Bear Cub Bulletin
Monthly Wilmore Elementary Communication for Families
September Edition 2023
Message from Ms. Thompson
We cannot believe that August is already over and we are halfway through September. We have already enjoyed our first school-wide Dojo celebration, invited lunch visitors, and hosted our first family event of the school year.
Thanks for supporting us at Wilmore 101: Family Orientation. We loved sharing more about our day to day work to support students academically, socially, and behaviorally. Linked below are the documents we used throughout the evening to inform families about daily schedules, expectations, and student recognitions throughout the year.
We are looking forward to our annual fall Bike, Walk, or Roll to School Day on Friday, September 22nd. Linked below is the flyer with specific information and a copy of the permission slip below.
Check out the rest of the September Edition of Bear Cub Bulletin to stay up-to-date and connected to your Bear Cubs!
Reach out to me if I can support you or your Bear Cub in any way!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
- Bike, Roll, and Walk to School Day on Friday, September 22nd
- September Dojo School-wide Celebration on Friday, September 29th (Game Day for Students)
- JCS Fall Break: Monday, October 2nd-Friday, October 6th
- Custodian Appreciation Week at WES: The week of October 9th (please consider sending notes and spreading cheer to our 3 custodians during the week)
- School Safety Week-October 16th-20th
- Boosterthon PTO Fundraiser Kickoff on Monday, October 16th
- Lunch Visitors at WES on Monday, October 23rd and Tuesday, October 24th
Wilmore 101: Family Orientation Resources
Thank you to the families that visited with us during Wilmore 101. We were able to showcase and highlight how Title I supports the mission and vision of Wilmore Elementary. In addition to an overview of Title I, we were able to share highlights from our first iReady diagnostic, how we use Dojo to encourage positive behavior throughout the school building, we defined restorative practices at WES, shared some make and take math resources, and offered families a quick visit with grade level teachers.
If you had other obligations that evening, no worries, linked below are the resources that will catch you up to speed:
Dojo, JCS Graduate Profile, and Restorative Practices at WES
iReady and Grading Information for Families
Please reach out if you have questions about our curriculum or family engagment at Wilmore Elementary School.
Digital Citizenship Week
Jessamine County Schools are hosting Digital Citizenship week during September 18th-22nd. Please look for videos that you can enjoy as a family to build an awareness of social media, balancing screen time in your home, protecting your digital footprint, and defining digital citizenship as a district and what that means for your students.
At school our teachers will be making the connection between our JCS Graduate Profile attributes and being a safe digital citizen at school and at home.
Check out the preview of one of the videos that will be shared with our district stakeholders linked below:
Moderation - Media Balance and Wellbeing (Kids talking about too much)
Digital Citizenship Week in Jessamine County Schools
Throughout the week of September 18th, our students will dive into how to be a safe digital citizen as we celebrate Digital Citizenship Week. Our slogan for this week will be to Respect, Educate, Protect. We will also be posting a series of videos created at the district level to help inform, educate and to bring awareness to our community.
Lunch Visitors at WES
Each month we will share communication about hosting visitors in the cafeteria. We will reserve a special location in our hall of flags or the Memory Garden (weather permitting) for you and your child. We want you to enjoy your child and learn more about their school experience, so we will not invite friends to be included in the special lunch. Please consider eating lunch provided by our cafeteria staff instead of bringing outside food. This is to protect our students and their dietary needs.
We are now able to accept debit/credit payments. If you are paying with cash, please bring EXACT CHANGE with either cash or you can pay with a check. We are NOT able to make change. If exact change is not provided, any change due will be deposited onto the student's account.
**Any adult or visitor meals (including children) are $2.90 for Breakfast and $4.85 for Lunch. Meals are provided to all JCS students at NO COST.
All visitors MUST check-in at the front office through our Raptor Technology system and will be invited to the cafeteria only. Please plan to exit the school when your child's homeroom teacher picks up their class.
