Reardan Weekly
Borland Wins Educator Award!
2023 District 9 Outstanding Agricultural Education Teacher Award
NAAE states the Outstanding Ag Ed teacher award :
Distinguishes NAAE members who are conducting the highest quality agricultural education programs. The award recognizes leadership in civic, community, agriculture/agribusiness, and professional activities. Outstanding agricultural educators are innovators and catalysts for student success in agricultural education.
Reardan Art Students - Amazing Job!
Reardan Students made a great impression again this year on judges at the ESD 101 Regional Art Show, with winners in 4 categories. With Bee Pope taking home a $2000 dollar scholarship to CWU, if she chooses to attend the university. Bee also received a 1st place which qualified her piece to advance to the state art show in Olympia. Gray LeSieur received a 3rd place with a great watercolor, and Kayla Vining was awarded a Judges' Choice Award for an amazing acrylic on canvas to round out the work that placed. We had Aubrey Vining "The Final Goodbye" , Hailey Fry "Night", and Logan Morris "Pencil Rocket also enter this year’s show proudly displaying their artwork alongside hundreds of others works of art.
If you happen to see any of these students, please congratulate them on their impressive artwork.
First Place Award (Continue on to state competition)
Bee Pope "Human Duality"
Central Washington University Scholarship Award ($2,000)
Bee Pope "Human Duality"
Third Place Award
Gray LeSieur "Overwhelming Mind"
Judges' Choice Award
Kayla Vining "Black Dahlia
Smith Gym Center Court
FFA makes impact at the Fish and Wildlife Commission on 3/17
“I’m always proud to be a Reardan High graduate, but today I was busting at the seams with pride! Mr Perleberg’s FFA Ag Issues class gave their Washington Predator Policy presentation in front of the WDFW Fish and Wildlife Commission. We are a tough crowd and they were AMAZING!!!! I can’t say enough good things about this talented group! I can’t wait to follow their progress!” -Molly Linville
Issues Topic:
“Is Washington state predator management right on target or is it missing the mark?”
Prepared Topics:
Tyler - wildfire policy , Andrew - ag labor crisis, and Ashley - spring black bear season suspension
FCCLA Goes to State!
Secondary Student Survey - Interest in Summertime Conditioning?
We are seeing how much interest there would be in offering an organized Summertime conditioning / Weight Room / Speed and agility program for Middle School and High School students.
Please take a minute to complete the following survey:
Great Job Track Team!
Reardan Options Highlight
Middle School Update
With this month’s emphasis on the character trait of Responsibility, we are doing everything possible to encourage our middle school students to turn in all of their assignments and earn grades of “C” or higher. Each Monday morning we send all MS teachers the list of students who have “D” or “F” grades. Teachers are reviewing those lists with students to ensure they have the opportunity to fix their grades by turning in assignments. We have now started a Tuesday and Thursday study table in Mrs. Vesneske’s room during lunch. This is a quiet time where students can eat lunch while working on raising their grades. We have already seen many students who had to attend on Tuesday get their grades fixed by Thursday! Please continue to check with your child to ensure that they are being successful in passing classes. Third quarter ends on Friday March 31st. This is an early release day for students. We will have our PBIS reward that morning from 10:30 to 11:15. Students with no missing assignments and no office or bus referrals will be invited to a competition of “Minute to Win It” games with prizes.
We had an amazing Bi-County Honor Band and Choir Concert Monday evening at the FOX Theater. Students from across the Bi-County put on an incredible performance. Thanks to Mr. Goodman for his work getting out students ready for this event.
Thank you all for attending our Family Night Out with Stargazing at the Train Museum. We had 52 families–183 people total come out to learn about astronomy, look at the planets, and check out the Inland Northwest Rail Museum. We are planning events for April and May around Literacy and a Family Art Night sponsored by Rural Resources.
Elementary Update
March 30th we will have our first PBIS Award Ceremony in the Smith Gym from 2:00-2:30 p.m. Parents are invited to attend the event.
Our next Fun Friday will be March 31st Favorite Sports Team Day. Dress up in all your sports team swag.
We will have a 6th grade parent meeting April 19th at 5:30 pm to discuss our Camp Casey Trip.
Kindergarten registration is now open for online registration only. Hard copies will be available after spring break. Look for information regarding an open house for pre-school through Kindergarten in early May.
Third quarter report cards will go home on April 18th.
High School Community Service Opportunity
Sunday, April 30th from 11:30-2:30
Contact Information: reardanpres@gmail.com.
Reardan FFA Headed to State!
Prepared Speaking:
1st Tyler Clouse
2nd Ashley Landt
3rd Andrew Schulz
Parliamentary Procedure:
1st Reardan 1
3rd Reardan 2
3rd Reardan 8th Grade