Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
New take-home learning activities every Friday.
Wednesday and Friday
7:50 am
11:45 am
OCTOBER Event Calendar
October 5th - Touch a Truck/Community Helpers
October 15th - No SchoolOctober 19th - Policy Council Meeting
October 21st - Parent Meeting/Fall Literacy Event
October 26th - Picture Retakes
October 27th - Late Start
Letter from the Principal
The month of September flew by at BBEC! Thank you for all of our parents that attended P/T Conferences. A quick note of thanks for Kathy Gemaehlich and our team at Child Care. They were able to open two additional classrooms and enroll almost 30 more students in less than two months. That was hard work and we appreciate their efforts.
Our teachers have been working hard in both their classrooms as well as in training. Also, a big thanks to Sheila Bertelsen and many of our teachers and paraprofessionals for hosting our Read and Rise events for parents at the end of September.
You may have noticed that both our child care and Pre-K playgrounds are being re-surfaced. We are excited about how much fun they will be to play on when they are complete.
If your child ever needs to quarantine--please be aware that we have home learning packets that we can provide to continue the learning process. Please contact your child's teacher to inquire about them if you need them.
Thanks to all of our parents that have completed their monthly calendars. If you have not done so--it is never too late. They are fun to do and by completing them, you are helping us meet our in-kind demands from Head Start.
As always, thank you for choosing to send your child to BBEC. We're are having great year.
Arthur Barker
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center/Sunnyside Pre-K
We still have spots for qualifying children!
Thursday, Oct 21, 2021, 05:00 PM
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center Gym
Contact Valerie Gastelum at 620-371-1220 or gastelum.valerie@usd443.org
Bright Beginnings Child Care
Early Head Start Home Visitation
Our first Policy Council Meeting took place on September 21st, 2021. Thank you so much to the members who participated. If you have questions, or would like to be a member of the Policy Council, please contact your teacher or advocate, or ask for Bianca Alvarez.
Items approved at the last meeting include Classroom Designs and Allocation, the Non Federal Share Rates, and the HR Secretary position.
Please click here to read more about Policy Council.
A Note From Miss Melyssa
In our Bright Beginnings Family, we are learning how to be friends and be kind to each other. Your children have opportunities every day on how to notice the good in themselves and each other. Help your child learn how to put on their "heart-shaped glasses" (pretend and a real pair if you can find them) to practice noticing. When someone's choices might seem hurtful and not helpful to their school and home families, we can connect with that are dong well. "I see my friend is using their words. Let's remind them to use different words."
For example, "I hear your words. Match my quiet voice. I notice you are excited to play today. What could we do first?" Notice the things that are going well. "You cleaned up the toys from the house center. Your friend played with those too. Let's invite them to be helpful." Noticing brings confidence. Confidence brings assertiveness and connections. Connections build safety and belonging. Keep practicing with your children and watch how they can grow.
Remember many of these ideas and activities are on Bright Beginnings Google Site. Click HERE to join in! Please click on the Parent Sign in to let us know how you are learning with your child.
You will find videos of read-a-louds, fun ways to teach rhyming and connecting and so much more! Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family.
Wishing you Well! ~Miss Melyssa
Vision and Hearing play a big role in children’s learning and development.
Vision concerns might not always lead to glasses. The optometrist might just want to monitor your child or they might find glasses are necessary to help them in their learning and development.
Hearing concerns may have many causes. It may be that a child has an ear infection and a doctor may prescribe antibiotics to heal the infection or maybe the child just needs ear wax removed. They might need ear tubes to help them hear.
Concerns/Referrals don’t always indicate that it is a lifelong problem. But if it is not address now, it can have an impact on the child’s learning and development.
If you receive a referral letter that indicates the screening we did at school showed a concern, your child should get checked out by an eye doctor for vision and/or their primary care doctor for the hearing. Our screenings at school are not a complete evaluation.
Masks will be optional for all students and staff. Sanitizing stations will be available in high traffic areas.
Please click here for any updated information.