Pine Ridge Prep Update
August 29, 2022
Welcome from Mrs. Tanner & Mrs. Banzhaf
Dear Pine Ridge Prep Families,
Happy Monday! We are excited for our second full week of learning and growing! Please note there will be NO SCHOOL next Monday, September 5th due to Labor Day.
Click the link to access the 2022-2023 Family Handbook.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us!
Thank you for the privilege of serving you ~
Mrs. Gabrielle Tanner, Principal
Mrs. Shelley Banzhaf, Building Leader Intern
Upcoming Events
August & September Events
September 5: NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
September 9: Grandparents Day Celebration
September 15: Picture Day
September 16: Pine Ridge Prep 10th Birthday Celebration!
You can find all school events listed on our school calendar which you can access on our webpage.
Grandparent's Day Tea
Friday, Sep 9, 2022, 02:00 PM
Pine Ridge Prep School, Southeast Highland Avenue, Topeka, KS, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Items That Need Your Attention
ASQ Parent Reports
If you have not yet completed the ASQ screeners, please do so as soon as possible! This is a requirement for our program. You may access the screeners to complete digitally with the links below.
English: https://www.asqonline.com/family/ca822f
Time to Eat!
Medications & Meal Modifications
Car Seats
Informational Items
COVID Protocols
Late Start
Academic Calendar
Family Resources
Food & Clothing Bank
Community Resources Council Directory
If in need of resources, you can also contact the United Way by dialing 211.
Pine Ridge Prep Preschool
Website: https://www.topekapublicschools.net/pine-ridge-prep
Location: 1110 SE Highland Ave.
Phone: 785-329-7870
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PineRidgePrep/
Twitter: @PinePrep