Stanwood Middle School
Family Message - October 22, 2022
Good Morning Stanwood Middle School Families!
Empowering our Spartans to Learn
Yesterday our staff spent time at the district and building level digging into the results of the Panorama survey with a particular focus on grit. Grit relates to our AAP work this year in helping students become "unstuck." Our goal as a staff is to build resilient learners who have the internal ability to power through new learning and projects in order to find success academically.
Last week (see below) Ms. Liebscher's class spent time focusing on this AAP work as students explored what the learning pit is and how to get out of it. By teaching students the foundational knowledge of what a learning pit is and how to get out of being stuck, our students will start to learn how to persevere through the challenge of learning new material or doing bigger projects.
We will be having Fall Conferences November 2 and 3. We are currently having teachers reach out to families for conferences and will let you know as soon as our schedule is open for everyone to call regarding an individual/group conference. You can call at anytime to schedule a conference, but we would appreciate everyone waiting until our next message regarding conference times.
PTO Fundraiser
We are well into our PTO's catalog fundraiser. This event runs through October 28.
On October 27, the PTO is hosting another MOD pizza night with a portion of the proceeds going to our PTO.
Our PTO supports a huge number of programs here at Stanwood Middle School. Please consider helping out through one of the fundraisers or coming to a meeting and learning about volunteer opportunities for different events. Thank you for helping our PTO!
Spirit Week and Dance
Our first spirit week of the year is right around the corner!
Tuesday, October 25: Comfy/cozy day
Wednesday, October 26: Pink day
Thursday, October 27: Hat day
Friday, October 28: Color Wars! 6th grade black, 7th grade grey, 8th grade red
Monday, October 31: Halloween Costumes
After school on Monday, October 31 is our first dance of the year from 2:10 p.m.-4:00 p.m. Permission slips will go home with students on Monday, October 24 and tickets will be for sale before school and during lunches on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Tickets are $5.
Please call the school if you have any questions, 360.629.1350!
Tod Klundt
Stanwood Middle School
A message from the school board
Meet the Spartan Staff
This week it is time to meet our custodial team. Stanwood Middle School, the oldest building in the district, is well taken care of by our team who make sure our students have a safe and clean space to learn in everyday. People are beyond impressed to learn how old our school is when they see how it shines daily.
Greg Thompson is our lead custodian--he's been at Stanwood Middle School for 25 years! His favorite part of his job is the staff and students, which he say provide "pure entertainment."
Willie Voehl is in year six as part of our custodial team. He works afternoons and evenings. He also says his favorite part of his job is the staff and students.
Kristy Litvinenko is in her second year as part of our afternoon and evening team. She too enjoys the students and staff, but also really appreciates the architecture of the building as well.
We couldn't empower our students to learn without the amazing job these three do everyday!
Spartan Pride Awards
This week we announced our first Spartan Pride Awards during lunch. Names and pictures are below. We will continue to announce these weekly during lunch and send the slips home to families for prominent refrigerator display.
HOPE food bags
SMS and the Stanwood-Camano Food Bank understand this school year may be tough for families in our community, with the Universal School Lunch program ending and food costs skyrocketing. We want to encourage families to take advantage of the HOPE Backpack Meals Program to assist in feeding your child(ren) over the weekends throughout the school year.
A “backpack” is a grocery bag filled with non-perishable items and our cold packs include fresh fruit, cheese, and yogurt when available. Each student can receive 1 backpack and 1 cold pack to take home on Fridays. Students can also take extra backpacks/cold packs home for their siblings if so desired. For holiday breaks, students will be able to take 2 backpacks, and 1 cold pack.
Any child wanting a backpack/cold pack can receive one. There are no applications, documents, or income requirements needed for students to qualify.
School staff will distribute HOPE bags every Friday after school in the foyer outside the cafeteria. (This may change for holidays and/or conferences). Students can stop by and grab a bag before getting on their bus or heading to the parking lot for parent pick up.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the SMS Student Support Advocate, Amy Hart at: 360-965-8249 or
Please be aware as we hand out chromebooks that there are fines associated with them if they are not returned and/or returned without damage.
Skyward Login Information
Student Calendar Link
PTO Information
Bus Information
Families can access individual student transportation information online.
Versatrans eLink is the portal to access the bus route, stop time, location, and the bus your child will be riding. The "User Name" and "Password" on the login page is your student's 7-digit identification number.
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Maurene Stanton (, or the Section 504/American Disabilities Act Coordinator, Robert Hascall ( Stanwood-Camano School District, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Telephone: (360) 629-1200.
El Distrito Escolar de Stanwood-Camano School District no discrimina en sus programas o actividades por motivos de sexo, raza, credo, religión, color, origen nacional, edad, condición de veterano de guerra o grado militar, orientación sexual, expresión de género o identidad, discapacidad o uso de perro guía entrenado o animal de servicio, y ofrece igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y a otros grupos de jóvenes especificados. El empleado mencionado a continuación ha sido designado para atender consultas y quejas de supuesta discriminación: Título IX / Oficial de Acción Afirmativa y Coordinador de Cumplimiento de Derechos Civiles, Maurene Stanton (, o la Sección 504 / Coordinador de la Ley de Discapacidades Estadounidenses, Robert Hascall (, Distrito Escolar Stanwood-Camano, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Teléfono: (360) 629- 1200