Kennedy News
March Edition #KENNEDYBEST
Note from Mr. Rustad: Engaging in Learning at Kennedy
Kennedy Families,
March is here! Each day brings an adventure - it might be warm and sunny or cold and snowy. At Kennedy, March means that we are heating up in our learning and making sure that all students are engaging and achieving at their highest level. We talk a lot about what it means to "E" engage at Kennedy to show your Kennedy BEST. The main thing we teach students is that engaging in learning every day will help all students do their best.
One important way that parents can stay engaged in their students learning is by participating in conferences. Our final round of conferences will be happening on March 23, 25, and 29. The conferences will be virtual. Conferences are a great opportunity parents to hear about how their students are doing academically as well as socially and emotionally. See the note below to sign up for conferences.
March is also a time that we start to think about end of the year assessments. Our students will be participating in several assessments to show their growth. All students participate in NWEA and DIBELS. Our 3rd - 5th graders will also be participating in the MCAs. Testing schedules will be shared by teachers at a later date. These assessments are important to provide feedback around the learning that students have been doing and the growth that they have experienced this year.
Thank you to all of our Kennedy families for continuing to support your kids in math and reading at home. You have all taken on a lot over the last year and it is greatly appreciated.
We Are Kennedy!
Steve Rustad
Conferences are Coming Soon!
Deadline for Transitions between Learning Models
As we transition into the spring season and the final stretch of the school year, I want to communicate that the opportunity for students to move between the K-5 Safe Learning Plan (Hybrid/In-Person) and K-5 Distance Learning (MOA) models will have an end date.
Mankato Elementary Schools will be closing the window for students to transition from the Distance Learning model (MOA) back to the building Safe Learning Plan (Hybrid/In-Person) on March 25th, 2021.
This means any student planning to transition to In-Person Learning before the end of the 2020-2021 school year, must request to switch models prior to March 25th.
If you have any specific questions, please contact Kennedy Elementary, (507) 387-2122.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Science Fair Update
Leprechaun Bingo is Back!
We will be playing Leprechaun Bingo as a school on Thursday, March 18th at 12:45 p.m. We are still collecting prizes for our lucky winners. If you are able to help, please have all prizes to school as soon as possible. In an effort to follow COVID health and safety guidelines, we ask that all donations are delivered by the morning of Wednesday, March 17th. Thank you for all of your help!
January Kennedy B.E.S.T. Students of the Month
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
February Kennedy B.E.S.T. Students of the Month
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Important Upcoming Dates for Kennedy Students
March 19, 2021 - NO SCHOOL - Conference Prep/Grading Day for Teachers
March 23, 25, and 29, 2021 - Virtual Conferences - Click here for link to register to register
March 31-April 2, 2021 - Spring Break
April 14, 2021 - Distance Learning Day
Team Kennedy Rocked the Climb2Feed Kids Backpack Food Challenge!
A huge shout out goes to Team Captain, Jessie Kelly, for organizing and leading a strong Climb2Feed Kids team that raised funds for the BackPack & Power Pack Food Program!
Teams raised enough funds to continue to provide food & fuel on the weekends and school breaks to roughly 900 students every week!
Register for the Backpack Food Program
Important Information for Kennedy Families
Kennedy Elementary School
Steve Rustad
Assuring learning excellence and readiness for a changing world
Email: ke@isd77.org
Website: https://ke.isd77.org/
Location: 2600 East Main Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: (507) 387-2122
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ISD77MAPS/
Twitter: @ISD77MAPS