NEMATYC'S Fall Dinner
Friday, October 13
NEMATYC's Fall Dinner
His talk is titled, "Educators: Changing the World One Student at a Time."
RSVP by October 11 to Peter Kang (NEMATYC Vice President):
We hope you'll be able to attend!!
NEMATYC Executive Committee
President Philomena D'Alessandro, Quinsigamond Community College
Vice President Peter Kang, Franklin Cummings Tech
Past President Billy Jackson, North Shore Community College
Secretary Tonka Zelenkova, Middlesex Community College
Treasurer Aisha Arroyo, Middlesex Community College
Member-at-Large Michael Curry, Bunker Hill Community College
Member-at-Large Elena Heineke, Quincy College
Member-at-Large Richard Neville, Providence College
Member-at-Large Robert Cantin, Mass Bay Community College
Student Math League Coordinator Aisha Arroyo, Middlesex Community College
Webmaster Mary E. Sullivan, Cape Cod Community College
Historian Alex Cotter, Massasoit Community College
AMATYC Regional Vice President AJ Stachelek, Hostos Community College
Membership lasts for a year or until the next annual conference, whichever is longer.
NEMATYC Membership Dues for 2023-2024: $10
Membership Benefits
NEMATYC Membership Benefits Include:
Voting at the Annual Business Meeting
Discount Registration on our Fall Dinner and events, when applicable
Priority proposal acceptance to present at our Annual Conference
Access to our newsletter
Access to emails with professional development opportunities and events
Access to a network of professional individuals with a wealth of community college mathematics knowledge and experience
Hold elected office on our Executive Board
Be appointed to a leadership position on our Executive Board
NEMATYC is a 100% volunteer organization with no paid staff members. Membership dues fund costs such as:
Student awards
Teacher awards
Event fees
Website fees