COVID and Flu Information - November 2023
Those who have tested positive for COVID (regardless of vaccination status) or with the following symptoms should isolate at home:
- cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea
- symptoms of COVID, the flu (influenza), or gastrointestinal illness
To Determine the length of isolation, use the symptom checker found here.
In general the isolation period is for five days if someone tests positive for COVID, influenza, or a gastrointestinal illness that is easily transmittable to others. If someone is required to isolate for five days they can return to school if:
- It's been 5 or more days since the onset of symptoms or a positive test for COVID AND
- Symptoms are resolving and they have not had a fever within the previous 24 hours without the use of medication.
When in doubt - call the school and we can help you determine the isolation period.
Testing and Notification
We are providing Rapid Antigen testing for COVID and Flu A&B here at Conway School when students have symptoms or have been exposed to someone with a respiratory illness. Families members can also be tested by calling the school office and making an appointment.
Families should self report positive cases from at home testing to Skagit County: 360-416-1500
PCR COVID tests (the ones that are sent to the lab)
Due to the lower transmission rate and the high reliability of the Rapid Tests, the state is no longer providing tests that need to be sent to the lab for analysis. If you would like to have a PCR test for confirmation of a rapid test you can purchase tests at your local pharmacy or contact one of the agencies below for more information. PCR tests this may require a payment to process if not covered by your insurance.
General Reminders
- If you are notified your student has been exposed, keep an eye out for symptoms. If they have any symptoms (see below) use a home test to determine if they are positive for COVID PRIOR to sending them to school. We can also test at school if you do not have test kits at home. They must be tested prior to going to class if they have active symptoms.
- Keep your student home if they are sick! And, call us to report symptoms of COVID, Influenza, or gastrointestinal illness. And, any positive cases in your household.
- As an option, your student may continue to wear a mask or they can ask for a mask from their teacher.
- If someone in your household is sick with COVID, it's OKAY for everyone to wear masks inside to prevent the spread within your family.
Masks are no longer required in most school settings.
They are required in the health room based on current DOH guidance. Students who have active symptoms will be asked to wear a mask until they are picked up by a parent.
And, if we get to a point where there is high community transmission, we will work with the Skagit County Department of Health to determine if we need to require masks to be worn to prevent further spread.