Lawler Middle School Orchestra
Let's get ready for August
Step 2: Sign-up for orchestra
Step 3: Rent Instrument and Purchase Supplies
Step 4: Enroll in private lessons (or get on a waitlist)
Step 5: Get Connected
We go over a lot of important details in the video below. This video covers the same information that we covered at the parent meeting in March.
Please watch the video below for lots of information
Required Supplies
These supplies are included in the 'beginner kit' or 'school kit' that we discussed in the video. Your student will need all of these supplies for beginner orchestra.
Method Book: Sound innovations for string orchestra, book 1
Shoulder rest/rock stop
Cleaning cloth
Music Stand
Your student will also need a tuner which is not automatically included in the kit. When purchasing your beginner kit, please opt to get the recommended tuner as an add-on item.
Your student will need all of the above supplies.
Make sure to get the beginner kit and tuner with your rental to make the process smooth for your student as they start the year.
Step #3: Rent Instrument and purchase supplies
Reputable Rental Companies
You can click on these links to get your rental started now! Make sure to also purchase the supply kit and tuner. If you need to know your student's instrument size, please email lalondec@friscoisd.org
#1 Option:
Other Local Options:
If you find another local option and want to know if it meets the requirements, please just ask. There are lots of great local options for instrument rental.
Unless you are signed up for summer lessons, please have your rental delivered to Lawler. Students should not be playing their instruments unguided over the summer. This will set them back in their technique and make the beginning of the year more difficult for them.
Step #4: Enroll in Private Lessons (or get on a waitlist)
Lawler Orchestra classes are taught in a group setting. While we work to meet with each student individually to set goals and work on technique, orchestra class functions very differently from a one-on-one lesson as we usually teach with at least a 20 student to 1 teacher ratio.
Private lessons are not "tutorials" to help with the classroom curriculum and should not be used to boost your student for a short period of time in preparation for auditions or competitions. While lessons can function as a support to classroom teaching, private lessons are a companion to the orchestra classroom and an opportunity for your student to receive extended one-on-one coaching, long term growth, and to approach their instrument as a soloist rather than one of many students in the ensemble. Students in lessons will receive additional solo music and will have opportunities to shine at solo contests in the spring and region auditions in their 7th/8th grade years.
Most lessons take place as pull-outs during orchestra class once a week, but can also be scheduled outside of the school day per teacher availability. Signing up for private lessons is a full school year commitment. Please do not sign up for a lesson spot unless you are committed to lessons for the full school year. Our private lesson teachers build their schedule according to sign-ups.
Most of our lesson teachers are currently fully booked, but they may have openings for the summer and next fall. If you wish to get enrolled please contact a recommended teacher now to get on a waitlist for the fall or potentially get a head start this summer.
If you choose to start lessons over the summer, please let Mrs. LaLonde know so we can plan for your student and their additional knowledge at the start of the school year.
Recommended Lesson Teachers
Please reach out directly to lesson teachers to secure a lesson spot.
Tonia Pilliod violakitten@gmail.com
Ethan Rouse mail@ethanrouse.com
Yeibon Chang yeibon@gmail.com
Jeanny Whu jeanny209@yahoo.com
Cello Instructors:
Chris Phillpott cphillpott2@gmail.com
Kaye Chilton summeryuho@gmail.com
Daniel Chilton chiltondaniel93@gmail.com
Bass Instructors:
Andrew Goins agoins@me.com
Nancy Heffernan basslady@aol.com
Step #5: Get Connected
Twitter @lawlerorchestra
Instagram @lawlerorchestra
Sign up for Remind: Text the code @lmsobeg to the phone number 81010
Christy LaLonde lalondec@friscoisd.org
Kevin Sluder sluderk@friscoisd.org