Weekly Happenings
February 5, 2024
Reminder New Attendance Emails
In order to streamline the attendance recording process and ensure accurate tracking, we kindly request that you use the designated email addresses provided below when emailing information related to your child's attendance.
Please refrain from sending attendance-related emails directly to individual secretaries. If one of the secretaries is absent, emails sent to their personal address may not be promptly recorded, potentially leading to unnecessary follow-up calls regarding your child's attendance status.
Designated Attendance Email Addresses:
Lincoln Elementary Attendance - attendance.linc@osage.k12.ia.us
Middle School Attendance - attendance.ms@osage.k12.ia.us
High School Attendance - attendance.hs@osage.k12.ia.us
Lunch News
It was Taco Tuesday for lunch this week!!
Lincoln Elementary Happenings
Mrs. Berge's Class!!
Programming Cubetto to be a place value number detective.
OMS Happenings
Thank you Officer LaGue!!
OMS 6th grade welcomed Officer Rick LaGue for DARE. He will be with them for about 10 weeks!
High School Happenngs
Prom Can Drive!!
An Empty trailer has been dropped off and waiting for your can donations in the OMU parking lot. Help Post Prom fill it up. Thank you!!!
Athletic Happenings
Osage Community School District
Barb Schwamman, Superintendent
Mike Kennedy, High School Principal
Bill Carlson, Middle School Principal
Greg Adams, Lincoln Principal
Board of Education:
Rick Sletten, President
Kelsey Jensen, Vice President
Laura Klaes, Director
Sheri Penney, Director
Beth Rachut, Director
Email: renae.trettin@osage.k12.ia.us
Website: https://www.osageschools.com/
Location: 820 Sawyer Dr, Osage, IA, USA
Phone: 641-732-5381
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/osageschools