Sign up now for I-CARE!
at Indian Hills Junior High
About I-CARE
Indian Hills’ I-CARE is a WDMCS Community Education program that provides opportunities for students to participate in service learning projects during their study hall.
In the past, students have been transported to off-site activities. Due to pandemic safety restrictions, we will not travel outside the building this year. Instead, projects for local nonprofits will be brought to school by the service learning coordinators.
Students may come into contact with materials provided by the organizations. If so, gloves will be offered to students to wear if they wish. A permission slip must be signed by a legal guardian/parent before students are allowed to participate.
Social distancing and appropriate PPE will be required of all students, as well as handwashing or hand sanitizer use when appropriate.
I-Care Project Examples
Some of the I-CARE activities/partnerships may include:
- Helping with media center or other school-based projects
- Projects for AHeinz57 Pet Rescue, Furry Friends, and the Animal Rescue League
- Making birthday and appreciation cards for staff
- Helping with projects from Meals From The Heartland
- Making care packages for Central Iowa Shelter and Services or the
- YMCA Supportive Housing Campus
- Making videos of reading books for younger students
- Making cards for children at Blank Children’s Hospital and
- Stead Family Children’s Hospital in Iowa City
- Making t-shirt bags for food pantries
Questions? Have an idea to help a local non-profit?
Get in touch with the Indian Hills I-CARE coordinator!
Jamie Champion, championj@wdmcs.org
About Us
Email: communityeducation@wdmcs.org
Website: https://commed.wdmcs.org/
Location: 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: 515-633-5001