Building Braves
December Parents Newsletter
What happened this month at BMS:
Bellmont Middle School had a month packed with learning and fun!! We have a lot of fun still to be had in second semester!
We ended our nine weeks with a BRAVES Day celebration! Thank you to all the parents that encouraged their students to get their assignments completed and turned in! Your continued support of your students and our school is greatly appreciated! The teachers at BMS pour their heart and soul into the students education and your support is so appreciated!
As I wrap up my first semester as the principal at BMS I am so appreciative of the opportunity to work with your students on a daily basis. I have so enjoyed my time here so far and cannot wait to start the second semester.
Upcoming events at Bellmont Middle School
Dec. 22 - Jan. 2nd Winter Break
January 3rd- Students return to school from winter break
January 15th is MLK day- NO School, potential make up day
January 26th- Family Movie Night 6:00 p.m. - 8:00p.m. at the Riverside Center
February 5th- 3rd quarter mid-term
February 7th- Flex day, no school for students, no eLearning
News from our grade levels
dodgeball frFrom our 8th grade team:
What a fast semester this first one was. We can’t believe it’s Christmas break already. We hope everyone enjoys the much-needed vacation. As we look ahead to the 2nd semester, we look forward to seeing a shift in maturity, work ethic, and self-awareness among this group. We will really be pushing the students to get work completed on time, trying their best in classes, and prioritizing schoolwork. We will meet with the high school staff to review all students and make sure they are ready academically, socially, and behaviorally for the next level. Please encourage your child to get a good night’s rest and check in with them on a weekly basis to look over their Powerschool account. You will be able to see how they are doing in class and any missing, late, or incomplete assignments they have. As SRT teachers, we will be setting personal and academic goals with each student for the 3rd nine weeks. Please ask your child about his/her goals and help them to attain them by the end of the quarter.
Enjoy the Christmas break as much as the teachers will! We look forward to seeing everyone back on January 3rd for the start of what we hope will be an amazing 2nd semester. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
From our 7th grade team:
We are happy to announce that 89% of seventh graders improved their NWEA Math score from August to December. A single digit improvement, such as 3-4 points, is good. Many students improved by 10+ points. Mr. Keller is very pleased with that performance.
On the NWEA Reading test, almost 70% improved their score, many by 10+ points also. Students will take NWEA again in May for one final opportunity to show how much they’ve learned in 7th grade.
**I want to remind parents that teachers post their daily assignments on Canvas every day. Students can look at the Canvas Calendar at any time and see exactly what was assigned that day, page numbers, due dates, etc. If a student is absent, he/she can use the Canvas Calendar to stay caught up. If your child is absent (and well enough), please encourage him/her to check Canvas for assignments.
**Finally, please monitor your child’s bedtime. We often hear students talking about going to bed after midnight on a regular basis. We all know a good night’s sleep is vitally important, especially for young people. We see a lot of kids struggling to stay awake in class at times.
From the 6th grade team:
Thank you for the great first semester! We ended the semester celebrating with a hot chocolate bar and cookies on Thursday morning before break!
From our related arts team:
ART Mrs. Wilson:
One Mans Trash, Is Another Mans Treasure!
My Artists and I are always on the lookout for supplies that are strange. Recycled items, cardboard, old craft supplies, Buttons, yarn, fabric, etc. If you know of someone who needs to declutter or have some of your own, please consider sending it our way!
Happy Recycling! - Mrs. Wilson
From our PBiS team:
We ended our 2nd nine weeks with a great BRAVES Day celebration where kids had the opportunity to play board/ card games, play dodgeball and mat ball in the gym, decorate gingerbread houses or cookies, hang out/ walk on the track, make their own ornament, or get down with Just Dance. :)
Christmas Fun!
Santa visits the classrooms
Mrs. Claus came too!
We had some fun with dress up days!
8th graders stopped to take a picture with Santa
More 8th grade
Some of our 6th graders with Santa
Mrs. North's class takes some time to snap a picture with Santa
Santa & Mrs. Pohlman
Santa with some of our 7th graders
More 7th graders w/ Santa
Admin even had some fun getting their picture taken with Santa!
Mrs. Rich's class with Santa
💡 Reminders
Please make sure that you call the front office and let us know when your child is sick :( If your child is sick more than three consecutive days we will ask that you supply a doctors note. Students have up to 5 excused absences. for illnesses, in a semester.
Jan 3rd will be our first day back from winter break! Reminder that school starts at 7:55a.m.