Broncos Bulletin
May 2018 - Bernal Intermediate
Bernal Intermediate School
Mrs. Berg, Assistant Principal
Email: rvelasquez@ogsd.net
Website: bernalis.schoolloop.com
Location: 6610 San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Phone: 4085785731
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
They say April showers bring May flowers, so I’m looking forward to the wonderful flowers currently in bloom and yet-to-bloom in the month of May. We have a busy and fast-paced month ahead of us at Bernal. State testing is moving full-speed ahead. Our first week of our testing window (last week of April) went fine and thank you to all teachers and support staff that partnered together to implement each testing session with high-caliber fidelity and precision; including those testing sessions for individual students with accommodations and supports specific to their learning style.
I would like to give a shout out to Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Miguel. She is this recipient of this year’s Innovative Spirit Vision Award for Bernal. Mrs. Miguel has been incorporating and developing higher levels of Rigor, Student Relevance, and learning environment that fosters more positive Relationships between and among students as well as between students and teachers. As a veteran teacher with many years of teaching experience, we congratulate and applaud Mrs. Miguel’s commitment to being a lifelong learner in a way that benefits her students, as well as makes her time teaching, a much more meaningful and enjoyable experience.
As Always, take care of yourselves, and each other.
Jamal D. Splane, Principal
May Spirit Days
May 11th- Sunglasses Day
May 14th-May 18th Rainbow Week!
- Monday 5/14 - Orange
- Tuesday 5/15 - Yellow
- Wednesday 5/16 - Green
- Thursday 5/17 - Purple
- Friday 5/18 - ALL COLORS
May 25th- Hawaiian/Beach Day
8th Grade End-of-Year Activities Letter
8th Grade Great America Trip Information & Permission Slip
8th grade t-shirts are on sale!
Bernal Class of 2018 t-shirts are on sale for $10 cash!
You can purchase your t-shirt at lunch (by the music room or in the forum) or in the front office at break or after school
All Textbooks and Library Books are Due by Friday, May 18th
Textbooks and novels from ELA classes will be turned in to the corresponding teacher.
Library books must be returned to the library.
If books are not turned in, or are returned damaged, a book fine will be charged and must be paid by May 18th. If books are not returned or paid for by the deadline, end-of-the-year privileges may be taken away.
HSA Meeting
Thursday, May 10, 2018, 07:00 PM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Final Super Saturday Session
Saturday, May 19, 2018, 08:15 AM
Bernal Intermediate School, San Ignacio Avenue, San Jose, CA, United States
Super Saturday Academy Sessions
Our FINAL Saturday Session will be held on May 19th from 8:15am-12:30pm. Permission slips will be sent home the week of 4/30.
So far, Bernal has held five Super Saturday Academy Sessions this year and they have been successful and a lot of fun for the students! Attending a Super Saturday Academy Session will allow students to make up one absence from this school year.
As a reward for attending a session, student will:
Earn 10 Bronco Bucks!
Be entered into a raffle to earn a pizza party for them and 5 friends!
Earn an In-n-Out certificate!
Be entered into a raffle to win a mile pass for P.E.!
Please email Allison Crawford at acrawford@ogsd.net if you have any questions!
Bernal's 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony
Bernal's 8th grade Promotion Ceremony will be held at Oak Grove High School on Thursday, June 7th at 12:00pm. Students are required to attend school that day.
ALL students will be dismissed from school at 10:30am on Thursday, June 7th.
Thursday, Jun 7, 2018, 12:00 PM
Oak Grove High School, Blossom Hill Road, San Jose, CA, USA
Track and Field Meets
4/26 - Valley Christian (3:15-5:00pm)
5/4 - Santa Teresa H.S. (3:30-5:30pm)
5/15 - Christopher H.S. (Gilroy 2:30-5:30pm) - divisional finals (qualifiers only)
5/24 - Mount Pleasant H.S. (3:30-5:30pm) - section finals (qualifiers only)
One way buses are provided to the first 3 meets; you must arrange your own ride HOME!
Bernal's Spring Orientation for Incoming 7th graders and new 8th graders
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Time: 6-7pm
Location: Bernal Intermediate New Gym
Who: Parents and Students of incoming 7th graders and new 8th graders
OGSD Annual Cinco De Mayo Event
Top 10 Bronco Buck Earners in April
1. Hana A. - 112 points
2. Leticia J. - 83 points
3. Richard G. - 78 points
4. Raena T. - 51 points
5. Aditi J. - 49 points
6. Joey R. - 49 points
7. Victoria R. - 48 points
8. Carolina V. - 47 points
9. Lilyana V. - 46 points
10. Symone G. - 45 points
11. Marisa A. - 45 points
12. David C. - 45 points
13. Charlize V. - 45 points
14. Anandan P. - 45 points
15. Karla A. - 45 points
An Update from Mr. Guevarra who's currently deployed in Honduras
Hi Bernal,
I’m doing well but very busy. Got put to work right away when I got here planning medical missions throughout Central America. I will go out on missions myself very soon. I work with a lot of good Army people and very smart officers, it’s almost intimidating. Almost. But from time to time, I do get to go out and explore Honduras on weekends and enjoy the culture, the people, and the sites. I do get home sick from time to time and miss my family very much and of course all of you guys at Bernal. Didn’t realize I’d miss the students so much until I saw some of their pictures on Facebook during the DC trip. I hope everyone is doing well back home. I’m always thinking of you guys and truly miss your company. I think about what I would be teaching right now or my favorite activity I’d be doing with kids or some goofy thing I’d be doing with the staff to show the students that we are people too. Vaya con Dios.
