Kellogg ROAR
February 18, 2024
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Principal's Message
Kellogg Families,
I hope you had a restful weekend!
With the third quarter underway, we are starting to plan for the 2024-2025 school year. Schools were given our budgets for the 2024-25 school year, and we are working on determining staffing assignments using the budget and staffing allocations that we have received. As you have heard through PPS communications, the school budgets are reduced, and our school will be impacted. We will have to reduce some staffing and every effort will be made to ensure class sizes remain low next school year.
In this edition of the ROAR Newsletter:
Counseling updates
Spring Musical
Free Tutoring
and much more!
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Mr. Thai Nguyen
Kellogg Middle School
Counseling Corner
Attention 8th grade families
Franklin Forecasting Google Forms are due on Friday 2/16/24. If it has not already been submitted please do ASAP.
McDaniel Forecasting has been rescheduled to be in person at Kellogg instead of being virtual. Students did get a copy of their forecasting forms and will have the opportunity to get guidance from McDaniel on Monday 2/19 during 7th period 3-3:45
Counselor lesson updates:
6th grade:
7th grade: Students participated in a counselor led community building circle.
8th grade:Through the Reality Check activity in CIS JR students investigated the type of lives and careers they may want to have as adults.
You can always reach out to our counseling team!
6th grade: Holly Vaughn-Edmonds:
7th grade: Ashley Slack-Bevan:
8th grade: Jeanette Scantling:
The Latino Network Kellogg SUN Community School will be partnering with HomeForward to offer rent assistance over the next couple of months. The best way for me to know to contact you when resources become available is to complete this GoogleForm:
Also, Spring SUN classes are currently being developed. If you have any ideas for Spring SUN extended-day classes: SEND THEM MY WAY! Spring SUN will begin April 8th and enrollment forms will be available in mid-March.
Melany Desrochers (she/her)
Room 111C
Spring Musical
We had our first rehearsal last Monday and orientation afterwards to expand on what we are doing and how! Adults were able to meet with teams in areas they wanted to help (costumes, set, etc.). If you were unable to attend and have not gotten emails from me, please reach out . I am finalizing the long game rehearsal schedule and that will be sent out by Tuesday.
See all your students Monday for our second act run through and intro rehearsal! Thanks for sharing these gems of humans with me!
Thank you so much to all the families who came to the Dec 7 meeting. We had some volunteers say they would be interested in working on 8th Grade Promotion and other committees. We also discussed the issues with harassment and bullying at Kellogg and how we can talk to our kids about being a positive influence at school. We will be working more on ways to support students and teachers. Please email to be included in information going forward.
Easy Ways to Support Kellogg-
Kellogg Bottle Drop pre-labeled bags can be picked up at the front office (the box is stored in the staff room). When your bag is full you can drop it at any bottle drop participating location. (If the office is out - email and we will get you some -
Do you shop at Fred Meyers? They will donate to Kellogg if you link your rewards card to Kellogg Middle School PTSA or LS773.
¿Por Qué No? Dine Out Rescheduled to April 3. They will donate 10% of all day sales. Mark your calendars.
Franklin youth track and field registrations open on FamilyID. Season begins on Monday, March 11th. Please upload an up to date sports physical when you register. Email with any questions.
In honor of Women’s History Month coming up, we will be having our annual Young Women of Purpose event to connect with professionals in the community on March 8th at the Oregon Zoo. Transportation and food are provided.
*This is a professional attire event*
Sign up via the QR code on the flyer attached.
Free Tutoring for ALL
PPS has created a tutoring option for all students to access! The information is here for how students may access tutoring support through the new PPS partnership with VarsityTutors through their school Chromebooks.
Snapchat Family Controls
Family Center helps parents get more insight into who their teens are friends with on Snapchat, and who they have been communicating with, while still respecting their teens’ privacy and autonomy. It's designed to reflect the way parents engage with their teens in the real world, where parents usually know who their teens are friends with and when they are hanging out, but don’t eavesdrop on their private conversations. Learn more here.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, February 21, Coffee with the Principal/Cafecito , cafeteria 9:30-10am
Saturday, February 24, Solo and Ensemble Concert
Thursday, February 29, Spring Band Concert, Gym , 6:30-7:30
Kellogg Middle School
Location: Kellogg Middle School, Southeast 69th Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-916-5707