How to Create Parent Portal Account
West Seneca CSD PowerSchool Parent Portal
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is an online portal accessible anywhere on the web that parents/guardians can log in to view their child's information regarding schedules, assignments, grades, attendance, etc. Each parent may have one account, attaching multiple children/students. You must know your child's PowerSchool Access ID and Password to create an account. Please call your child's school to retrieve this information in a Web ID/Access Letter.
Create Parent Portal Account | Step 1
A computer or laptop is recommended when creating a PowerSchool Parent Portal Account.
In an internet browser, navigate to the West Seneca Central School District Parent Portal (https://powerschool.wscschools.org/public/) or click on the blue Parent Portal button below.
Step 2
Select the Create Account tab, and then the Create Account button.
Step 3
Enter Parent Account Details as indicated.
Password Requirements:
- Be at least 8 characters long
- Contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter
- Contain at least one letter and one number
- Contain at least one special character
Step 4
Enter your child's name into the Student Name field. You must enter the child's full name into the field. Enter the Access ID, Access Password, and Relationship for each student you wish to add to your Parent Portal Account. Multiple students can live under one Parent account. Please call the school building if you do not know your child's access ID, password, or full name format. Ask the school for the PARENT PORTAL LOGIN CREDENTIALS letter. Submit the page by clicking Enter. The sign-in page will appear.
Step 5
Sign-in using your new Parent Portal account credentials. Keep note of your username and password. You will use this every time to login.
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