- Mr. Guevarra
Career Day 2018!
6th Grade Shadow Day at Bernal was a Success!
Statewide Testing Notification
California students take several mandated statewide tests. These tests provide parents/guardians, teachers, and educators with information about how well students are learning and becoming college and career ready. The test results may be used for local, state, and federal accountability purposes. Please read the attached letters and Bernal's testing schedule for more information.
Congratulations to Vanessa L. for Winning the "Este es mi Mexico" contest!
On behalf of the Mexican Consulate in San Jose California and the Secretariat of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, we would like to inform that through the drawing contest “Este es mi México” held all over the world and where this school participated last year, we are so glad to inform you that San José had two winners. One winner, Vanessa L., is a 7th grade Bernal Intermediate student! We are very proud of her! The winners got the right to have their drawings published in a calendar where only 12 winners were chosen.
Ps. See the links below to see all the other great ART WORK!!
Oak Grove High School - Math Summer School Opportunities
Oak Grove High School will be offering Common Core Math 1 and Summer Bridge to our incoming freshmen.
Summer School Dates: June 20 - July 24, 2018
Common Core 1: designated for students who are in your regular 8th-grade common core math class
Summer Bridge: designated for students who need the extra support with math.
Note: Students who are currently enrolled in your compacted math 8 will be placed in Common Core Math 2 if they pass Common Core Math 1 in summer school.
Also, this opportunity is for students that will be attending Oak Grove High School
Please see application posted on our School Loop page here to apply.
Presentation for Parents about Mental Health Awareness
What Parents Should Know about Social, Emotional and Mental Health for Your Child’s Wellness
Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Time: 6 to 7:15 pm
Facilitated by Momentum for Mental Health’s REACH program
Location: Davis Intermediate School 5035 Edenview Dr. San Jose, California 95111 (408) 227-0616
See attached flyer below for more information.
Activities & Resources Offered at the SJ Public Libraries
There are a lot of activities for the coming months and summer!
There are different programs for all ages in different locations.
The Public Libraries next to our district are:
Santa Teresa. Edenvale. Seven Trees. Almaden.
If parents want resources in Spanish> Biblioteca Latinoamericana 921 South First St. San José, CA 95110 1-408-294-1237 (also part of the SJ Public library system)
Santa Teresa High School Freshman Parent Campus Tours
Attention Parents of 8th graders attending Santa Teresa High School next year!
Parent Campus Tours at STHS:
When: 5/17 at 9:00am (rescheduled from original 5/3 date)
Where: Santa Teresa Library
Who: PARENTS of 8th grades students who will be attending STHS next year. (NO students should attend, as they should be in school during this time)
If you'd like to RSVP or have any questions, please contact Elvin Jackson, the Parent Community Involvement Specialist for Santa Teresa at (408) 347- 6233 or jacksone@esuhsd.org
Math Tutoring
Math tutoring is held on Mondays thru Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:30pm in room 212 by Mr. Mancias. It is open to ALL students!
Bellarmine's Summer Programs
The Bellarmine Summer Programs registration system is now live - click here to register today!
The Bellarmine Summer Programs team is very excited to present new offerings that will allow your sons and daughters to learn and grow throughout the summer. In an effort to accommodate your summer planning options, we have added several all-day opportunities in our K through eighth grade offerings. We have also created several one, two, and three-week options to avoid conflicts with vacation planning and other commitments.
Browse for courses: http://www.bcp.org/summer-explore-offerings/index.aspx
Register: http://www.bcp.org/summer-register/index.aspx
General Summer Programs Info: http://www.bcp.org/summer-programs/index.aspx
K-5: We now offer all-day camp options from 7-5 for our K-5 campers. Check out the site for details on our Breakfast Club with early drop-off, Lego STEAM and Robotics, Ceramics, Sports Camps and After camp activities. Find out more here: http://www.bcp.org/summer-explore-offerings/elementary-school-program/index.aspx
5th through 8th: Our middle school offerings are the best in the area, from guitar to robotics, STEM to Makerspace, Shakespeare to mythology, Basketball to Frisbee, our 5th through 8th grade offerings cover the widest range of interests for middle school girls and boys in the area.
9th through 12th: Our high school offerings include academics courses for preview, remediation and acceleration. Test preparation courses and study skills courses are also available to complement our academic offerings. Finally, our enrichment and athletics offerings can round out any high school student’s interests.
It would be our pleasure to serve your family’s needs - we hope to see you this summer!
Get Affordable Internet Access at Home
Volunteers Needed for Noon Duty & After School Crosswalk Support!
We need the help of community members to ensure our students are safe during lunch and after school. Please see Mrs. Berg if you would like to learn more and to sign up!