November 2022 Hawk Talk
The Season of Gratitude!
In the month of November, students will be focusing on the character trait of gratitude. Our ability to have gratitude grows every time we experience an activity that helps us understand and appreciate acts of kindness. Gratitude can be modeled and practiced in the home regularly. Here is a link to 20 Gratitude Activities for Kids as a way to gather some ideas to help your child learn more about gratitude.
Lastly, we are blessed to live in a community with resources to support families. We have a wonderful city that plans events for families and a library with many resources available to families in our community. Below is a list of links to those various resources.
Every year on November 1, Native American Heritage Month is celebrated to honor Native Americans who have contributed to improving the nation's character. This month is also called American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month. November is the time to rejoice in diverse and rich cultures, histories, and traditions, and to appreciate the significant contributions of Native Americans. This month allows us to spread awareness about tribes or to educate people about the various challenges faced by Native Americans in the past and today.
Please click on the link below to learn more.
maple Hill Student Store Opening Soon
If you or someone you know would like to donate items for the student store, please email Mrs. Mcneil at would love donations such as snacks, small toys, and school supplies.
Thank you in advance to anyone who can help donate items to the student store.
Important Dates in the Month of November
November 2- VIP Luncheon (see below)
November 3- Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
November 9- ELAC Meeting (see below)
November 9- SSC Meeting (see below)
November 9- El Pollo Loco Family Night Out (see below)
November 10- Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
November 11- Veterans Day Holiday- NO SCHOOL
November 14-18- Parent Conference Week (see below)
November 18- Parents can view report cards online (see below)
November 21-25 Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL
November 30 Make-up picture day
Maple Hill Community Club (MHCC) Meeting
***During our meeting this month, Mrs. McNeil will share our CAASPP Scores from the 2021-2022 school year.***
MHCC Meeting
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
From 8:10 am -9:15 am
In the Multipurpose Room at Maple Hill
8:10 am - 8:25 am - Light breakfast and get to know other parents
8:25 am - 9:15 am - Hear from our MHCC Executive board, the principal, Mrs. McNeil, and the teacher representative, Theresa Rovira
VIP Luncheon
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022
Location: Maple Hill MPR
Time: 8:30 am - 9:15 am
Mandarin and Korean translators will be available.
During this meeting, we will be sharing the following information:
- Attendance
- EL progress monitoring
- Report card/parent conferences
- Share out the Need Assessment results from last year
School Site Council Meeting
Wednesday, November 9th, 2022
Location: Maple Hill MPR
Time: 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
During this meeting, we will be gathering input and sharing information on the following things:
- State test scores
- ELAC needs Assessment data collected from 2021-2022 school year
- School Safety Plan
Parent Conference Week
Mon. 11/14- minimum day dismissal at 11:35 am for all students
Tues. 11/15- minimum day dismissal at 11:35 am for all students
Wed. 11/16- regular dismissal TK/K at 1:16 pm and 1st-3rd at 2:35 pm, 4th-5th at 2:40 pm
Thurs. 11/17- early out dismissal TK/K at 11:30 am 1st-5th at 12:40 pm
Fri. 11/18- minimum day dismissal at 11:35 am for all students
- Please allow plenty of time to park and walk up to the school before your scheduled conference time.
- Follow all signage for parking on the streets surrounding the school. Please DO NOT park in the staff parking lot since we have limited parking.
- Enter the school through the front door when arriving on campus.
- Your child's teacher will have a chair outside their classroom door in the hallway for you to sit and wait if you arrive early to your conference time.
- Please contact your child's teacher directly if you have specific questions regarding your child's conference time.
Online Report Cards
November Hawk Character Trait: Gratitude
Our SEL enrichment lesson this month will be on gratitude.We will have a meaningful discussion on what gratitude means and the importance of giving thanks. Students will also be encouraged to show gratitude to those people around them and appreciate what they have in life. We will also discuss the understanding and appreciation of differences and similarities amongst needs and wants.
Family Book Guide:
Reading books about gratitude is a great way to have discussions with your child about meaningful ways to see all the things in life they can be grateful for.
Here are some literature suggestions:
TK/K: Bear Says Thanks
1st-3rd: Gratitude is my Superpower:
4th-5th: Those Shoes:
- Discuss ways the characters in each book are showing gratitude.
- Discuss the people and the things your family is grateful to have in your life.
- Explore the difference between needs and wants.
Family Gratitude Activity Ideas:
Gratitude is being aware of and thankful for the good things that happen in your life and taking the time to express appreciation and return kindness. Being grateful is more than saying thank you. When you express gratitude, it can actually lead to a stronger sense of well-being. Here are some activities you can do as a family that show gratitude. Each activity can be modified to suit your personal needs:
- Thank you card: Think about something kind or thoughtful someone has done for you and make them a homemade thank you card. It will be sure to show them your gratitude and how much you appreciate what they did for you.
- Gratitude Jar:
- Thankful Turkey Craft:
Mrs. Derry
Maple Hill
School Counselor
Front of School Safety
- parking in the loading and unloading zones
- students exiting cars in the middle of the street
- adults not using the yellow-designated crosswalks
- adults walking across the parking lot and driveways
- illegal parking and blocking traffic in the parking lot at Maple Hill Park
The loading and unloading zones should only be used by families who have children who can independently enter and exit the car from the passenger side ONLY. The driver should NOT exit the car. Also please be aware that all safety rules should be followed by adults and students and that includes using the sidewalks to enter and exit campus, as well as using the yellow designated crosswalks when crossing the street. As for the Park parking lot, please follow all safety laws and be courteous to other drivers.
We will continue to educate families and help students stay safe. Unfortunately, we can not regulate drivers' decisions or manage the Maple Hill Park parking lot. If you have concerns about either of these things please contact our local sheriff's department to voice your concerns.
Mrs. McNeil- Principal at Maple Hill
Location: 1350 Maple Hill Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: 909-861-6224