SCH Digest
Scott E. Miller, Superintendent
Issue 21 - December 2020
Hi SCH Family,
I want to thank everyone for all the hard work and flexibility you’ve demonstrated during the first half of the year. I hope you take time to do something you love and are intentional about spending time with those you love. We all need that more than ever.
Happy New Year!
Area Career Center
Nine students from the Hammond Area Career Center are well on their way to learning the skills needed to land jobs in a high-demand field, thanks to the Precision Machining Academy partnership between Ivy Tech Lake County and the career center.
The academy, which takes place at the East Chicago location, recently was certified as a State Earn and Learn program, which are state-level apprenticeship programs designed to provide work-and-learn experience along with skills and certifications.
In addition to work experience, the students will earn 25 college credits and a certificate in Machine Tool Technology from Ivy Tech. Students also earn three credentials in metal working.
"The academy has been an eye-opening experience not only for the students but for myself, after spending 28 years in the industry," instructor Rob Musgraves, owner/founder of LMR Industries in Hammond, said. "It offers students valuable life and technical skills they thought they'd never get. They are now seeing the value of the algebra, geometry and trigonometry classes that they have either taken or been exposed to."
"This partnership is a great opportunity for students to learn while engaging the practical side of the program," Keisha White, Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services, said. "It ensures they have the knowledge and hands-on experience so necessary to join today's workforce."
Food & Nutrition
Teachers – if you haven’t completed the Indiana State Department of Health’s very quick survey please do so by December 31st! If we don’t have at least 100 participants we will lose our grant funding from them!!
About 18 months ago the district was awarded a $10,000 a year (for 3 years) grant from the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH). One of the stipulations of this grant is that ISDH gets feedback from teachers on physical activity in the district.
We are asking every teacher to please watch this 45 minute YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIK6mFPB_CA&feature=youtu.be) from ISDH (it is okay to have it on in the background if you need to focus on other tasks) and then take this very short survey from ISDH on physical activity in SCH. The link for the survey is: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F2TP8N3
- There are a total of 13 ‘questions’ - the first 7 ‘questions’ are your name, school name, school district name, email, grade(s) taught, etc.
- There are a total of 4 multiple choice questions
- There are 2 short answer questions
- What are the greatest barriers and challenges you experience that affects your goal of achieving an active school environment?
- Questions or concerns? Please list them below!
Please help us stay in good standing with this grant and complete the survey by December 31st 2020
Hammond Academy for the Performing Arts
Also, our Acting Ensemble Presents a New Year Spectacular at 7 p.m. on the 31st of December and January 1st. Please join us!
Lastly, HAPA wishes you a wonderful break and Holiday.
Head Start
One of the “Powers” in Conscious Discipline is the Power of Attention – what you focus on you get more of. Head start is using that “power” and focusing on kindness. Emphasizing and recognizing kind words and actions helps to retrain the brain to see and look for the positive. Acknowledging acts of kindness takes a variety of forms in the Head Start classroom and can involve visual “posting” of kind things students have done for one another. There could be a kindness tree with each leaf listing an act of kindness completed, or a kindness pizza where each pepperoni acknowledges something kind that was done or a screen/Jamboard posting of kind words and/or deeds. In addition, a part of the daily Class Meetings includes a “wish you well” to those students who are absent and a welcoming back to those who have returned from being absent. One classroom is compiling a “book of kind words” to share with students. Other benefits to intentionally zeroing in on this “Power” include providing children with the vocabulary needed to express and name acts of kindness and fostering a sense of unity and belonging. We encourage you to give an exercise boost to your Power of Attention today and focus on kindness. In a world where you can be anything – be kind! The world truly needs it!
Human Resources
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to all the staff members who have birthdays in December!
