🌞 Open 🌞 Announcements
February 11, 2024
❤️ Candy Grams ❤️
The Sophomore Class is selling
Candy Grams
Purchase yours at RPS Online School Payments
and complete this form to write your message.
Dear Open High Family,
It's Spirit Week at Open! Can't wait to see students' 🔥 fits during this special Valentine's Week ❤️ Let's make demonstrations of love and kindness and joy the norm.
Parents, Teachers, and Students!
Join us Tuesday, February 13 at 6:30 pm
for our monthly PTSA Meeting on Zoom.
This is your school so make your voices heard!
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86474876130?pwd=aWhDbFcrbEtGdk1LZ09lNmE1NkJlQT09
Cell Phone Pouch Update
Most students seem to regard the pouches as a minor inconvenience and not that big of a deal. I did collect a few phones last week, so here are a few reminders:
- Cell phones should be locked in pouches before students enter classrooms.
- Students who forget their pouch should come to the office first thing in the morning to turn their phone in. It will be returned at lunchtime.
- Students can leave their phone/pouch in their car.
- Staff member have been instructed to collect any phone seen between 8:30 - 11:35 AM and 12:35-3:30 PM. Students will receive one warning and then parents will be asked to come collect at the end of the day.
Tomorrow we'll announce the winner of the OHS Pouch Art Contest. What talented students we have!
Monday, February 12
- Virtual Italy Travel Meeting (pass code: EA1CNx), 6 pm
Tuesday, February 13
- After-school Tutoring, 3:30 pm, Rm 209
- Drivers Ed Permit Testing (select students), 3:30 pm
- Drivers Ed Parent Meeting, 5 - 6:30 pm Virtual Google Link Read more here.
- Virtual PTSA Mtg, 6:30 pm (see link above)
Wednesday, February 14
- Valentine's Day Breakfast
- After-school Tutoring, 3:30 pm, Rm 209
Thursday, February 15
- Family after electives
Friday, February 16
- Enjoy the long weekend!
- 2/19, RPS Closed for President's Day
- 2/20, End of Interim 3
- 2/26, WinterFest, RPL, 5:30 - 7:30 pm (see flyer below)
- 2/27, Field Trip to Anon (ymous) at VCU Singleton Center
- 3/8, Defy Health/PE Field Trip, Grades 9-10
- 3/12-13, Writing SOL (All 11th graders)
- 3/14, Pie Day Race
Check out the new Student Opportunities below!
With love and gratitude,
Clary W. Carleton, Principal
#openhearts #openminds #openhive
(804) 780-4661
Student Opportunities!
Blue Sky Fund-Outdoor Leadership Institute
The Outdoor Leadership Institute is a year-long program for high school students from the Richmond area. This program brings together students from diverse economic and cultural backgrounds for an immersive 5-day wilderness trip and monthly community service projects, designed to foster individual growth, increase personal resiliency, and cultivate leadership skills. Apply today for this unique leadership opportunity!
The James River Association's Leadership Expedition is a week-long canoe trip on the James River (!!), plus a weekend in November at Presquile Island (a truly amazing place), a Saturday in January, and a Saturday in May. Applications are due by April 3rd. Check out the website: https://thejamesriver.org/students-of-the-james/james-river-leadership-expeditions/
Introduce A Girl To Engineering Webinar
On Feb. 22, join a 1-hour panel discussion featuring current female engineering students as they address topics related to transitioning from high school to college, networking, and an open forum to specific questions. This webinar is catered to students that are currently in high school, but all students are welcome to attend. Register on the attached link.
Partnership for the Future Ninth grade students who intend to go to college should consider applying. There will be a Virtual Information Session on Monday, Feb 12 at 6:30 PM.
Open High School
Email: cwashing@rvaschools.net
Website: https://ohs.rvaschools.net/
Location: 600 South Pine Street, Richmond, VA, USA
Phone: 8047804661
Instagram: @openhighrva
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialopenhighschoolpage/
Merchandise Store: https://tinyurl.com/nfp5yzay