Falcon News
January 8th, 2025
Upcoming news and events for the ET Booth Community
Basketball Spirit Night!
Tomorrow, January 9 Girls vs. Creekland. Kestrel will be hosting, and the theme is Goldout. Wear your GOLD to show off our team spirit!
On House Spirit Nights students are permitted to stay after school for the basketball games PROVIDED they purchase a ticket at school for a reduced cost. Here is what you need to know:
On game days, students will have the opportunity to purchase $4.00 tickets/wristbands during the morning before school and during lunch period. Please send exact cash or small bills. $20 bills will not be accepted unless we are able to make change.
Students who purchase tickets on Go Fan will not receive the reduced rate but may stay after school. We will need to activate the ticket on their phones. NO SCREENSHOTS will be accepted.
Concessions will be available. Pizza Slices $3.00/Candy $2.00/Drinks, chips, and others $1.00.
Basketball games will end at approximately 7:00 pm. Please pick your student up promptly in the lower parking lot.
Please let your student know that they will not be allowed to leave the building unless they are leaving for the evening. No re-entry is allowed.
Upcoming changes in the Counseling Department
Just a quick reminder that there has been a shift in counselor assignment for students. Ms. Spencer will be handling all 504 meetings and will serve students with 504s.
For students who do not have a 504, here are the counselor assignments by last name:
Mrs. Davis - A-Gom
Dr. Gibbs - Gon-O
Dr. Neal - P-Z
Tissue Drive!
Tis the season...for cold and flu, please help us make it through!
Unfortunately, it is the height of cold and flu season, and our teachers are running through tissues (Kleenex) faster than they can keep them on hand. Please consider sending in a box or two to help us get through the season. There will be donation bins at the front and bus entrance of the school beginning Monday, January 13th through 1/31. Your student can drop them in the donation barrel upon entry in the morning. No need to label the donation as we will be evenly distributing them throughout the school to ensure our often-overlooked teachers (Connections and PE) have access to them as well. As always, thank you so much for your help! "
STARS Program
We are pleased to announce a new and exciting after-school STEM-based program for interested 6th through 8th grade E.T. Booth students. It's called S.T.A.R.S., or Service-oriented Technology, Aviation, and Robotics Scholars and is being run by Etowah's award-winning JROTC program. For six consecutive Wednesdays beginning Wednesday, January 8 and running through Wednesday, February 12, participating students will spend time building and playing with VEX robots, flying drones, and flying on JROTC's flight simulators with virtual reality headsets. The meetings will begin in the Etowah JROTC classroom at 4:20pm each Wednesday, and students can be picked up at 5:30pm in front of the Etowah auditorium.
To request more information or to sign-up for this tremendous after-school opportunity, please contact Stephen.Bergey@cherokeek12.net who is in charge of running this effort.
School Policy Reminder - Blankets
With the temperatures dropping, please remind your children that blankets are not permitted at school or on the bus.
Ice Cream Sales
The Sign-Up Genius for Ice Cream Sales for the second half of the year is up. Please consider giving some of your time to help us sale ice cream in the cafeteria. Our students LOVE ice cream days (Wednesday and Friday), and the money earned through sales helps supplement programs that benefit our students and teachers throughout the year. If you would like to volunteer please sign up here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E49ACAB2CA1FAC61-50813148-etbice#/
The ExP Tutorial program has restarted for the students who have received an invitation. Please see below for days and times.
For morning tutorial, please remember to wait for the ExP teacher before you drop off your student. For afternoon tutorial, please remember that pick-up is promptly at 5:45pm.
Monday: 4:20pm. - 5:45pm
Tuesday: NO EXP
Wednesday: 7:45am - 8:45am
Thursday: 7:45am - 8:45am and 4:20pm - 5:45pm
Friday: 7:45am - 8:45am
Farm Bureau Bookmark Contest - entries due 2/7/2025
Volunteering at ET Booth
We LOVE our volunteers at ET Booth! If you plan to participate in ANY WAY at Booth (Booth Bash, Field Trips, Selling Ice Cream, etc), you MUST have a Completed and Approved Volunteer Application on file! These can be emailed to Heather Migneco at heather.migneco@cherokeek12.net
From the PTSA:
Writing Competition
The Spirit Rock is Back!
Do you want to Celebrate your child's Birthday? Recognize a milestone? Advertise your club / team? RENT THE ROCK!
Boys Junior Eagles Lacrosse
Registration now open!
Practices begin early February, games start March 2nd.
