Eagle Sightings January
Holly Wehner, Principal
Hello Eagle Families and Caregivers,
Happy New Year! It has been fun welcoming everyone back. 2025 is off to a great start here at FHES! Staff and students are together again, getting right back into learning routines after the long break. Our character trait this month is perseverance, in class, students are learning about how we can continue to “try and try and not give up!” These amazing Eagles persevere each day in more ways than they recognize. At school, they are learning new things, problem-solving, and trying activities for the first time. It would be great to follow up with some at-home discussions as well. Talk about what your student did today to persevere. Share a story of your own. What is something you had to work hard at to be successful?
As a school, we are trying something new with lunch, and you may be hearing about it. Students are arriving 5 minutes earlier than they were in 2024. This will allow students a full 20 minutes to eat their lunch in the lunchroom. Students will be sharing a bench (seat designed for 2) with another student at the beginning of their lunch time, as well as at the end of their lunchtime. It has been fun seeing students get to know other students during this time.
FHES is at its best when soaring with all of our Eagle students! Thank you for helping your child get to school each day on time, well-rested, and ready to learn. Being on time and attending every day helps students feel a part of their classroom and school community. This sense of belonging is a must for students to have the most success in school. If you know your child will be absent, please remember to call or email Jeanna in the office to let her know. Students continue to work at school on being Safe, On Task, Accountable, and Respectful. As always, when problems arise, Kelso’s Choices are the go-to for solving these problems. If you are not familiar with these choices, please see the Kelso’s Choice wheel included in this newsletter. As I have been in classrooms and around the school this week, I have seen the tremendous growth students are making, both in academics and socially/emotionally. This is an exciting time of the year as we see students’ skills and confidence grow.
Thank you for your continued positive partnership as we teach these wonderful FHES children. Your communication and teamwork are greatly appreciated.
Holly Wehner
➡️Electronic Devices at School⬅️
Please remind your child/ren about the following school policies:
- Personal electronic devices are not to be used at school. If a CELL PHONE OR SMARTWATCH is brought to school for afterschool use it must remain in the student’s backpack until the end of the school day.
- No texting or calling during school hours from student devices.
- All communication to or from home must go through the school office.
Growing Readers and Writers
We are a few weeks away from completing the first half of this school year! Teachers are busy planning for various reading and writing activities and students are putting those literacy skills to work every day!
Throughout K-5 classrooms, students are using various forms of expository/informative, narrative, persuasive, and letter writing. Ask your child/children what genres of writing have been happening in their classroom.
In addition to all of our literacy learning experiences, this month our 1st-5th grade students will take the second round MAP (Measuring Academic Progress) Growth tests. These tests measure achievement and growth in both math and reading. Because they are taken in Fall, Winter, and Spring (with the exception of Kindergarten students who take them in late Fall/early Winter and Spring only), results can measure growth throughout the school year and from year to year. These computer tests are adaptive, meaning the questions get harder if the student is answering correctly and easier if they’re answering incorrectly. The results provide teachers with data to help inform instruction regardless of how far students are above or below grade level. In grades K-2, questions are read to students by the computer with an option to have the computer repeat as many times as necessary. At this time of year, these tests give teachers additional information about student progress in comparison to the Fall’s MAP scores.
January 2025
1/10 Friday: PTO Popcorn Day!
1/13 Monday: PTO Meeting 5:30 pm, FHES Library
1/16 Thursday: 11:20a-12:20p Zoom Lunch with the Principal
1/20 Monday: MLK Day-No School1/22 Wednesday: Community Reading Night at FHES 6pm
1/23 Thursday: 11:10 am Early Dismissal
1/24 Friday: 11:10 am Early Dismissal
💦Extra Clothes💦
Did your child come home in a borrowed set of dry clothes before the break?
If so, can you please return them to the office? Thank you!
Going Home Plans
Please make sure your child knows their going-home plans before the school day starts.
We understand that plans for going home may change during the day. When this happens we can write a note to be delivered to your child. Please be aware that notes are delivered at 2:15 pm, and Wednesdays at 1:10 pm. Please let us know your plans before this time, thank you!
Thank you for setting your child up for success by ensuring they know their going-home plan before the start of the school day.
Hello from the Health Room!
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Holiday Break and I hope this message finds you well. As Winter moves along Covid, RSV, Influenza and a smattering of other common cold viruses will continue to make their presence known in our community. We started to see Influenza at our schools prior to the break in early December and expect those numbers to continue to rise. We have also seen unprecedented numbers of community-acquired pneumonia. Keep those in mind should your student experience prolonged cough or fever. Antivirals for influenza and antibiotics for pneumonia can be quite helpful when started early in illness.
Thank you for doing your part by keeping your students home when they show symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea. Each of our schools will continue to offer free Covid testing by request, and students will continue to have access to hand hygiene stations. Masks, while not required, are also available. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Nurse Erin
The right side of the front door of the building will now be automatically unlocked from 8:00 AM to 8:35 AM. This adjustment eliminates the need for students to ring the bell during these times, especially on colder mornings.
