Beardsley News
August 3, 2023
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Important Dates
7th & 8th - 6th Gr Bear Camp Last Names A -- L
8th - New Family Orientation A -- L
9th & 10th - 6th Gr Bear Camp Last Names M -- Z
10th - New Family Orientation M -- Z
11th - Locker Set Up for Everyone
16th - 1st Day of School
25th - School Pictures
30th - Parent Night, 6th Grade
31st - Parent Night, 7th & 8th Grade
Welcome to Hannah Beardsley!
We are excited to welcome everyone back on August 16th!! Students will enter the building at 7:30 a.m. and go directly to the gym and we will dismiss to homerooms from there. You will be able to view your students schedule on August 9th in ParentVue if your Proof of Residency is current and you are enrolled for the school year.
Bear Camp for ALL 6th Graders
BEAR CAMP will be held from 8:45 - 11:00 a.m. on the following dates:
Last names A-L will attend Monday & Tuesday, August 7th & 8th
Last names M-Z will attend Wednesday & Thursday, August 9th & 10th
BEAR CAMP is for students only, and attendance for both days is encouraged, as they will be different. Please leave your school supplies at home. All you need is a water bottle!
***IMPORTANT -- The church parking lot may not be used for student pick-up or drop-off***
New Family and 6th Grade Orientation
This is a night to learn more about Hannah Beardsley, walk the school with your family. You can also drop off any school paperwork (physicals, etc.). The evening will begin with a presentation in the Main Gym.
Students with last names A - L attend with their families on Tuesday, August 8th, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Students with last names M - Z attend with their families on Thursday, August 10th, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
If you cannot attend your night, you may attend the other one.
Locker Set Up
Bring in your materials to set up your locker. There is no need to make an appointment, this is a walk in event.
We will have your locker number and combination for you to pick up when you arrive.
Friday, August 11th -- Noon to 4 pm
If you are unable to attend, students will get locker information from their homeroom teacher on the first day of school and can set up at that time.
Fall Sports
Cross Country - For All Students
Girls Conference Volleyball - 7th & 8th Grade, Tryouts August 14th & 15th
Girls City League Volleyball - 7th & 8th Grade
POMS - Learn Routine August 22nd and 23rd, Tryouts August 24th
Register Today! See the website for information!
All Sports require registering on our Athletic Website and having a current physical on file at Hannah Beardsley with our Nurse.
Reporting Student Absences via ParentVue
If a student will be absent from school, parents/guardians will need to log into ParentVue to report the absence and notify the school.
We need your help! Did you know that good attendance leads to higher success at school? Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. You can help to start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Eventually good attendance will be a skill that will help them succeed in high school and college.
How can you help us?
Schedule any dental and doctor appointments after school, if possible.
Arrive on time. Instruction begins promptly at 7:40 am. Late arrivals can be a disruption.
As new clubs begin, they will be added to our Clubs & Activities page on our website. We encourage parents and students to also check our Daily Announcements, which are posted on our website each day, to see what clubs are starting up soon.
Upcoming Events
Volunteer Procedure
Please click here for all information about the volunteer process, including the online application. We are always looking for volunteers to help make our events, activities, and fundraisers a success. We have opportunities for everyone! Your involvement in HBMS and PTO truly makes a difference. Thank you!
We Need You!
- We are currently looking for volunteers and co-chairs for the following committees:
- 6th Grade Activity Night
- 7th Grade Activity Night
- Spirit Wear In-Person Sales
- Concessions
- Honor Roll Celebration
- School Spirit and Culture
Meet the 2023-2024 HBMS PTO Board Members!
President- Kim Mazur
Vice President- Erin Kaye
Treasurer- Sharon Snow
Secretary- Tracy Vander Mey
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us!
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: @PTOHannah
For any questions please email us at hannahbeardsleypto@gmail.com
Cafeteria Menus
Peachjar E-Flyers
School Calendar
Be "In the Know" - Download the D47 app!
Contacting the School Office
Main Line 815-788-5750
Principal - Carrie Coats - cccoats@d47.org
Assistant Principal - Shannon Heckman - slheckman@d47.org
Assistant Principal - Josh Gschwend - jgschwend@d47.org
Dean of Students - Todd Skarr - tskarr@d47.org
Administrative Assistants - Troy Bretzman, Kathleen Gluck
School Nurse - Laurie Kaiser - lkaiser@d47.org