Cougar News
Week of December 5, 2022
Letter from Mr. Nelson
Cougar Nation-
We are most thankful for you guys ably assisting us over the break by working with your student. It takes a village not only to raise a child but to teach one, so the life lessons you imparted to them over the 9-day holiday are most appreciated. So much so that we plan to let you handle the reins for 19 days reasonably soon, so start preparing those life lesson plans now.
Here’s a life lesson for all who are reading. Seeing how I will be celebrating turning half a century next week, I have had my fair share of failures, successes, and learning experiences. I finally feel I have the answer to the age-old question of how to live each day.
Do not live each day as if it is your last day on Earth; instead, live each day as if you will be deployed the next day. This means keeping your affairs in order and ensuring there are no messes left for others to tend to while you're away. If we act like there’s no tomorrow, we take unnecessary chances and could say or do things to others that may not be considered kind. If we work towards ensuring all loose ends are tied, and all of our responsibilities are met, we make things easier for others and ourselves when we return. Doing our job to completion, whatever that entails, should be the end goal each day before the head hits the pillow. Kiss your children good night, tell them you love them, and then be there in the morning to greet them and celebrate a new day.
For the middle school setting, we are to teach them that procrastination is not helpful and that the quicker we finish a task, the sooner we can get to the fun stuff. When something we need to complete is on our minds, it takes away necessary bandwidth that could be used for more creative and joyful endeavors. Make sure your student knows that when we eat the frog first thing in the morning, everything else the day throws at us will pale in comparison because we are battle-tested.
This is but one life lesson I have gleaned during my 50 trips around the sun. Another equally important one is to invest in a durable, easy-to-clean pizza cutter. Game changer.
Have a great weekend. I’ll be out of commish until Thursday, but I look forward to returning and spending quality time with our exceptional students.
Matthew Nelson
(512) 841-6705
Wacky Winter
Teachers who participate can enter to win prizes. Here are today's announcements where we pulled the winner from yesterday's wear red. Stay until after the credits where one of the teachers ran down to give us something very much needed...
Newletter Correction
Order a yearbook online!
Our yearbook is a full color celebration of everything that makes Small special; it's a great fun way to preserve all your student's fond memories of Small. The book is $35 before the holidays. The price goes up to $40 in January. Get your yearbook today!
Click here for the easy link: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/2369067/Small-Middle-School/2023-Yearbook/2022092615150740089/CATALOG_SHOP/
If you have any yearbook questions, please email Mr. Shoptaw at thomas.shoptaw@austinisd.org.
Holiday donations for Small Families in need
The Small Counseling department is looking for donations to help our families in need this holiday season. We would love your support and are grateful for anything that can you can contribute. Please see the image for details.
Counseling Corner
Every chromebook comes with 1 charger. If your student loses that charge, you must purchase a new one. We do not have extra chargers in the office to loan or give out.
Click here to purchase or see what charger you need for the school chromebooks.
Thank you to our Gold Sponsors
Clint Small Middle School
Email: jennifer.newell@austinisd.org
Website: https://small.austinschools.org/
Location: 4801 Monterey Oaks Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-841-6700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057069836221