Join us on October 23rd or October 24th
Grade Level Lunch Times:
1st Grade: 11:10-11:40
2nd Grade: 11:00-11:30
3rd Grade: 12:05-12:35
4th Grade: 11:55-11:25
5th Grade: 11:30-12:00
Mr. Sandberg will communicate details about Jump Rope Club that will begin on Mondays after fall break from 3:00-4:00.
Mrs. Hendershot will host Art Club for 4th and 5th grade students this fall on Thursday afternoons until 4:00.
Mr. Armstrong will be hosting the Academic Team and will communicate specifics about that soon.
Mrs. Stringer will host Music Makers on Thursdays until 4:00.
Pay attention to Dojo announcements for additional details and opportunities for your Bear Cub.
Music Makers Opportunity
Are you a 4th or 5th grader who loves to sing and perform!? Wilmore Music Makers is an after-school choir ensemble that meets Thursdays until 4:00pm. We will begin October 12th, and prepare music for our annual Winter Wonderland Concert in December!
Registration is FREE and spots are limited to 30 performers.
Google Sign-Up here:
Bike, Walk, and/or Roll to School Day on Friday, September 22nd
On Friday, September 22nd, Wilmore Elementary students are invited to bike, walk, or roll to and from school. The Wilmore Police Department will escort bikers and walkers to and from school (if you choose). We will gather in the Wilmore United Methodist Church parking (209 East Main Street) at 7:15 and will leave the parking lot via police escort at 7:20. You do not need to complete a permission slip if your child is only riding, rolling, walking to school in the morning and you are meeting them at WES at 2:50 for dismissal.
However, IF you would like your child to participate in the end of day bike/ walk escort back to the church parking lot, you MUST complete this permission slip and return it to the front office by Tuesday, September 19th. Again, you do not have to complete a permission slip if your child is only riding or walking to school during the morning escort and you are meeting them at WES in the afternoon. We only need this permission slip for students that will be dismissed from Wilmore Elementary on Friday afternoon to participate in the return to the church via police escort.
All participants are encouraged to wear a helmet and review bike safety guidelines prior to participation.
Bike, Walk, and Roll to School Day Permission Slip (for the return trip from school to the church)
CUBS in Action: Attributes and Attitudes of a JCS Graduate
Read about the attributes and attitudes that describe our school and district expectations. We believe these characteristics are required of successful leaders and trailblazers who graudate from Jessamine County Public Schools.
You child has been learning about these as they collaborate with their classmates to create core values and mission statements for this school year.
JCS Graduate Profile Attributes:
- Work Ethic
- Responsibility
- Communication
- Connected Citizenship
- Critical Thinking
Meals at No Cost for ALL Students (Information about the Educational Benefit Form for JCS)
All Jessamine County schools will participate in CEP for the 2023/24 School Year. ALL students in ALL schools may enjoy one Breakfast & one Lunch at NO COST. Please support this program by encouraging your student to take advantage of our school meal programs. Student participation makes this affordable for our school district.
Schools qualify for funding opportunities based on the number of students eligible for Free/Reduced meals. In order to have these eligibilities, all households are asked to complete the Educational Benefit Form (paper version) or the Meal Assistance Application (online version found in IC Parent Portal).
Households whose students qualify for a Free or Reduced Eligibility also benefit from having some school/athletic fees waived or reduced.
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is a provision from the Healthy, Hunger-Free Act of 2010 that allows schools and local educational agencies (LEA’s) with high poverty rates to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students. CEP eliminates the burden of collecting household applications to determine eligibility for school meals, relying instead on information from other means-tested programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
Broadway in JCS
Hear from Broadway's Original Aladdin, and our new friend, Adam Jacobs!
Tickets: Use code JESSCO20 for an additional 20% off your already discounted employee price!
Can't attend? You can donate to the cause HERE Thank you for supporting us!
On September 23rd, JCS Arts is joining forces with our arts community, public schools, and Broadway stars to bring you a magical evening full of musical theatre!