A staff member will still be stationed at the front entrance to greet students and monitor who is entering the building during this period.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we strive to make mornings more convenient while prioritizing safety.
Supporting Kids with Healthy Snacks
We all know how important it is for children to stay fueled throughout the day to support their learning, play, and growth. As kids return to school after the holiday season, we encourage families to pack nutritious, filling snacks to keep hunger at bay and energy levels high.
Why Healthy Snacks Matter
- Boost Focus: Snacks rich in nutrients help kids stay alert and ready to learn.
- Sustain Energy: Whole grains, proteins, and fruits or veggies provide long-lasting energy without the sugar crash.
- Encourage Healthy Habits: Early exposure to healthy foods helps kids develop good habits for life.
Snack Ideas
Here are some easy, nutritious snacks perfect for school:
- Fruits and Veggies: Apple slices, grapes, or carrot sticks with hummus.
- Protein Boost: String cheese, hard-boiled eggs, or yogurt cups.
- Whole Grains: Popcorn, whole-grain crackers, or granola bars.
- Fun Combos: Celery sticks with sunflower seed butter and raisins ("ants on a log").
Tips for Snack Success
- Keep It Simple: Pack snacks in easy-to-open containers.
- Portion It Right: Snacks should be satisfying but not so big they spoil lunch.
What to Watch For
Sometimes kids don’t realize how hungry they are until it’s time to focus! Packing an extra snack or checking in with your child about their appetite can help prevent mid-morning or afternoon hunger.
Thank you for helping us ensure every student has the fuel they need to thrive! If you have any questions or need more snack ideas, please let us know.
Food For Thought Program
- The salad bar is open every day at lunch, with fresh salad greens, caesar salad, fruit, and vegetables.
- A vegetarian option is available upon request.
- Breakfast is served every morning starting at 8 am. If your child would like breakfast, please have them come through the front doors upon arrival.
Safety Reminder
As the days slowly grow longer, daylight is still limited during the early morning hours, especially while students wait for the bus or walk to school. To ensure their safety, please keep the following in mind:
Enhance visibility: If your child waits for the bus near the road, make sure they are as visible as possible by having them wear bright or reflective clothing or accessories.
Stick to safe paths: If your child walks to school, remind them to use the provided sidewalks and paths. This helps keep them safely away from traffic.
Supervise younger children: Younger students benefit from walking with an older sibling or an adult, especially on darker mornings.
We appreciate your help in making sure all students arrive at school safely.
If your child has to miss a day of class, please remember to excuse the absence by emailing jeannarheinberger@sjisd.org or calling 360-378-5209. If your child has unexcused absences that need to be excused, please reach out to Jeanna.
It is important that this information, regarding absences, or change of pickup or drop off plans, comes to us from parents and/or primary caregivers not through a friend, grandparent, neighbor etc.
Thank you!
Zoom Lunch with Mrs. Wehner
Join FHES principal over Zoom for a chat or a listen.
- Thursday, January 16 11:20-12:00 pm
Meeting ID: 834 8500 2911
Passcode: 106501
Bring your questions, concerns, gratitude, and thoughts.
PTO Meetings
Click on the links below to connect with PTO:
The Next Meeting date will be:
Monday, January 13 at 5:30 pm in the Elementary School Library.
It's ok to bring your students to the meeting.
No Dogs
Please remember No Dogs are allowed on school grounds (even if they are on a leash). This includes the fields for games and practices and before and after school.
Thank you for your support 🐾
Community Connections
Wondering about local groups and businesses that offer youth activities and/or support? San Juan Island School District has them posted on our Community Partners page.
❄️Emergency Weather Information❄️
Media Links for "Snow Days" Emergency announcements will be posted on district websites, Facebook accounts, sent out via ParentLink and broadcast before school on the stations listed below. If school must be closed mid-day, this will also be announced on these stations and students will be sent home by their usual mode of transportation.
Emergency weather information affecting Bus Routes and times are provided in this link.
- KISM - 92.9 FM Bellingham
- KLKI - 1340 AM Anacortes
- KOMO - 1000 AM Seattle
- KAFE - 104.3 FM Bellingham
- KGMI - 790 AM - Bellingham
- KOMO TV 4 - Seattle
- KING TV 5-Seattle
- KVOS TV 12-Bellingham
Online Newspapers:
Friday Harbor Elementary School
Email: roslynbutcher@sjisd.org
Website: sjisd.wednet.edu
Location: 95 Grover Street, Friday Harbor, WA, USA
Phone: 360.378.5209
San Juan Island School District Commitment to Non-discrimination
San Juan Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The San Juan Island School District offers classes in many career and technical education program areas such as Culinary Arts, Career Prep, STEM, and Computer Science under its open admissions policy. For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, contact CTE Directors, Liz Varvaro, elizabethvarvaro@sjisd.org, PO Box 458, FH, WA, (360) 378-4133. Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs.
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Faith Knight, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Title IX Officer
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Becky Bell, Special Services Director, 504 Officer, ADA Coordinator, Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Fred Woods, Superintendent, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Coordinator
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-7905