Lisa Allman, Wesley Ashley, Da’Ja’Nay Askew, Charles Bais, Laura Bajmakovich, Danita Banks, Lauren Baranowski, Jennifer Barr, Ruby Bautista, Angela Benavidez, Sheilonda Blackman, Rick Boner, Pamela Boroughs, Dewayne Box, Priscilla Boyd, Jermaine Boyette, Edith Braet, Monieke Broome, Allison Buell, Ernestine Callahan, Travis Campbell, Maricela Campos, Manuel Candelaria, Marian Carney, Sylvia Carrasquillo, Patricia Casella, Trine Castillo, Michael Caston, Enrique Catalan, Celisa Chan, Laura Churilla, Christine Clarahan, Tracie Clayton, Larry Clopton, Christopher Clopton, Angela Cobbins, Freeman Coles. Tiffanie Conard, LaShawn Cook, Iesha Corder, Cynthia Costello, Kelly Coto, Dannette Daniels-Cole, Jacquelyn Dieguez, Annie Dillon, Anyahlyn Dillon, Doreen Dross, Veronica DuPey, Laura Ebner, Flora Espino-Hernandez, LaTayna Evans, James Ferrell, Cheryl Fleming, Kelly Flynn, Leilani Forbes, Renata Gajardo, Michael Garcia, Evangelina Garcia, Erika Garcia, Tylecia Gavin, Rachel Gibson, Erin Gomez, Carolyn Gorman, Linda Green, Leticia Guerra-Danko, Margaret Halton, Demetrius Harris, Dameca Harrison, Richard Hart, Kimberly Holmquist, Debbie Hoole, David Hornyak, Dana Howe, Raymond Hudgens, Adelaida Ibarra, Jennifer Jiminez, Angela Johnson, KimAyana Johnson, Lori Jones, Briana Jones, Patricia Joyner, Stephen Kelm, Jacqueline LaFave, Griselda Landa, Lauren Landini, Jami Lange, Nicole Lear, Brian Littlejohn, Emily Long, Ellen Longawa, Juan Lopez, Estela Maciel, Lauren Mackenzie, Sonia Magana, Theresa Maldonado, Susan Masepohl, Douglas McCotter, Patrick McKechnie, Melissa McManus, Mary Michalak, Cody Michniewicz, Kelly Miller, Patricia Miller, Alicia Mitchell, Jill Monroe, Russell Moore, Elizabeth Morikis, Evyonne Morris, Sylvia Munoz, Gracie Myers, Concepcion Navarrete, Kelley Nemcek, Marianna Nunez, Laurence Odoms, Veronica Patino, Robert Payne, Rosa Perez Elizalde, Joseph Pernick, Katherine Peterson, Pamela Petho, Noshea Pickett, Judith Pineda, Holly Plowman, Allen Polkinghorn, Lisa Pyle, Bonnie Qetairi, Patricia Quinones, Linda Quintanilla, Lisa Rackauskas, Victoria Recio, Gail Reese, Chamitta Relf, Kristen Reynolds, Angela Rice-Alicea, Shalonda Robinson, Michelle Robinson, Brittany Robinson, Pamela Sanders, Kristin Saylor, Patricia Senteno, Janeth Serrano, Lora Shade, Elise Sintes, Virginia Sparks, Coty Sparks, Eric Speer, Charles Stinnett, Nicholas Testa, Amanda Thorn, Jenifer Toth, Brian Tucker, Rachael Tyrone, Tricia Vallow, Vanessa Vanes, Denise Varble, Gladys Vargas, Sonja Vasic, Evelina Verduzco, Thespena Verta, Christian Walls, Tami Wasowski, Juanetta Wells, Ozetta Williams, Deandre Williams, Debra Woods, Manqiu You, and Tina Zukley.
Special Education
Teaching Tip
Mechanics Pass Semi-Annual Bus Inspection
Hammond Holiday Parade
SCH Highlights
Clark MS/HS
The Indiana Association of School Principals, through its Department of Student Programs, is proud to recognize the 1134 juniors from 294 schools as Rising Stars of Indiana. The Class of 2022 is surely promised success with these scholars. We congratulate these young people on all they have already achieved, as well as offer support and encouragement as they continue their accomplishments and expand their knowledge, growth, and leadership skills well into the future.
Our own Michael Pelc made the list of rising stars!!
Staff of the Week at Clark MS/HS
Gavit MS/HS
Gavit High School's National Honor Society held its annual Toy Drive on Tuesday, 12/14/20. Many staff members, students and community members came by with toys, amazing gifts, and smiling faces; it was truly a wonderful day! The Salvation Army was very appreciative of the school's efforts and expressed their thanks this season as well. They have many new families in need this year and the Gavit family and Hammond community helped make it special for so many kids. Gavit would like to express its gratitude for all those who supported the Toy Drive. Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Scott MS
Scott Middle School recently held a virtual resource fair to celebrate National Parental Involvement Day.
School City of Hammond staff, students, parents, and community partners were all invited to attend this event.
PNW Educational Talent Search, Geminus, The YMCA, The Hammond Public Library, The Hammond Hispanic Community Committee (HHCC) and Regional Credit Union were among the community partners invited to join.
Attendees were able to gain valuable resources from these partners and we hope to continue to bring resources to our community throughout the school year.
Military Card Challenge
Scott Middle School recently participated in the Military Card Challenge and were featured in the weekly IDOE newsletter. Students were asked to write letters to active military overseas to help them celebrate the holiday season. This is the second year Scott Middle School participates in this endeavor and we were very excited to be able to contribute to this great cause in a virtual setting!
Stay Informed
An update from the Superintendent is distributed monthly.
View previous updates from Mr. Miller here.
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Email: schadmin@hammond.k12.in.us
Website: www.hammond.k12.in.us
Location: 41 Williams Street, Hammond, IN, USA
Phone: (219) 933-2400
Facebook: facebook.com/SchoolCityofHammond/
Twitter: @SCHK12