“Love, Broadway” is a benefit concert with two purposes:
1.) Provide performance and coaching opportunities for local artists to work and share with industry professionals, and
2.) to raise funds to support arts programming in Jessamine County!
We invite you to join us as Broadway's Adam Jacobs, Erika Henningsen and Krystina Alabado take the stage alongside local talent for our fall benefit concert, “Love, Broadway” this September!
Our Financial Goals:
-Fund community productions in our community, including staffing, production materials, and staging
-Purchase resources, instruments, and materials for our Jessamine County Arts Programs
-Upgrade our school theatre auditoriums that are used for both school and community performances
-Provide out of school opportunities such as field trips, guest artists, and professional development for our teachers and students in Jessamine County Schools
-Provide special funding for our after school Arts+ programming, which provides additional arts opportunities for students in core arts content areas such as visual art, theatre, dance, instrumental and vocal music
Prize Patrol Picnic
Mrs. Adams and Ms. Thompson will host a Prize Patrol Picnic on Wednesday, September 27th for all students who earned a Prize Patrol certficiate in August and September. Students who stand out in a positive way may be recognized by any staff member in the building and earns an opportunity to eat with the principals and discuss whats going well at WES and suggest additional opportunities to make our school the best learning environment for students.
September WES Counselor Newsletter
Here is the link to the WES Counselor Newsletter: September Edition. This is a great resource for families to stay in the know about lessons, tips, and self-regulation that our counselor's are teaching Bear Cubs each month.
Cubnection: We are so excited to continue our Cubnection program! Research shows positive student-teacher relationships are impactful for students of all ages. Each student in our building has been assigned a Cubnection adult that will meet with them once a month! Cubnection meeting days will be on monthly DoJo celebration days. This relationship will last the students entire time at WES. The goal of Cubnection is for each student to know they have a trusted adult, aside from their homeroom teacher, in the building!
Click here to access the Parent Referral Form if you would like to refer your child to the school counselors. You can also reach us through your child’s class on Dojo!
Educational Benefit Forms Details (Online or Paper Copies Available)
Households are required to complete every school year AFTER July 1 to qualify for Educational Benefits.
Online Meal Assistance applications are located in the Infinite Campus Parent portal. These applications will be electronically processed, assigning a Free or Reduced meal eligibility to students based on household income.
Paper Educational Benefit Forms are available at each school’s office. Students will be assigned a Free or Reduced meal eligibility based on household income. Any EBF that does not include income will be processed and students in that household will be assigned a PAID eligibility and will not be eligible for fee waivers. The paper EBF should be returned to your child’s school or to the Food service office to be processed.
Any student in a household who does not complete the online Meal Assistance Application or the paper Educational Benefit Form will be considered “PAID” and will not be eligible for waived or reduced fees.
If you need documentation of your child’s eligibility, please contact Allison or Mary Ann in the Food Service Office at 859-887-9274.
Check out the Food Service Newsletter for additional links and details.
UFLI Family Resource Hub: Supporting Literacy at Home
Welcome to the University of Florida Literacy Institute’s Parent Resource Hub! This collection of web-based language and literacy resources was compiled and curated by UFLI faculty and graduate students. We are adding to and refining these resources regularly, so check back often!
Common Sense Media: Tips for Families
Check out the resources on Common Sense Media about how to navigate social media with your child.
Give Back Every Time You Shop at Kroger!
Connecting with Wilmore Elementary
Location: 150 Campground Lane, Wilmore, KY, USA
Phone: (859)858-3134
Follow us on Facebook
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Mission and Vision of Wilmore Elementary
Mission and Vision Statements
Mission Statement:
The mission of Wilmore Elementary School is to create a safe, personalized learning environment that embraces the whole child, focuses on continuous growth, and prepares our students to positively contribute to our families, our communities, and our world.
Vision Statement:
The core purpose of WES is to create a personalized learning environment for each student, where teachers collaborate to use research-driven, high-impact practices paired with rigorous curriculum to ensure high levels of growth and learning for all.