Riverside Newsletter
February 16, 2024
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Just a friendly reminder that we have a mid-winter break. We do not have school on Monday, February 19th or Tuesday, February 20th. We look forward to see everyone back in school on Wednesday.
Mrs. Rice's Reflection
Good Evening, Riverside Families,
Thank you again for your continued support. Conferences were very well attended. It was so good to see you here and we appreciate working together for your kids.
If you didn’t get an opportunity outside your students’ classrooms, please take the time to take our survey about Why I Chose Riverside. We will be sharing this with future Riverside families, and you can remain anonymous if you choose.
Have a great long weekend with your families.
Mrs. Rice
Around the World with Mrs. Roth
Intervention Information
Literacy does not begin and end with only reading foundation and comprehension skills, it also includes writing. Oftentimes we forget, even as teachers, that if a student is an excellent reader, there may be opportunities for them to progress in writing or spelling. This is an area that is often difficult to engage students in as they not only have to brainstorm ideas, but they also have to create a writing piece. If they struggle in any area of writing, it can be difficult to pull them into a lesson. One way to assist in this is to have them engage in small writing activities at home that are less pressure in order to ease them into the idea of writing. Below are some quick ideas that can be incorporated into every day.
Have your child write instructions for taking care of the family pet. These will be useful as you plan your summer vacations!
Write a letter or thank you note to a relative. Talk through what your child wants to say before writing begins.
Make a shopping list before going to the grocery store.
Write an online review of a book or an item you recently purchased or a recipe you tried.
Talk about the presidential election and write a description of the kind of president you want.
Find a picture in the newspaper and write an article to accompany it.
Start keeping a personal diary, a household guestbook, or a baby book for a younger sibling.*
Intervention Night
Riverside Reading and Math Interventionists invited families to learn more about how to work with their child at home. Megan Wonnacott and Lindsey Renoos coached parents and guardians on how to use their reading and math take-home materials to help their children reach academic targets. We love our family partnerships!
Updated Calendar
2023-2024 Calendar
February 19-20-No School
February 21-PTA Meeting @6
February 29-Half Day
March 1-Half Day; End of 2nd Trimester
March 8-Half Day
March 25-29-Spring Break; No School
April 26-Half Day
May 23-LHS Graduation
May 27-Memorial Day; No school
May 30-Half Day
May 31-Half Day; Last day of School
4th grade fun!!
Writing informational books!!!
Writing with a purpose. Mrs. Anderson's fourth graders completed informational books and Mr. McLaughlin's third graders completed persuasive essays. These writers met to share their topics and celebrate their great work!
Way to go!
Our next PTA Meeting will be on Wednesday, February 21 @6:00.
We would love for you to join us!!
Attention all 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders!!!
Has your student ever thought of being a part of the theater and being up on stage...well this is their chance!!! This is an exceptional program for our students to be a part of!!
Help us celebrate Black History Month by honoring HERStory!! Each week this month we will honor a Woman of Color that has made a profound difference in our history.
Wangari Maathai
Wangari Maathai was the first
Black African woman to receive
a Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts
in environmental conservation.
In the 1970s, she founded the
Green Belt Movement, an
environmental non-governmental
organization focused on
environmental conservation
and women’s rights. She was also an elected member of Parliament and served as assistant minister for Environment and Natural Resources between 2003 and 2005.
Attention all 3rd and 4th grade girls!!!
Girls on the Run is so much fun! We have 24 spots available for 3rd and 4th grade girls this season. If you would like your girl to participate this season, please fill out the online application as soon as possible! Any questions please contact Kristen Magers at Kmagers@lakeviewspartans.org
Attention all 3rd and 4th grade families
River wants all of you to have a great weekend!!!
Our office will be closed for the long weekend.
We hope that you have a wonderful mid-winter break!!
We will see everyone on Wednesday!!
Mrs. Rose and Ms. Ayres