets with our freshmen over the course of the next several weeks. Looking forward to getting to know and supporting our freshmen this year!
SENIORS: Are you applying to St. Norbert College? If so, please stop in the Counseling Office and see Mrs. Carroll. St. Norbert College offers an Alumni Referral Award in which you could receive a $1000/yr for 4 years scholarship! The deadline for referrals is Nov. 15, 2023. All you need to do is provide her with a Student Resume.
ACT Test Prep for Juniors
2023-2024 Assessment Dates
PSAT/NMSQT: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 | 7:55 am-12:00 pm
Optional - Sophomores / Juniors
No make-up date
ACT: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 | 7:45 am-1:30 pm
No School (Frosh, Sophomores, Seniors)
Accommodated window: March 12-22, 2024
Forward Exam: Wed., April 3 & Thurs., April 4 | US History & AP US History Class
PreACT: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
PreACT: Thursday, April 18, 2023 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Freshmen, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
**NOTE: Students with multi-day testing accommodations will need to be at school for both testing days.
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM): WI test window March 18-April 26, 2024
AP Exams: May 6 - 17, 2024 | AM: 7:45 am-12:00 pm | PM: 11:45 am-4:00 pm
See detailed course listing below
Late Testing - May 22-24, 2024
If you are a Waunakee Community School District resident and have children (birth through 18 years of age ) not currently enrolled in our district, we would like to hear from you. The census is different from registration. Do not include currently enrolled WCSD students. The benefit to you is that if you fill out the census, you are in our system and we are able to contact you with information appropriate for the age of your child(ren).
It helps us plan our future enrollment in our district. It also allows us to provide you with information appropriate for your child.
Fill out form here: https://tinyurl.com/WCSDCensus2023
Address: 301 Community Drive, Waunakee, Wisconsin, USA
To contact the High School, please call: (608) 849-2100. To reach the Attendance, press 1; Health Office, press 2; Counseling, press 3; Main Office, press 0