Finishing Strong!!!
May/June Newsletter
Parent Survey Information
We have had a super busy May thus far with AP exams, playoff games, the High School Musical, and Concerts. It has been fun!!! We celebrated our Seniors with Senior Salute this past Saturday, and Senior Week, this week! We have 10 more days of instruction before End of Course Exams. We have about 23 days to Graduation!
We are currently gathering feedback on how to get better next school year. Please fill out the Parent Survey, by clicking on the link, to give us feedback. Thank you for your support!
OCS High School Calendar
Attendance Information for 2nd Semester
Students with over 10 absences this semester will need to complete an attendance waiver form. Attendance waivers are available in student services.
According to the Onslow County Board of Education Policy 4400, for a student to receive credit for a course, he/she must not be absent for more than ten (10) days per class period per semester. Accumulated absences over ten (10) days per class period per semester with extenuating circumstances must be documented by medical and/or legal paperwork and be submitted to the Principal or their designee. This form is simply a request for the Principal or their designee to review absences that have accumulated over the 10 days allowed per OCS policy.
Graduation Information
The general deadline is June 1st for students to share information shown at Graduation. Only senior photos will be used in the slideshow.
Graduation Practice is June 13th, at 12 pm. Students must attend practice to participate in the
Graduation Ceremony. Students will receive 5 graduation tickets at graduation practice.
Graduation is June 14th, at 6:30pm. Seniors need to be at school by 5 pm. Gym doors open to families at 5:30. Doors close and the ceremony will start at 6:30. There will be no late entry, and no re-entry after the ceremony starts.
Graduation Information Powerpoint Link: DHS Graduation Powerpoint.pptx
Final Transcripts
Students who need their transcripts sent with final grades can request them now. Final transcripts will not be ready to send out until July. Colleges may email you saying they are waiting for these documents; we will not be able to send them earlier than July. Students attending College and Universities in North Carolina will need to request their transcripts through Please contact Ms. Balsamo with any questions.
Final Transcript Request Form:
Seniors- Repaint Parking Spots by June 4
f you do not paint the parking spot by June 4, we will paint it for you, but you will be charged a $50 fine! If you have any questions, please see Coach Moore in room 109.
End of Year Testing Information
It's testing season! Your student has been preparing for this all semester and now it's time to shine! Teacher-made finals will begin the week of May 30. State End-of-Course (EOC) exams for English II, Math I, Math III, and Biology will be held June 06-09. Career and Technical Education (CTE) exams will happen at the same time as the EOC exams. Exams are delivered by period, so Tuesday, 6/6 we will test all EOC and CTE courses offered during period 1. On Wednesday, 6/7, we will test all EOC and CTE courses offered during period 2 and soforth. Exam lengths and timing vary; students will have an opportunity to grab lunch before they leave school. We will start testing promptly at 7:15, so please encourage your student to be on time, well-rested, full of breakfast and ready to test!
Credit Recovery Summer School
DHS Summer Recovery is designed for those students who did not pass coursework during the school year. These students will be given the opportunity to complete coursework through the APEX module system. This will not change a student’s GPA. This only provides students an opportunity to earn a graduation credit for that course. Students will receive a P for passing or an F for failing. Students pass by completing all the assigned modules for the course earning the minimum score requirement, as determined by the APEX program. Students are expected to be present on campus through the completion of their recovery courses. Credit Recovery will be offered from 9am to 1pm on the following dates in the DHS annex: June 19th-22nd, June 26th-29th, July 10th-13th.
Student 2 Student Applications
Rising Sophomores and Rising Juniors interested in participating in the Student2Student Club for the 2023-24 school year, applications will be available May 22nd and are due by June 5th. Selections will occur over the summer, all students who apply will be notified upon our decision. Please speak to Mrs. A or Ms. Balsamo if you have any questions.
Free Physicals for Student Athletes for 23-24 School Year
We have received the dates for FREE PHYSCIALS for our athletes. The dates are June 3rd and June 10th starting at 8:00 am at Carolina East Orthopedics, 201 Williamsburg Parkway Jacksonville, NC, 28546. Students with paperwork will be able to ride a bus, leaving the school at 7:30.
The new consent form is attached which is in every physical packet. You will notice a slight change in the process of completing this form. There is a witness signature line that is to be completed either by the athletic trainer, AD, any administration, or front office staff. The parent is to sign the form in person as we need to be sure that this is actually being completed by the parent and they are aware of the consent they are providing for the athletic training staff to provide care.
Carolina East Consent Form Link
From the Nurse' Office
JUNIORS Need Vaccinations
ATTENTION all rising 12th grade students at Dixon High School:
North Carolina State law requires all students entering 12th grade to receive the required immunizations before the start of the next school year. The immunization that is required prior to the 2023-2024 school year is:
Meningococcal conjugate vaccine (2nd dose)
This vaccine is required before entering 7th grade or by age 12 years old. A booster dose is then required by 17 years of age or before entering 12th grade.
This immunization can be received at your doctor’s office, or you can contact the Onslow County Health Department at (910) 347-2154 to schedule an appointment.
If you have already received the required immunization, you must provide the school nurse with a copy of the documentation.
If your student currently takes medication while at school, please plan to pick up your child’s medication on or before the last day of school. The last day of school is Friday, June 9th. Onslow County school policy prohibits storing medications over the summer and if medication is not picked up by Friday, June 9th at 3pm, it will be discarded. Arrangements can be made by contacting the school nurse.
HOSA Students at State Competition in Greensboro
Band and Chorus Students Performing at Disney
1st Place Girls Soccer Team
Upcoming Calendar Events
May 2023
5/22-5/26 Senior Spirit Week
5/22 Home Playoff Soccer, 6 pm
5/22 Academic Awards Ceremony, 5:00 in Annex Gym -Freshman/Sophomore & 6:30 in Auditorium for Junior/Seniors
5/23 Senior Walk
5/23 Yearbook Distribution
5/23 8th Grade/Wind Ensemble Concert, 6:30 pm
5/24-26 Percussion Clinic in Auditorium, 4-6
5/29 Memorial Day Holiday
5/30- 6/5 Teacher Made Exams
June 2023
6/3 Free Sports Physicals, 8 am-12
6/3 Senior Sunset
6/3 SAT Testing Date
6/6 1st Period Exam
6/7 2nd Period Exam
6/8 3rd Period Exam
6/9 4th Period Exam
6/9 End of Grading Period/Last day of school
6/10 Free Sports Physicals, 8 am-12
6/13 Graduation Rehearsal, 12 pm in gym- Seniors Attending Ceremony Must Attend
6/14 Graduation, 6:30 pm, Gym opens 5:30
6/19 Credit Recovery and Summer School Start, 9-1 pm
Dixon High School
Location: 160 Dixon School Road, Holly Ridge, NC, USA
Phone: 910-347-2958
Twitter: @dixon_bulldogs