From the Cafeteria:
Emails are being sent home to parents from TITAN regarding School Nutrition Debt. Please send students in with cash or check to pay for any debts that are owed for Breakfast and Lunch Meals. You may also pay online thru Linq Connect.
If your financial status has changed since the beginning of the school year, you may requalify for Free/Reduced status, by filling out the online application at Linq Connect. You application sent home with your student.
If you would like to help a student pay for his/her meals that might not have qualified for Free or Reduced status, you may do such by filling out the attached form. Please submit payment and the form back to School Nutrition Manager Erika Smith.
Clothing Bin Donations
E.T. Booth Middle School and Clothes Bin® have partnered to collect and recycle old clothing, shoes and textiles! So, please do not throw them away!
Just place the items in the green recycling bin near our parking lot.
Every pound of recycled items supports E.T. Booth Middle School!
School Day Guidelines
Hours of Operation:
- ET Booth Phones are answered from 8:25 AM until 4:25 PM.
- Doors open for Students at 8:25 AM
- Students are dismissed at 4:00 PM
REMEMBER: ANYONE entering our building must carry ID!
Check in / Check Out:
- If your student needs to CHECK IN TARDY, you do not need to accompany them. Remember to send in those Dr / Dentist notes!
- NO student Check-outs after 3:30!
- All students not riding a bus will be dismissed at the 4:00PM bell. This includes students that are car-riders and those walking off campus.
- Please remember our carline moves swiftly and generally ends by 4:15. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION to our staff and their instructions!
- All students must be picked up No Later Than 4:30PM!
- If you need to alter your student's transportation during the school day:
- Call the Front office (770)-721-5500
- Your student will be notified to come to the office during an instructional break to speak with you.
- The office does not relay transportation changes; information goes directly from Parent to Child.
- ALL Transportation Changes must be completed before 3PM.
- Students may not ride a different bus home with a friend, etc. No bus passes will be given.
Item Drop Off
- If you wish to deliver an item to your student, there is a cart in the front office where you may leave it.
- We are unable to interrupt instructional time to notify students of item delivery.
- The cart will be checked at intervals and teachers will be emailed.
- All Items MUST be labeled with First and Last Names!
- How do I sign up for Canvas and Canvas alerts – including text messages?
- Please see the Canvas Login Page
- The best way to reach teachers and staff at ET Booth is by using their county email address.
- This is the best way for teachers to be able to respond to your questions and concerns.
Lost and Found
- We are ALREADY getting items in our Lost and Found! Please:
- Label EVERYTHING! Jackets, Water Bottles, Pencil Pouches - EVERYTHING!
- Items are donated MONTHLY.
- Encourage your student to check Lost and Found!
School Supplies
- Please refer to the list sent home with your child's teachers. If you have any questions about specific supplies, email the teacher directly.
- Please make sure your child comes prepared each day with their supplies!
ET Booth Clubs and Activities
REMINDER: school does not open until 8:25 and unattended students are NOT permitted on campus prior to that time. If your child is attending a club meeting or detention before school, they MUST be on time and escorted into the building by the appropriate staff member.
For After-school clubs and activities, late pick-ups are not acceptable. Students who are repeatedly picked up late may be removed from the club.
Photography and Yearbook Club
The next Photography & Yearbook Club meeting will be Tuesday, January 14 at 8:00 a.m. Mrs. Crawford will pick you up in the car rider line. Please do not get out of your car until you see Mrs. Crawford.
Drama Club
Drama Club's first meeting of second semester will be Wednesday, January 8, after second wave bus dismissal. Students should be picked up in the bus lanes at 5:45.
Technology Team
Technology Team will meet Thursday, January 9th at 8:00 a.m. This will be our last meeting. The project submission deadline has been moved to next Thursday, January 16th, at noon.
Junior Beta Club
Jr Beta will meet Thursday, January 9th at 7:45 AM in the Media Center. Please wait in your car until you see Mrs. Bailey or Mrs. Pireva. If you have not submitted the $30 fee for registration, please do so via check, cash, or the online store.
D&D Club
Lego Robotics
The Lego Robotics team will have their Final meeting of the year January 15th.
We meet After 2nd wave until 5:45PM, Pick-up promptly at 5:45pm in the bus lanes.
Social Studies Club
Meetings each Thursday at 8:00 am
Currently working on Social Studies Fair projects
First Priority / FISH Club
FISH club/First Priority meets in the Band room every Wednesday morning during bus duty from 8:25-8:50am. Student must get a permission form from Mr. Johnson to attend.